Podcast FAQ

anchor podcast analytics

by Dr. Phyllis Walsh II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What's new in anchor's podcast analytics?

Today, Anchor’s podcast analytics got an updated design and several brand new ways to learn more about who’s listening and how your episodes are performing.

Where can I find analytics for my podcast?

You can find analytics for your podcast under Your Podcast Performance, right on your web dashboard. To improve the depth and dependability of Anchor analytics, we are adding some of Spotify's data points - like age, gender and episode performance - to Anchor analytics.

Why has anchor added Spotify data to my podcast analytics?

To improve the depth and dependability of Anchor analytics, we are adding some of Spotify's data points - like age, gender and episode performance - to Anchor analytics. Now you can get even more personalized information on your podcast's performance.

How can I see more information about my podcast's performance?

Now you can get even more personalized information on your podcast's performance. You can view the following from your analytics dashboard: Total plays for your podcast includes plays across all of the external platforms you're distributed to, and accounts for plays of all distributed episodes for your show


How do I find the podcast Anchor in analytics?

You can find analytics for your podcast under Your Podcast Performance, right on your web dashboard. To improve the depth and dependability of Anchor analytics, we are adding some of Spotify's data points - like age, gender and episode performance - to Anchor analytics.

Can you see Spotify analytics on Anchor?

In addition to viewing your podcast analytics in Anchor, you can also access your podcast's stats directly on Spotify! If you have yet to set up your Spotify for Podcasters account, you can use the instructions below to guide you.

How long does it take for analytics on Anchor?

There is typically a 24 hour delay on your analytics reporting in your Anchor dashboard. We recommend checking back in 24 hours to see if your data looks correct.

Can you see who listens to your podcast on Anchor?

But starting today, Anchor can show you reliable demographic information for your listeners, including anonymized and aggregated age ranges and gender breakdown of your audience.

Does Anchor count your own plays?

Plays of an episode on Anchor won't count as ad impressions unless the ad itself was heard (as opposed to some other part of the episode)

Can you see how many listeners a podcast has on Spotify?

Apps such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts have no way for the public to see how many listeners or streams a show has. Only the podcast host or publisher has access to these stats.

How do I get more Anchor views?

Connect with your listeners.Create a website for your podcast.Build an email list and send out regular newsletters.Post about every new episode on your personal handles.Use relevant hashtags.Reply to comments.Post in relevant Facebook and Reddit groups.Reach out to another show to cross-promote with them.

Does Anchor own your podcast?

Non-exclusive: We are not giving ourselves ownership of your content. You own the content and are free to put it anywhere you choose at any time. Moreover, you can choose if, where, and how to monetize your podcast, on Anchor or anywhere else.

Is Anchor a good podcast host?

Anchor has several other great features for podcasters, such as in-depth analytics, a sponsorship with no minimum listenership, and a website for your podcast and all other related social media links. Anchor also makes recording with friends as easy as possible in the app. And of course, Anchor is free to use.

Can someone tell if you listened to their podcast?

But to quickly answer our topic question, “Can Podcast Owners See Who Listens?”, the answer is no! You cannot see exactly who is listening to your podcast.

Can you make money from Anchor?

Anchor offers two ways for you to make money from your podcasts. You can make money through Sponsorships and Listener Support. Through Sponsorships, Anchor pairs you with different brands. You can record ads for your brand sponsors and then add them as ad breaks during your podcasts.

How many podcast listeners make money?

10,000 listeners per episode allow you to make money with podcasting ads.

1. Keep an ear on listener data to inform your decisions

Spotify only supplies data in aggregate trends—not for individual users. Here are two types of listener data you should pay close attention to.

2. Revisit your greatest hits to plan future content

Anchor displays your most-played episodes in your selected time range. You should be proud of all the content you create, but knowing which episodes performed particularly well gives you a roadmap to continue producing content that listeners love.

3. Review listening platform data to see how people consume your content

The listening platform section of your analytics tells you which apps and devices people use to play your show. You can use these insights to make more relevant calls to action, or even tailor your show to mobile or desktop. If the majority of your fans use mobile devices, they’re probably listening to your show on the go.

