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best nosleep podcast episodes

by Dr. Neil Denesik Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The 10 Best NoSleep Podcast Episodes

  1. Penpal ~ Part II. The six tales told by Dathan Auerbach (Redditor 1000Vultures) have had a phenomonal effect on...
  2. Penpal ~ Part I. The Nosleep Podcast is proud to present the first part of our Halloween Trilogy to celebrate...
  3. NoSleep Podcast S2E25. It's episode 25 and the season finale of the second season of The Nosleep...

If you're looking for the best of the early years of the show, check out our definitive list here.
  • Wallmart. Season 8, Episode 22. ...
  • Down in the Library Basement. Season 7, Episode 22. ...
  • 500 Yards. Season 10, Episode 18. ...
  • A Seaside British Pub. ...
  • The Slog. ...
  • What Happens When the Stars Go Out. ...
  • The House in the Field. ...
  • Best Finale Episode:
Jun 21, 2018

Full Answer

What happened in Season 5 of the NoSleep Podcast?

It's episode 17 of Season 5. We celebrate four years of The NoSleep Podcast with six stories about fractured families, desolate destinations, and nasty nocturnal admissions. The full episode features the following stories.

How many stories are in the NoSleep Podcast?

We celebrate four years of The NoSleep Podcast with six stories about fractured families, desolate destinations, and nasty nocturnal admissions. The full episode features the following stories. The free version features only the first four tales.

What are some podcasts that keep you up late at night?

If you want to hear good stories to chill your blood and even keep you up late at night you can't do much better than The NoSleep Podcast. The readers are all talented and bring the right emotions to the stories they read. I have even recommended this podcast at work.

How many episodes are in Sleepless decompositions season 17?

A very special Christmas edition of Sleepless Decompositions is presented with festive freakiness. Season Pass 17 is now available! 25 episodes and 3 exclusive bonus episodes - only $25!


Is the no sleep podcast good?

The NoSleep podcast is expertly done. There is a talented and experienced cast of voice actors, atmospheric music and immersive sound-effects which bring life to the haunting readings. One of the strengths of this podcasts is that it pulls stories from a diverse batch of authors.

Is the NoSleep podcast scary?

This list features a variety of chilling horror stories, some on the more cerebral side and others gory as can be. This is the definitive The NoSleep Podcast episode list to aid you in your listening journey.

Is no sleep podcast free?

Our free episodes run around one hour each. Season Pass memberships consists of 25 regular episodes that run over 2 hours in length.

Where can I listen to the NoSleep podcast?

The NoSleep Podcast on Apple Podcasts.

Is the no sleep podcast real stories?

Firstly, this is an audio fiction podcast in which we do audio productions. This is a really, really important thing to consider when you're submitting to us.

Is Alice isn't dead real?

Alice Isn't Dead, a new serial fiction podcast from the team behind Welcome to Night Vale.

How many listeners does The NoSleep Podcast have?

2 millionDespite horror arguably being a traditionally male-dominated genre, many of the narrators and authors of stories featured on the show, and also half of its 2 million regular monthly listeners are female.

How many episodes of The NoSleep Podcast?

25 episodesFeaturing 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine.

What is Reddit Nosleep?

The subreddit known as "nosleep" allows authors to post their own realistic, scary stories, to be enjoyed by a community of readers who often engage with the stories as if they really happened.

WHO IS DR no sleep?

David Cummings is the host and producer of 'The No Sleep Podcast', the award-winning anthology series of original horror stories. He hails from Toronto, Canada.

Where can I listen to Lore podcast?

Recommended Smart Phone AppsApple Podcasts (iOS only)Castro (iOS only)Pocket Casts (iOS & Android)Podcast & Radio Addict (Android)

How do I listen to Magnus archives?

The Magnus Archives | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn.

What episode is the Nosleep Podcast?

It's episode 25 and the season finale of the second season of The Nosleep Podcast! This episode features stories about freaky food, frightening farmers, and forgotten phones. Not to mention the tales ...Show More

What is Beyond Blathers podcast?

Co-host and producer of Beyond Blathers, the podcast where we dive deeper into the insects, fish, and fossils you can find in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Radiolab was my first podcast love and now I have many.

What episode is "A Husband's Needs"?

It’s Episode 12 of Season 14. This week we conjure spells for you about the terrifying things we can ingest into our bodies and minds. “A Husband’s Needs” written by C.J. Robinson (Story starts around 00:05:20) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Mick Wingert, Mrs. Crowley – Erin Lillis “I Asked for New Parents and Got Them” written by Mr. Michael Squid (Story starts around 00:18:15) TRIGGER WARNING! Produced by: Phil Michalski Cast: Narrator – Matt

What are the bonus episodes for Halloween 2013?

