Podcast FAQ

best day to release podcast

by Saul Hagenes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Research from Megaphone reveals that most podcasters publish the newest episodes on Wednesday, Tuesday, and Thursday (in that order) between 2 AM and 5 AM, with 5 AM gaining the max amount of downloads. According to Megaphone, podcasts that publish episodes on Tuesdays at 5 AM are downloaded the most.

How often should I release a podcast?

Weekly. A weekly podcast publishing frequency is great if you're covering trending news or have an interview-style or storytelling-type podcast. Publishing on a weekly basis is perfect for episodes over 30 minutes because it allows your fans time to actually listen to your episode and get excited about the next one.

Why do podcasts come out on Wednesdays?

Wednesday is the most popular publishing day. The hours with the most shows published are 2 AM Wednesday, 2 AM Tuesday, and 11 PM Tuesday. Thursday has the most total downloads per average episode.

What is a good time for a podcast?

There is a rule of thumb that posting your podcasts in the mornings (usually around 5AM) can positively impact the number of listeners it reaches. There are several reasons for that. Morning posts increase the likelihood that your podcast will be put at the top of your listeners' feeds during the day.

Is Friday a good day to release a podcast?

The most popular day to publish a podcast on is Wednesday. The most popular time slots are 2 am Wednesday, 2 am Tuesday, and 11 pm Tuesday. Thursday has the most total downloads per average episode. The hour with the most downloads per average episode is 5 am Tuesday, followed by 5 am Friday, and then 5 am Thursday.

Why do podcasts drop on Tuesday?

“Episodes published in the early morning hours generally perform better, even 4am when we don't have as many episodes being published.” The hour with the most downloads per average episode is 5am on Tuesday, followed by 5am on Friday and 5am on Thursday.

How many words is a 15 minute podcast?

2000 words for 15 minutes episode. 3000 words for 20 minutes episode. 4500 words for 30 minutes episode.

How often do podcasts fail?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail. If you've launched a podcast or are thinking about launching one, you don't want to put in all that work just to see your experiment get canned in a few months.

How long should your first podcast be?

Anywhere from 3-6 minutes is common. It doesn't look like you're demanding too much of a listener's time – because they probably don't know anything about you at this stage, and so, have no loyalty towards you. Of course, you should never feel obliged to record any episode based on a time length recommendation.

What time do podcasts come out?

Research from Megaphone reveals that most podcasters publish the most new episodes on Wednesday, Tuesday, and Thursday (in that order) between 2AM and 5AM, with 5AM gaining the max amount of downloads.

How to host a podcast?

The final piece of the podcast rollout pie (yum) is making sure you have everything you need to establish the hosting. In order to set up the hosting you have to have: 1 The podcast title & description 2 A finalized audio file with intro music (if desired) 3 Your podcast artwork 4 Title & description of your trailer or first episode

How do podcast directories pull content from RSS feeds?

Podcast directories pull content from an RSS feeds by running periodical “refreshes” and pulling content from the feeds . This means that there is often a lag time between when you schedule an episode to go live and when it actually is available on an app like Apple Podcasts.

Can you do a podcast every day?

You are not alone. First, you can do it. People just like you launch successful podcasts every day. You are not an exception. Secondly, a little planning goes a long way. If you can take just a few minutes, days or even a week to plan out the idea in your head, the chances of your success are much greater.

What is the most popular day to publish a podcast?

The most popular day to publish a podcast on is Wednesday. The most popular time slots are 2 am Wednesday, 2 am Tuesday, and 11 pm Tuesday. Thursday has the most total downloads per average episode. The hour with the most downloads per average episode is 5 am Tuesday, followed by 5 am Friday, and then 5 am Thursday.

Is Friday a good day to do a gardening podcast?

Friday is also a good day of the week to release podcasts offering information about mastering those DIY jobs your audience has been meaning to get around to doing. Gardening podcasts will be more successful on Friday, too, because your audience will have a free weekend ahead of them to make the most of your advice.

Morning is usually a great idea

There is a rule of thumb that posting your podcasts in the mornings ( usually around 5AM) can positively impact the number of listeners it reaches. There are several reasons for that.

