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a word fitly spoken podcast

by Reed Rempel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent

Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent are all traditions that are connected. But are they biblical? Michelle and Amy dig deep into Scripture to explain why sweet treats and parades are fun, the theology behind these traditions are far from biblical truth.

All the Single Ladies

What does God’s Word have to say about being single? A lot! A Christian woman who is single, r egardless of whether she never married, has been divorced, is widowed, etc., can honor God in her daily life just as any married woman can. Unfortunately many single church members say they are treated as second-class citizens by their church families.

Love And Marriage

Hollywood marriages last about as long as peanut butter cups in a bowl full of raisins. Not much of a shelf life, and not based on Christ.

Seeing Jesus Clearly – with Elizabeth Prata

Have you ever wanted to see Jesus more clearly? In this episode, Amy and Michelle interview Elizabeth Prata, a writer, published author, teacher and learner who points her readers and listeners to Jesus Christ through the study of His Holy Word. We invite you to connect with Elizabeth through her blog, The End Time.

Abortion Abolition with Brett Baggett

Sunday, January 23, is Sanctity of Life Sunday.

Glad You Asked – January 2022

It’s another interesting episode of “Glad You Asked,” a chance for you to ask us questions about where we stand on theological issues. Amy and Michelle believe the Bible – what God’s true, breathed-out Word says – trumps any opinions we may have! In this episode we cover:

Christmas Dinner with the Sexual Sinner

How should a Christian relate to someone in their lives who is obviously living in sexual sin, without appearing to condone this marriage? Thankfully, God does not leave us without answers. As with every other issue in life, our thinking, our words, and our actions must be shaped by and in submission to the authority of Scripture.

Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent

Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent are all traditions that are connected. But are they biblical? Michelle and Amy dig deep into Scripture to explain why sweet treats and parades are fun, the theology behind these traditions are far from biblical truth.

All the Single Ladies

What does God's Word have to say about being single? A lot! A Christian woman who is single, r egardless of whether she never married, has been divorced, is widowed, etc., can honor God in her daily life just as any married woman can. Unfortunately many single church members say they are treated as second-class citizens by their church families.

Love And Marriage

Hollywood marriages last about as long as peanut butter cups in a bowl full of raisins. Not much of a shelf life, and not based on Christ.

Seeing Jesus Clearly - with Elizabeth Prata

Have you ever wanted to see Jesus more clearly? In this episode, Amy and Michelle interview Elizabeth Prata, a writer, published author, teacher and learner who points her readers and listeners to Jesus Christ through the study of His Holy Word. We invite you to connect with Elizabeth through her blog, The End Time.

Abortion Aboliton with Brett Baggett

Sunday, January 23, is Sanctity of Life Sunday.

Glad You Asked! January 2022

It's another interesting episode of “Glad You Asked,” a chance for you to ask us questions about where we stand on theological issues. Amy and Michelle believe the Bible - what God’s true, breathed-out Word says - trumps any opinions we may have! In this episode we cover:

Evangelical Resolutions Wish List!

We usually don't make resolutions, BUT, just for fun, we thought we'd share some resolutions we wish some of the celebrity teachers would make for 2022! As Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." We hope you enjoy the humor in these in-jest resolutions.

Cursed Lands

Sin influences more than just our lives and the lives of others. Sin also leads to a curse being laid upon the creation itself.

Revelation: Gospel in Darkness

Revelation 14 gives us a picture of hope after the vision of the dragon and his beasts.

Philipp Jakob Spener

Join us as we consider the problems of the seventeenth century, Spener's own life, and how his famous work speaks to us today.

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