"Pretty" written by Mike Provo and read by Peter Lewis. (Story starts at 00:02:00) "October 30th" written by Donald Moffat and read by David Cummings. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:11:00) "A Walk Home on Halloween" written by Alexander McHugh and read by James Cleveland. Music by Brandon Boone. (Story starts at 00:23:20) "Tempting Fate" written by Edwin Crowe and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 00:38:00) "Hunger" written by William Dalphin and read by David Cummings. (Story starts at 01:07:10) Click here to learn more about Peter Lewis Click here to learn more about Edwin Crowe Click here to learn more about William Dalphin Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: David Cummings, unless otherwise noted This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons License 2013.

What episode is the Whistlers?

It's episode 25 - the Season 5 Finale! We are proud to present the full-length adaptation of Amity Argot's epic tale, "The Whistlers". "The Whistlers" written by Amity Argot and read by Jessica McEvoy & David Cummings & Jesse Cornett & Mike DelGaudio. (Story starts at 00:04:55) Click here to see the first NoSleep Podcast T-shirt design Click here to learn more about Mike DelGaudio Click here to learn more about Jesse Cornett Podcast produced by: David Cummings Music & Sound Design by: Brandon Boone & David Cummings. "The Whistlers" illustration courtesy of Sabu ©2015 - Creative Reason Media - All Rights Reserved - No reproduction or use of this content is permitted without the express written consent of Creative Reason Media.

Who wrote the free version of "Sure to Follow"?

The free version features only the first three tales. "Sure to Follow" written by M.J. Pack and fully produced, narrated, and scored by Jeff Clement. (Story starts at 00:04:45) "Rooms Available for Cheap" written by CJ Robinson and read by Rima Chaddha Mycynek & Nikolle Doolin & David Cummings.

Who wrote the stump?

Enjoy these stories and the keep you sleepless between seasons. "The Stump" written by Ashley Franz Holzmann and read by David Cummings & Jonathan Jones & Jessica McEvoy. Co-produced by Jonathan Jones.

Season 17

The seventeenth season of The NoSleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine.

Season 16

The sixteenth season of The NoSleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine.

Season 15

The fifteenth season of The NoSleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine.

Season 14

The fourteenth season of The NoSleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine.

Season 13

The thirteenth season of The NoSleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine.

Season 12

The twelfth season of The NoSleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine.

Season 11

The eleventh season of The NoSleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine.

Brace yourself

For the dark hours when you dare not close your eyes. Tales of horror to frighten and disturb. Join us as the sleepless hours tick past. Brace yourself… for The NoSleep Podcast.

What Listeners Are Saying

I can't get enough of this podcast, it makes work so much better! Can't wait for more to come!


A mundane trip to the eponymous store turns into a surreal nightmare in this brief but effective tale. Some of the most terrifying stories (to me, anyway) take place in an ordinary world that suddenly becomes strange & unfamiliar in small ways.

Down in the Library Basement

This one typifies the type of creative storytelling that gives NoSleep its staying power. The show has always known that horror fiction encompasses a huge variety of styles & feels. It's not all morbid, dark & bloody; horror can be funny or heartwarming too, & "Library Basement" is both.

500 Yards

This tale of a group of track stars forced to run for their lives from a snarky monster is easily one of the most immediate & intense stories the show has ever aired. Erin Lillis is clearly having a blast as said snarky monster.

Dogs in the Drywall

Here we have another everyday horrible scenario turning into actual horror. This story of an office drone pursued through his cubicle farm by monsters only he can see is a chilling & often awkward depiction of what a psychotic break might look like from the perspective of the one having the breakdown.

A Seaside British Pub

Quick, who's your favorite female NoSleep narrator? Is it: a) Erika Sanderson, b) Erika Sanderson or c) Erika Sanderson? Yeah, she slays every role, every time, but this one might be her best. No surprise there, when one of the show's very best authors, C.M. Scandreth, is providing the words.

The Forest of a Thousand Legs

You should've known you weren't getting out of this list without a spider story, & this one's a doozy. Not only will it make you itch for days, "Forest" is also filled with warmth & relatable details, not to mention a hell of a surprise.

The Slog

From time to time NoSleep likes to tweak its usual pattern of introduction then story by integrating a creepy tale into David Cummings's introduction. Sometimes it doesn't work, but in the case of "The Slog," it works very well.

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