4. Evaluate episode drop-off to increase average listen time

Powered by Spotify’s streaming technology, drop-off data gives you a second-by-second breakdown of how many listeners stay tuned in throughout the duration of an episode.

Know the numbers to grow the numbers

You devote countless hours to creating content that your fans love, so it's important that those hours are spent laying the foundation for growth.

Audience demographics

Now Anchor’s analytics include charts that show the aggregated age and gender of your Spotify listeners. These metrics are a useful approximation of your audience across all listening platforms, and they help you determine at a glance which audiences your podcast is reaching and who has yet to discover your show.

Episode drop-off

Anchor’s new episode drop-off data shows how many listeners are tuning into your episodes at any given second, so you can measure which segments are the most engaging and which ones might need improvement.

What is Anchor's goal?

Here’s everything you need to know. Anchor’s goal is to make sure everyone has the opportunity to get their voice heard. That means making it super easy to create and distribute a podcast, and also making sure podcasters have everything needed to grow their audience.

What is the play chart for podcasts?

The podcast plays chart has always showed your plays over time, but now it shows when you published each episode, and which episodes most contribute to peaks in your plays.

Estimated Audience Size

For a single, overarching idea of how your podcast is performing, you can look to the new Estimated Audience Size for your podcast. This is the average number of plays your episodes get within 30 days after publishing, which is a great indicator of how many people are listening to your podcast.

Upgrades to current stats

Your overall podcast plays chart is now more detailed, giving you the ability to see which episodes are driving the most listens. The podcast plays chart has always showed your plays over time, but now it shows when you published each episode, and which episodes most contribute to peaks in your plays.

See where and how your listeners are hearing you

We’ve added a brand new listener geolocation chart that lists the countries around the world where your audience is hearing your podcast. It’s a great way to see how global your audience is, and identify any markets around the world where you might want to develop your presence. You can drill down into country, region, and city.

New ways to sort your episode list

Under the Episodes tab on your Anchor dashboard, you can now sort your list of episodes by anything you want — like the episode name, date published, number of listens, or length.


Total Plays

  1. For new podcasts, this data will only show once your show has received at least 5 plays
  2. Total plays for your podcast includes all downloads and plays of 60 seconds or more across all of the external platforms you're distributed to
  1. For new podcasts, this data will only show once your show has received at least 5 plays
  2. Total plays for your podcast includes all downloads and plays of 60 seconds or more across all of the external platforms you're distributed to

Plays Per Episode

  1. This is the average number of plays your recent episodes received in their first few weeks
  2. This metric was previously “Estimated audience”, but Plays per episode provides more clarity on what the stat is really telling you
  3. This is a great way to help you predict the average number of plays you can expect to receive for each episode you publish
  1. This is the average number of plays your recent episodes received in their first few weeks
  2. This metric was previously “Estimated audience”, but Plays per episode provides more clarity on what the stat is really telling you
  3. This is a great way to help you predict the average number of plays you can expect to receive for each episode you publish
  4. The number displayed in your plays per episode will fluctuate based on the frequency with which you publish new episodes

Audience Size

  1. This is the number of distinct devices that downloaded or streamed an episode in the last 7 days
  2. This metric was previously "unique listeners," and is calculated in the same way. Your audience may watch or listen to your podcast, so audience size better describes this
See more on help.anchor.fm


  • Your podcast plays can be viewed at a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly level. After selecting a desired date range, hovering over a particular day will show you: 1. Your top 3 played episodes within that timeframe 2. The total number of plays across all of your other episodes 3. A purple dot on the bottom will show if you published any new episodes on that day
See more on help.anchor.fm

Episode Rankings

  • We surfaceall of your episodes sorted by playsfor your podcast here. Your Playsare on the right side, and each bar represents a single episode, with the episode's title on the left.
See more on help.anchor.fm

Gender and Age

  • Gender and Age 1. View 'Gender' for a % breakdown of your listener base on how they identify (female, male, non-binary, not specified) 2. View 'Age' for a breakdown of the age groups that interact with and consume your podcast's content 3. This data is helpful in getting to know your audience better, whether you’re established or just starting out 4. This data can help you tailor yo…
See more on help.anchor.fm

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