What is the Black Tower Podcast?
We are the Black Tower Podcast, a Wheel Of Time Podcast. We know that we all love The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. That love is what brought us together to produce this podcast, and we are sure that same love is what brought you to our podcast in the first place. If you are reading this, then it's probably safe to assume that you enjoy our episodes, or are at least a bit curious as to what we have to offer here. There is so much we want to do within and for the Wheel of Time community, especially for our fans and listeners. However, these things costs money. With hosting costs (both for the Podcast and our Website), equipment costs, and the costs of materials to do things like giveaways and prizes, the numbers add up quickly.#N#If you are able to help support what we do here at BTP, we cannot thank you enough for it. If you cannot, but still wish to help, please consider giving us a follow on Twitter (@TowerPodcast), Instagram (@blacktowerpod), on YouTube (The Black Tower Podcast), and even on our hosting site where you may listen to our podcast. Honest reviews on our episodes and the podcast in general help a ton!
What does Patreon do for Black Tower?
Patreons have the unique ability to support the Black Tower Podcast on an ongoing basis. Every patreon helps us keep this Podcast going and allows us to keep bringing you the content you love. As Patreon grows, the Black Tower fills it's halls with members, and that lets us bring you all new stuff!