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best podcast interview questions

by Logan Walker Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

10 Tried and True Podcast Interview Questions

  1. What’s something about you that most people familiar with your work wouldn’t know? This is a great podcast interview question because it serves as an icebreaker. ...
  2. What’s the biggest challenge facing you right now? In X years? ...
  3. What advice would you give to someone pursuing a career path similar to your own? This question gives your interviewee a chance to speak directly to your audience. ...
  4. Who has been your biggest supporter/mentor/role model over the course of your career? ...
  5. What motivates you to get up in the morning and go to work? Podcast audiences love to listen to people discuss their passions. ...
  6. What do most people misunderstand about your field of work? ...
  7. When did you first become passionate about your chosen field? If you can get your guest to talk about their passions, you might not even need any more questions. ...
  8. If you could give advice to your 16-year-old self, what would it be? ...
  9. What’s an example of a mistake or failure that you experienced, and what did you learn from it? Every industry leader has made mistakes in the past. ...
  10. How can our listeners connect with you online?

Full Answer

How to ask great podcast interview questions?

How to Prepare To Conduct An Amazing Podcast Interview

  1. Choose Interesting Guests. Some guest are, well… boring. ...
  2. Do Some Background Research on Your Subject. A podcast interview shouldn’t be your first exposure to your subject. ...
  3. Get to Know Your Interviewee’s Work. ...
  4. Write The Guest’s Bio For Them. ...
  5. Determine Where Your Subject Meets Your Audience. ...
  6. Prepare Your Questions In Advance. ...

More items...

How to conduct a great podcast interview?

How to conduct a great podcast interview

  • Choose the right guest for your podcast interview. ...
  • Do some background research on your guest. ...
  • Learn how to handle different personality types. ...
  • Eliminate all distractions. ...
  • Prepare a list of questions you’d like to ask in advance. ...
  • Give your guests time to talk. ...
  • Keep track of time. ...
  • Tools for recording interviews. ...

What are the worst interview questions ever?

7 Worst Job Interview Experiences (True Stories) There is nothing like going into a company for an interview. Firsthand, you see the people, the walls, and the culture. You are immersed in the nature of how the business operates in a way that using the product, reading a job posting or researching the company cannot explain.

What is the best interview question ever?

How to answer "What's the best project you've ever worked on?"

  1. Prepare in advance. This is a common interview question, so it's ideal to prepare an answer ahead of time. ...
  2. Use the STAR interview technique. The STAR interview technique is a method for answering questions that considers many parts of a project or scenario.
  3. Be specific and concise. ...
  4. Include measurable outcomes. ...
  5. Explain your role. ...
  6. Stay positive. ...


What are good interview questions for a podcast?

What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?

How do I ace a podcast for an interview?

How to Prepare To Conduct An Amazing Podcast InterviewChoose Interesting Guests. ... Do Some Background Research on Your Subject. ... Get to Know Your Interviewee's Work. ... Write The Guest's Bio For Them. ... Determine Where Your Subject Meets Your Audience. ... Prepare Your Questions In Advance.More items...

How do you ask a question on a podcast?

When it comes to how to ask a question on a podcast, keep these tips in mind.Be genuinely curious.Stay away from “yes” or “no” questions.Highlight their expertise and focus on topics you know they're good at.

What are some fun interview questions?

Funny Interview Questions"How would you solve problems if you were from Mars?" ... "What do you think of garden gnomes?" ... "Why are manholes round?" ... "You've been given an elephant. ... "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be and why?"

How long should podcast interviews be?

Bigger isn't always better… The ideal length of your podcast is the ideal length for your content. There should be no fluff, no additional crap, no rabbiting on for 20 minutes before you get to the good stuff. You need to be respectful of your listener's time and only include the best of the best.

How should I prepare for a podcast?

Podcast Preparation For HostsBe Clear About Your Podcast Format. You can't host a successful interview without being clear about how you want the interview to run. ... Send a Pre-Interview Survey. ... Research Your Guest. ... Read the Book. ... Create Set Recording Times. ... Minimize Distractions. ... Listen to the Podcast. ... Offer an Angle.More items...

What are good questions for a Q&A?

General Q&A Questions Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? How many countries have you been to? What is your favorite TV show? Have you ever met a celebrity? Who is your favorite actor? What was your favorite childhood toy? How many shoes do you have? How many kids do you want?More items...•

What are good questions to ask?

Break the ice and get to know people better by selecting several of these get-to-know-you questions.Who is your hero?If you could live anywhere, where would it be?What is your biggest fear?What is your favorite family vacation?What would you change about yourself if you could?What really makes you angry?More items...

What are good questions to ask a famous singer?

What Are Good Questions To Ask A Singer?What is your main goal in your music career?How did you come up with your band name?Which skills have you gained that help you perform effectively as a musician?What separates you from other artists?What are you most proud of to date?What is your dream venue to perform at?More items...•

What are some unique questions?

Here are 5 interesting get to know you questions:Do you have any ridiculous goals in life? ... What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done? ... What cartoon do you still like to watch? ... What personality trait do you wish you had? ... What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone to get back at them?

What are the 5 hardest interview questions?

Learn how to answer five of the toughest interview questions here:"Tell me about yourself." This is not the time to share your life story. ... "What do you think is your greatest weakness?" ... "What did you like least about your last (or current) job?" ... "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" ... "Tell me about a time you failed."

