Podcast FAQ

ap world history podcast

by Estelle Cruickshank MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


Episode Material Covered Status Planned Release Watch
Trailer Promo Trailer Done 10/18/08 Watch Now
1 Chapter 9 Done! 10/22/08 Watch Now
2 Chapter 10 Done! 10/29/08 Watch Now
Apr 25 2022

Full Answer

What is the podcast Historias?

A group of scholars from the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies produces the Historias podcast. Since it is from a Latin American Studies Association, not all of the episodes relate to history. But, those that do include discussions of historiography and archival search. Most episodes involve a host (s) and guest (s) discussing the recent scholarship

Who is the host of Head on History?

Historian Ali A. Olomi hosts Head on History, a solo podcast which narrates religious history. The first two seasons explain Islamic history from the beginning through the varied Islams of the early modern world. The episodes include less discussion of historical process than my other favorites, but Olomi's nuanced presentation of religious history and his use of stories as primary sources engage me.

Is Dig podcast safe?

Four women historians produce the scholarly, but not stuffy DIG podcast. The episodes all include transcripts which make DIG an excellent choice for teachers who assign podcast episodes. Not all episodes are safe for work or school, because of frank content, however. But, this is usually quite clear from the descriptions.

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