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ars politica podcast

by Allison Legros Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Philosophy Podcasts

A podcast on political life, culture, and Christian political theory that seeks to revitalize the Christian West and restore the strength, dignity, and self-respect of European civilization among its remnant.

Ars Politica - Ep49: Tolkien's European Epic Myth

"Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.” – Tolkien Amazorg’s series producer: Lindsey Weber, an executive producer of the series, told Vanity Fair, which posted several first-look photos from the series on Instagram, that it was "only natural" for an adaptation of J.R.R.

Ars Politica - Ep42: "Liberty for All", Book Review

Walker's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Liberty-All-Defending-Everyones-Pluralistic/dp/1587434490 Clifford's reviews will appear in forthcoming publications at First Things and Ad Fontes.

Ars Politica - Ep41: Anarcho-Tyranny

Anarcho-Tyranny, A Definition: Selective enforcement of laws, for the purpose of control. The term anarcho-tyranny was introduced by Samuel T. Francis in 1992.

Ars Politica - Ep34: Third Wayism

Third Wayism Chase Davis, pastor of The Well in Boulder CO, works out to Ars Politica, drives a Taco.

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