What are the top 20 interview questions?

Top 20 Common Job Interview Questions With Answers20 Most Common Interview Questions and Best Answers. ... Tell me about yourself. ... What were your responsibilities? ... What did you like or dislike about your previous job? ... What were your starting and final levels of compensation? ... What major challenges and problems did you face?More items...•

What is the art of podcast interview?

The art of the podcast interview. It’s involved, takes a lot of practice, and has the potential to help make your podcast a success. But while so much of being a great interviewer has to do with the conversation, it also has to do with the podcast interview questions.

What is interview pre chat?

The interview pre-chat, which is the few minutes you have with your guest from the time you connect to the time you hit record, is a critical time. Learn more about the best podcast editing and recording software. For guests who might not be familiar with being interviewed, or who haven’t done podcasts before, ...

What is an icebreaker in an interview?

An icebreaker not only shares unique info about a topic or your guest so your audience can create a connection with them, but it typically allows there to be a lighter air around the interview.

Should interview questions be a guide?

But remember: people want to hear stories and a good conversation, so while interview questions can and should be a guide for your episode, never sacrifice quality of conversation just because you want to get through all of your questions. When it comes to how to ask a question on a podcast, keep these tips in mind.

How to get a good interview?

1. Do Your Research. Don’t make the mistake of showing up to the interview without knowing basic information about your guest; it’ll come off as unprofessional and rude. But beyond that, learning about your interviewee’s life and achievements will likely spark more question ideas.

Is a remote interview good?

For many remote interview podcasts, the episode is only as good as the questions (and, of course, the audio quality ). Finding the right balance of informative and entertaining usually starts with the host’s ability to put their guests at ease, converse with them naturally, and spark intriguing, dynamic conversation.

What does it mean when a guest answers a question on a podcast?

Every time a guest on your podcast answers a question is an opportunity to retell their story to make it more relevant to your audience. In fact, that’s what great interviewers do all the time. They ask a question, listen to the answer, and then, reiterate whatever key thoughts the guest has made.

What is the job of a podcast host?

As a podcast host and the interviewer, it’s your job to make the guest feel comfortable. You want them to tell stories that they haven’t divulged in other interviews, after all. You want them to open up, and share information that’s going to resonate with your podcast audience, be it emotionally or intellectually.

Why don't you derail an interview?

Don’t derail an interview just because you want to get to every question on your list. Embrace the tangents as they often surface stories a guest has never told before giving your podcast the exclusive scoop. Another bonus of follow up questions is it makes the interview sound more conversational.

Why is it important to ask questions ahead of time?

The benefit of sending questions ahead of time is that your guest will know what to expect, and might prepare better answers to your questions. But the downside is that it forces too much structure in the conversation and doesn’t allow as much for the fluidity that comes from a truly natural conversation.

Core Podcast Interview Questions About The Interviewee

Let's focus on the guest themselves, because people love to hear things in context.

Should I Send the Podcast Interview Questions in Advance?

I'd argue that, almost always, it's a good idea to send the questions to your interviewee in advance. It can help to settle nerves, and often produces better answers.

Super Podcast Interview Questions: Producing a Unique Interview

You've covered the basics by now, the usual questions around the topic and your interviewee's relevance to it. But how do you really set your interview with that person apart from the rest?

Some Specific Super Podcast Interview Question Examples

CEOs are known to ask this one. Just imagine the kooky and varied responses you'll get from people!

Next Steps

Here's your reading list as you continue your quest to become a world class podcast interviewer…

How to Make Editing & Production Easier Afterward

Remember, once you've captured that amazing interview, here's a way to make the editing and production even easier. It's a production app – Alitu – which automates processing and helps you with editing.

What is the goal of an interview?

The goal for your interview is not to ask all of your questions. The goal for your interview is to have a great interview! Give yourself the permission to deviate from your plan when you sense an opportunity to talk about something truly fascinating. Now that you’ve learned the top 5 strategies to master the skill of interviewing, ...

What is part of doing research ahead of time?

Part of doing research ahead of time is identifying what things your guest is passionate talking about. Hopefully, if you’ve chosen your guests well, their passions line up with the substance of your podcast. Here’s why this is important:

Is interviewing a guest a skill?

If you’ve ever felt this way while conducting an interview for your podcast don’t worry, you’re not the only one. The truth is, interviewing guests is a skill. That’s good news, because no matter where your starting point is you can always learn new skills.

How To Come Up With the Best Podcast Questions

Asking the right questions will not only get your guest to open up to your audience but will also give an excellent promotion to your podcast in the long run.

Podcast Questions To Avoid

It is essential to ask the best podcast questions, and it is also crucial to understand the kind of questions to avoid.

Podcast Interview Formats

Most guests (especially prevalent ones) usually request to see the interview questions beforehand. It is only polite that they know the kinds of questions to expect. It might be best for your guest to understand the flow of your podcast show, as being unprepared could catch them unawares and leave them rambling.

Podcast Questions For Your Next Show

The best podcast interview questions depend on the kind of guests you interview. Are they experts in your niche, celebrities, family and friends, authors? While podcast topics can go from informal to formal, personal to professional, questions may be unique from one podcast show to another.


Interviewing is a great skill. It takes getting used to understanding how to control the conversation flow and the right question to ask. Setting the proper interview sets you apart from several other podcasts, adds value to your show, and provides better opportunities for you.

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