What happened to Angie Dodge?
After interrogation, Dripps confessed to the rape and murder of Angie Dodge. Dripps was reported to have said he only meant to rape Angie Dodge and had not meant to kill her. In February 2021, Dripps pled guilty to the crime.
Was Angie Dodge’s case the first case to use familial searching?
While the Angie Dodge case is not the first case to use familial searching, officials involved in the investigation claim its success will propel its use in future criminal investigations. The long-term impact of this case on familial searching opinions and usage remains to be seen. ^ a b c dBrown, Ruth (May 21, 2019).
Who is Chris Tapp and what happened to dodge?
During the first stages of the investigation, Idaho Falls officials suspected 20-year-old, Chris Tapp, to be one of the multiple participants in the rape and murder of Dodge.

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In Episode 344
18-year old Angie Dodge had just moved into her first apartment in 1996 when her life was suddenly and violently snuffed out. In 1998, a young man named Christopher Tapp was convicted of Angie’s murder. The prosecution’s case relied on Christopher’s confession.
Where was the Angie Dodge murder?
Jump to navigation Jump to search. American criminal case. The rape and murder of Angie Dodge was a cold case in Idaho Falls, Idaho, that remained open from the crime's occurrence on June 13, 1996, until May 2019. For 20 years, a falsely accused Chris Tapp served time in prison ...
What was Michael Usry Jr.'s conduct?
Michael Usry Jr. stated that this conduct by the authorities was a severe breach of both his and his father's privacy. The use of this technique is not just limited to this case. The same method of familial DNA searching that was used to identify Dripps and Usry was used in the discovery of the Golden State Killer.
Who is Michael Usry Jr?
Accusation of Michael Usry Jr. Michael Usry Jr. is a filmmaker from New Orleans, Louisiana, once suspected in the murder of Angie Dodge. Authorities began to suspect Usry through familial searching. Michael's father, Michael Usry Sr. contributed a DNA sample to the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation.
Did Usry have a genetic match?
After Idaho Falls officials interrogated Usry and obtained a saliva sample, they discovered that he did not have a genetic match to the sample found at the scene of Dodge's murder. Allegations against Usry were dropped and the trail went cold once again.
Is the Angie Dodge case a case of familial searching?
While the Angie Dodge case is not the first case to use familial searching, officials involved in the investigation claim its success will propel its use in future criminal investigations. The long-term impact of this case on familial searching opinions and usage remains to be seen.