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andrew wilkow podcast

by Paolo Greenfelder Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Civil Rights Legislation Is Not Meant To Be Revenge

Andrew Wilkow discusses President Biden's upcoming Supreme Court justice nomination to replace Justice Breyer. Expanding on Biden's promise to nominate a Black Woman Andrew looks back at past minority nominations to to the bench. Through past audio Andrew shows the reactions, delays, and blocking…

Anti-Mandate Isn't Anti-Vax

Despite the messaging of the Biden Administration, opposing vaccine mandates does not make you a conspiracy theorist who is anti-vaccine.

School Curriculum Transparency

Parents with children in public schools have questions about school curriculums, but liberals are labeling any criticism of the system as racism.

Biden Holds Rare Press Conference

President Biden's rare press conference left the American people with more questions than answers about his agenda.

Saber Rattling with Russia

The Biden Admin. is saber rattling with Russia, to draw attention away from his abysmal poll numbers at home.

Domestic Terror Threat

Leftists in DC want you to forget about the threat of radical Islamic terrorism and begin associating the MAGA crowd with domestic terror.

Domestic Terrorism Taskforce - Who Is The Real Problem?

Andrew Wilkow discusses the newly formed Domestic Terrorism Taskforce. The Democrats say that the public needs this for our safety. Instead of looking at the dangers from foreign cartels or Islamic terrorists groups, they are looking at suburban business owners and suburban white people that have…


"Raised during Reagan, suffered through Clinton" - Andrew Wilkow provides perfectly executed political analysis and unmistakable opinions in "one thing and one thing only...and that is rational thought."

Recommended Reading

In relationships, timing is everything. And the timeline on Jeff Zucker and Allison Gollust’s coupledom is not only off by more than two decades, say sources who have worked with the pair.

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