Podcast FAQ

blog vs podcast

by Kimberly Langosh Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Difference Between Podcast and Blog

  1. Content. Blog posts tend to focus more on sharing opinions and feelings, while podcasts focus more on facts and...
  2. Accessibility. A third point worth mentioning is accessibility. While most websites require internet access, some...
  3. Time frame. One thing that sets blogging apart from podcasting is time. Podcasts are usually...

The most obvious difference between them is the medium. Blog posts are written — though they can, and usually should, include images. Podcasts are spoken. Some businesses run both a blog and a podcast.Mar 7, 2022

Full Answer

What is the difference between blogs and podcasts?

Blog posts tend to focus more on sharing opinions and feelings, while podcasts focus more on facts and figures. When it comes to marketing, podcasts are better suited because they provide podcast listeners with valuable information that will help them make informed decisions. Podcasts are often recorded live.

Should you start a blog or podcast for your business?

This depends on the content creator. If you are good at speaking, starting a podcast is an excellent idea because you will be using your speaking skills to get your message across. If you are better at writing, creating a blog is a much better option.

Should you listen to a podcast or read a blog?

While some like listening to information on topics of their choice, others don’t like downloading audio files and prefer to read a blog right then and there. It’s all a matter of preference. If you are more comfortable listening to information rather than reading the same information, you will choose a podcast over a blog.

What is blogging and how does it work?

Blogging can also involves writing on your web-based journal and publishing it for everyone to see. While most of the blogs we see online are written by individuals from all around the globe, blogs are also written by organizations and corporations to reach out to their fans, followers, or target market.


Which is better a blog or a podcast?

There are benefits to blogging, which podcasting can't achieve. Blogging is easier and quicker to do, it has better SEO benefits, and is more easily shareable. No argument there. In fact, a company shouldn't necessarily disregard blogs, newsletters, videos or any other form of content.

Whats the difference between a podcast and a blog?

A podcast is a digital audio file made available for download on the internet. Example: The Joe Rogan Experience. A blog is an educational, informative, or entertaining website where new pieces of content — blog posts — are regularly published.

Can you have a blog and a podcast?

If you've started a blog and are looking to reach a wider audience, then branching out to podcasting is a great idea. With podcasts, people can listen to your content while they're on the go. So, it's the perfect way to capture the attention of people that don't have time to sit down and read your blog posts.

Does my podcast need a blog?

While it's possible to have a successful podcast without written content, I don't recommend it. To give your podcast the support it deserves, it's better to have at least a show notes page (more on that below). Ideally, though, it's best to maintain a full-fledged blog.

Are podcasts the new blogs?

Then social media came along and introduced us to micro-blogging. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to name a few. Now, podcasting is being hailed as the new blogging.

Should I start a podcast or YouTube?

Podcasts are Cheaper: It's cheaper to start a podcast than start a Youtube channel. Podcasts don't require costly equipment like YouTube. Unlike Youtube channels, podcasts also have built-in audiences, making building a fanbase easier.

Is a blog audio?

An audio blog is, in essence, a weblog that includes sound files, but, unlike a podcast, these can be recordings, a spoken journal, or music. In an audio blog, there can be text, video, and sound. Hence a sound file can be recorded and uploaded to the blog.

How do you write a podcast blog?

Here are 10 tips from our team at PodReacher for turning your podcast episodes into high-quality blog posts to help a new audience discover your brand.Get clear on your goals. ... Use a transcript. ... Don't overwhelm your reader. ... Use quotes selectively. ... Don't get hung up on the Q&A. ... Reorganize the conversation as needed.More items...•

What is difference between vlog and blog?

A blog is very similar to a website, where one can find content regarding any topic in a written/text format, along with images, gifs, etc. A vlog, on the other hand, consists of video content published on any topic. There are various blogging and vlogging platforms out there that support both paid and free domains.

Should I create a website for my podcast?

Remember, as you start your new podcast, it's critical to have a website. A website will help you get new listeners, promote your site effectively, and act as a central hub for everything related to your podcast.

Should I host my podcast on my website?

Many web hosts even offer you unlimited storage and bandwidth. Sadly this doesn't mean that storing a podcast on your website is a good option. Podcasts are always made up of audio (or even video) files and, depending on length and how your media is encoded, you can end up with a whole lot of data.

What is the difference between a business blog and a podcast?

Company blogs are well-established inbound marketing channels, while business podcasts are the up-and-comers garnering a lot of excitement in the industry. A few stats in the blog corner: 59% of marketers find business blogging valuable. ( DemandMetric)

Why are podcasts important?

1. Podcasts are personable and facilitate connections. Your podcast host or hosts lend a human voice to your brand. Podcasts put a knowledgeable person from your company in conversation with industry experts to tackle current topics and share advice, often with a touch of lighthearted humor.

How to make your blog stand out?

To make your blog stand out you have to go deeper, approach topics from a unique angle, and share must-know expert advice . 2. Blogs must offer value — and it’s no easy task. With so much pre-existing content online, you have to offer an above-and-beyond return on your reader’s time investment.

What is grammarly blog?

The Grammarly blog does a great job of providing value for students, job-hunters, and people for whom English is a second language. You’ll find to-the-point posts on writing persuasive essays, giving writer feedback, and common writing problems, such as passive voice or run-on sentences.

