Podcast FAQ

12 tribes podcast

by Granville Baumbach Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the Living the Dream podcast?

The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven.

What is inspired by Luwamé podcast?

Jam-packed with inspiration, encouragement, life hacks, and easy to implement action steps, the Inspired by Luwamé podcast is the ambitious woman’s best friend.

What are the Zeal Archives?

Have you ever wondered how long King Guardia has reigned for? Or wanted to know more about Lucca's (and her family's) crazy inventions? The Zeal Archives explores the world of Chrono Trigger one bit at a time covering the characters, items, mechanics, locales and lore with a dose of your hosts', T and G , personal experiences with the game mixed in. Each episode contains a healthy potion of the above and is bookended by short vignettes of two characters, T and G, who are trapped in the world ...

What are the seven words that describe the passion and the person of Jesus as he hung suspended on the cross?

MERCY. REPENT. TRIBE. ABANDONED. THIRSTY. JUSTIFIED. ZEST. These seven words exemplify the passion and the person of Jesus as He hung suspended on the cross. Twice a week, beginning, March 5, MDPC will post episodes of a few of our staff and members as they share their personal stories, each centering around one of these words.

Who are the hosts of Bookish Brown Girls?

Welcome to Bookish Brown Girls Podcast. Hosts: Kay Blake & B.L. McGrew A podcast discussing all things lit (literature) by woc & the issues that arise being a woc who writes books, life and other various topics. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/bookishbrowngirls/support

What is the podcast for Hearthstone Arena?

A Hearthstone Arena & Battlegrounds Podcast with ADWCTA & Merps of the Grinning Goat. The Lightforge is a weekly podcast that digs deep into the Hearthstone Arena and Battlegrounds meta to help you grab that 12-Win Lightforge Key and become the Last Hero Standing. Hearthstone is always changing, and the Lightforge is the best podcast for staying on top of the game. Co-hosts ADWCTA and Merps are infinite Arena players since beta, averaging ~7.5 wins/run in the Arena with all classes played ev ...

Plagues: 6-prong plan is not about Fr66dom

To vaxx or not to vaxx, that is the controversial question. While we sit and research the pros and cons and listen to endless discussions and news reports about the subject, we find ourselves in a great deal of distress and uncertainty. Questioning everybody and everything.

For the Generations: Education

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters:When examining the spending habits of the wealthy towards their children, they invest greatly in their education. Therefore they do not have the common complaints of our people in regards to the public school system.

For the Generations: Accountability

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters: Our people have been taught by religions to not take accountability. Therefore in matters pertaining to their life they do not consider their actions to be the cause of their suffering.

Renew our Days as of Old 6: Bait and Switch

When it comes to holidays the bait has always been that it is about Christ. However most of the worldly holidays are not mentioned in the Bible, especially by name. Except for one, which is Easter and only in the King James Version of the Bible. This one time occurrence shows the masterful switch the Roman Catholic Church orchestrated against …

Sabbath Your Minds: The Feasts

Did you know that there are days similar to the Sabbath? Those days are called holy convocations (gathering) just like the Sabbath. Leviticus 23:2 “Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts.” A unknown fact is that the Sabbath …

Sabbath Your Minds: The Meaning

In this class we took some time to explain the meaning of the word Sabbath. After listening, if you reflect on the past few classes titled “Sabbath Your Minds” it will be easy to admit that what said in this class is true. Weren’t the words you heard in the past “Sabbath Your Minds” comforting? Those lessons gives you insight …

I Want To Be HEARD!

This generation wants an audience and a following in many platforms, but if you’re like me, you just want to be heard by God. Then the question of whether my prayer is acceptable or am I praying properly is a concern. There are many misconceptions and ignorance pertaining to prayer, to the point that it is a hindrance. Today’s lesson …


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