Some Greek
One of the fun parts of studying the ancient world, even for an amateur, is that you see that the problems of the human condition are immutable. The issues we face today have new characteristics, but they are not new to man. The Ancients had the same sorts of problems because they had the same sorts of people.
The New McCarthyites
While doing homework on the Army – McCarthy hearings, I was reminded of two things that seem to come up regularly. One is that the people causing the mayhem in our society are lacking in self-awareness.
The World State II
This week’s show is a continuation of last week’s show. The point of the effort is to describe the various aspects of the ruling regime. We don’t have a good name for this form of rule and one reason for it is it just sort of happened. Unlike various forms of socialism, there is no one guy at the center of it.
The World State I
One of the things that plagues opposition to the ruling regime is a poverty of language to label what is happening. The bad guys have a million ways to label their enemies, but the good guys are lacking a language to categorize the other side. The paleocons got close when they coined the term managerialism.
The Return Of The King
This week the Power Hour makes its triumphant return just in time to celebrate one of the newest, but most solemn festivals, Insurrection Day. Given the way they have been carrying on for the last year, it is surprising that a congressional idiot has not suggested making it a federal holiday.
Xirl Science
In my youth when we hunted the mammoth and sabretooth, it became clear to me that a lot of jobs in corporate America are pointless. I was working at a big company that had to go through a round of layoffs. They called is Reduction In Force, which quickly became RIF. People were riffed rather than fired or let go.
Words With Enemies
The show this week is on a topic that comes up here in different ways from time to time but will become more of a focus in the future. That topic is the intellectual and spiritual underpinnings of the new religion.