How many people listen to podcasts?

The number of people who listened to a podcast at least once increased by 20 million between 2018 and 2019. The number of weekly listeners rose by 14 million in that time.

Can you listen to podcasts in your car?

People listening to podcasts in their car or on a walk can’t press the CTA button the moment the inspiration hits. Instead, they must choose to return to your website to explore and fill out a form.

What is the difference between a podcast and a blog?

A blog is basically designed for those who like to read about various topics or about the thoughts of the blogger or author while a podcast is a feed that people listen to.

What is podcasting audio?

It is basically an audio blog but defining it this way limits the media. A podcast is defined as an RSS feed with an audio component. This online audio file is basically processed into digital format by compressing the file. It is then delivered to listeners to their best podcasting headphones through an RSS feed.

What is blogging journal?

Blogging involves writing on your own web-based journal and publishing it for everyone to see. While most of the blogs we see online are written by individuals from all around the globe, blogs are also written by organizations and corporations to reach out to their fans, followers, or target market.

Why do people use podcasts?

Anyone can utilize podcasts to share information about anything and everything without having to compose a long blog. Podcasting is a great way to communicate your ideas about a certain subject and all you need is your vocal intonations and your sentences to convey the information that you want to convey.

What is subjective content?

More often than not, blogs publish subjective content instead of objective information that can be seen from news sites. They are usually about certain experiences, certain thoughts, ideas, and the like. Apart from text, blogs also have video and audio content and they also contain images.

Is it better to start a podcast or a blog?

If you are good at speaking, starting a podcast is a great idea because you will be using your speaking skills to get your message across. If you are better at writing, starting a blog is a much better option. It also depends on your goals.

Can a dentist host a podcast?

Anyone can host a podcast. Your local dentist or baker can host one and you can too. Podcast content can range from educational information about various topics to recorded interviews with experts of a given field. Some podcasters also use this social media tool to hold online audio seminars or a talk show.

1. What does your avatar want?

When it comes to creating content, the most important research you’ll do is finding out what content your avatar wants and needs.

2. What do you enjoy creating?

Now that you know what your avatar wants, let’s look at what you actually enjoy creating.

3. What do you have time to create consistently?

Each of these three questions is critical in deciding which medium and what type of content is best for you. So last, but certainly not least, what do you have time to create consistently?

What is a podcast?

Podcasts give organizations the opportunity to provide firsthand, real-time information from reliable and trustworthy sources. Take, for example, Modern Babies, a podcast run by the fertility clinic Genea.

How does podcasting communicate?

Podcasting can easily communicate the rhythm, pace, and tone of your brand voice to connect with your audience on a human level. The only way to connect more intimately would be to provide a visual layer to the connection by adding video.

What are the limitations of podcasting?

Podcasting is still in its infancy when it comes to analytics and closed-loop marketing. Its limitations include: 1 Limits to searchability (SEO) 2 Inability to provide links or calls to action 3 No way to skim content for salient information 4 Rudimentary analytics that don’t offer much insight 5 No natural opportunity for lead generation

Why do people use podcasts?

Podcasts Offer a Human Connection. Podcasting is, undeniably, the best way to give your audience a sense of your brand (and host’s) personality, which can be difficult to communicate through words typed on a screen. Podcasting can easily communicate the rhythm, pace, and tone of your brand voice to connect with your audience on a human level.

How many podcasts do people listen to a week?

According to Edison Research: 80 percent of podcast listeners listen to the entire podcast. Podcast listeners listen to an average of seven different podcasts per week. Weekly podcast listeners spend on average six hours and 37 minutes per week listening to podcasts.

Is blogging better than podcasting?

Because of this, blogging has some definite advantages over podcasting, such as: No special equipment needed (with sites like HubSpot, Medium, and Squarespace, you can have a blog up and running in minutes) Gives readers control over their content consumption experience (content is easy to skim)

Can you listen to podcasts while driving?

Possibly never. The same goes for podcasts. Generally speaking, people are doing something else when they’re listening. And while your audience is driving home, walking their dog, grocery shopping, they can be listening to your podcast.


A blog is in the simplest form is called an informational website, like this one you are reading.


In this part, you are going to learn how both blogging and podcasting started.

How to start each?

In this part, you are going to learn how to start a blog and a podcast from scratch with the investment and skills required.


In this part, I will share with you how you can monetize your blog or podcast to earn money through it.

Future & potential of growth in each

In this part you are going to learn, what is the future of the podcast and blog is going to look like, and are they going to grow or fail, many things in this section, without further ado, let’s learn them.

Final verdict

This is the concluding part, in this part, you will get to know which one to go after based on facts and your skills.


While it might seem like everyone and their dog has a podcast now, it’s not too late! Podcasts are still growing in popularity and now is the time to start.


You can spend your time on each and every word and come across like an articulate badass.


You know what you want, you just need more time + energy to go after it. Let me help you find it!


What Is A Podcast?

What Is A Blog Or Blog Post?

The Difference Between Podcast and Blog

  • However, there are differences between podcasts and blogs. They are both great ways to spread information. You don’t need an explanation as to why this is true. Here are the main differences between these two types of media. Both blogging and podcasting involve posting content online. However, there are differences between the two. Here’s how they differ:
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Which Is Better?

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