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beat your genes podcast

by Mr. Coy Reilly PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

274: Can therapy trigger a victim mentality? Impulsive shopping, Lesbian dating

274: Can therapy trigger a victim mentality? Impulsive shopping, Lesbian dating

273: Guys & promiscuous women, Does my BF treat me bad or he just high T?

273: Guys & promiscuous women, Does my BF treat me bad or he just high T?

What time is the show "Outsmart Your Genes"?

A show where you''ll learn how to outsmart your genes to find true, lasting happiness. We are live every Wednesday at 7:30-8:30pm PST. Callers are welcome to call in at (657) 383-0751 at that time with any questions no matter how "simple" or "basic" you think it is - We'd love to chat with you. 1 hr 1 min.

Can optimizing your genes be detrimental?

On one hand, you can be optimizing your genes surviving but on the other hand, it may be detrimental to long-term happiness . We have evolved to enjoy the pursuit of love & sex through dating and relationships. In this episode we discuss how we can optimize happiness in this area by beating our genes. 1 hr.

276: Jealousy & Possessive behavior, Crystal Clear, Deception in dating

In this episode, Dr. Lisle discusses: 1. Is jealous and controlling/possessive behavior a sign that a romantic partner loves you or is just a something to do with their personality? 2. Does crystal clear usually only work with honest people? I... more

275: Sex frequency issue, Cheating on Horace, Current Events

In today's show, the doctors discuss: 1. Dear Doctors, my husband and I have been married for 5 1/2 years now, and have an amazing relationship. We agree on most things, enjoy spending time together, have great communication and... more

274: Can therapy trigger a victim mentality? Impulsive shopping, Lesbian dating

In today's show, Dr. Howk discusses: 1. I grew up facing a lot of turmoil; I had a physically and sexually abusive father, I left home and was homeless from 16 to 18, and dealt with a lot of tumultuous grooming situations at a young age, and... more

273: Guys & promiscuous women, Does my BF treat me bad or he just high T?

In today's episode, Dr. Lisle discusses: 1. Why do men sometimes pair-bond/fall in love with obviously promiscuous women (promiscuous reputation, clubbing/partying often, always scantily clad)? Maybe I'm having a hard time... more

271: Raise child, Obese Psych, Sleep, Disagreeable distance, Abortion, Paranoia

In today's show, the Dr's discuss; 1. How would you raise a child? Specifically for the first year? All that whining and crying, and getting barely any sleep for the first year. Is there anything parents can do? Or if nothing, if someone has... more

270: Polyamory, Unvaxxed dating, Sharing mate with needy sibling, and more.

In today's show, the Dr's discuss: 1. How do you explain, in the context of evolutionary psychology, women who pursue polyamory? It seems like they are doing a good job of beating the instructions dealt them by their genes.... more

269: Epiphanies, Acting different w different people, Self-destructive behavior

In today's show, Dr. Lisle discusses: 1) Why do I often get small epiphanies about various things in my life when I'm half asleep? 2) I've noticed many people act differently around close friends and family than they do around coworkers and... more

Who is Jen Howk?

Dr. Jen Howk is an author, researcher, and interdisciplinary social scientist who uses the powerful insights of Esteem Dynamics both academically and clinically. She earned her B.A. with honors from the University of Washington in Seattle, and completed her M.A. and Ph.D. in political science at Harvard University. Dr. Howk’s graduate work and ongoing research explore questions at the intersection of social vulnerability, resilience, and well-being.

What did Nate Gershfeld do?

About Nate Gershfeld. After having a life-changing health experience, Nate Gershfeld changed careers from being an electrical engineer to a chiropractor. This led him down the path of health promotion through healthy living where he had experienced tremendous results as a patient at the True North Health Center.

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