Try to tie it to something more predictable

Understanding when your audience will be more ready to listen to your podcasts can be too abstract at times. That’s why we recommend you to link it to more trackable things, such as the events and happenings that might trigger your audience to listen to your podcast.

How to regularly produce podcasts for posting?

We suggest you to use Podcastle, a no-code tool for podcast recording and editing. You can save significant time and resources by organizing recording, voice editing, revoice, text editing and other time-consuming components of podcasts in our all-in-one software.

What time do podcasts come out?

You may have come across research from a company called Megaphone who has revealed that most podcasters release new episodes on Wednesday, Tuesday, and Thursday between 2 am and 5 am. They also revealed that podcasters who released their podcasts at 5 am got the most downloads.

Is there data out there about upload time?

There is data out there about the best upload time. Some individual podcasters have released their data. This is great if you are in the same niche and share a similar audience, but may not be as useful if you don’t share these similarities.

How often should I release podcasts?

How frequently should you release new podcast episodes? Some producers schedule their episodes to release weekly, some every two weeks, some once a month. Others release several times a week, or daily. Just like everything else in podcasting, there is no single perfect solution for everyone.

How many hours should I work on a podcast?

If you work 40 hours a week, and you spend 20 hours a week working on each episode, a weekly release schedule probably isn't healthy for you. If your podcast is a five minute show with one voice, few sound cues, and one topic, releasing weekly or more often might be easy. Know your strengths and weaknesses, and use them to advantage.

What are some examples of podcasts?

Another interesting example of a daily podcast is the audio drama Mercury: A Broadcast Of Hope, produced by Atlanta Radio Theatre Company. Each episode disappears from traditional pod catchers after one day. To hear their back catalog of episodes, you have to become a Patreon supporter. This audio drama about a group of optimists surviving a zombie apocalypse in a radio station is exciting. Not only that, but also the method of release means that listeners have to pay close attention, invest financially, or both. If you don't join them on Patreon, you have to have a good memory and listen daily.

What happens if your podcast sounds sloppy?

If you show sounds sloppy, or doesn’t deliver on its promises, you won’ t keep listeners. The word of mouth that you generate won't be positive. Some topics and shows are good to release frequently. Again, if your podcast is just you, and a few sound cues, and you have good systems in place, terrific.

What does method of release mean?

Not only that, but also the method of release means that listeners have to pay close attention, invest financially, or both. If you don't join them on Patreon, you have to have a good memory and listen daily. If your topic is based on current events, you might have to get your work out there frequently.

How long is Mercury's Broadcast of Hope?

She has occasional “Deep Dive” episodes, with longer discussions. Each episode of Mercury: A Broadcast of Hope runs between two and a half to six minutes.

Is it better to have good episodes?

It’s better to have good episodes, less frequently, than average or sloppy episodes, frequently. A show that’s carefully crafted, without stress, will be better than a show that’s pulled together feverishly, within minutes of a deadline. Some people like to have pressure pushing them. Some people don’t.


What Is The Topic of Your Podcast?

The Working Week

Time of Day

  • The data shows 2 am is the most popular time for a show to go live, followed by 5 am and 11 pm. According to Megaphone, overnight hours account for the six highest-volume release times and reflect the conventional wisdom that most people download and listen to podcasts in the morning, before or while commuting to work, school, or before running errands. The analysis su…
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Release Times to Avoid?

  • It’s worth noting that even popular publishing times don’t necessarily equal a high amount of downloads. This seems to be true of the slot between 11 pm and 1 am, which – while popular – has significantly lower total downloads than the 2 am to 6 am time slot. One reason for this is that by the time listeners wake up and scroll through their podcast app, episodes released during th…
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Analytics & Social Marketing

  • Regardless of how much research you do, finding the perfect publishing day for your podcast will always be trial and error at the start. That means it’s essential to keep an eye on your analyticswhen starting. Look at the time and day that your podcast is being downloaded or streamed the most, and then consider making this the day you release each episode. Ideally, rele…
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Final Word

  • If your head is a bit fried from all these times and dates, here’s the key information to take away from Megaphone’s analysis: 1. The most popular day to publish a podcast on is Wednesday 2. The most popular time slots are 2 am Wednesday, 2 am Tuesday, and 11 pm Tuesday 3. Thursday has the most total downloads per average episode 4. The hour with t...
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