Podcast FAQ

blog vs youtube vs podcast

by Timmy Pfannerstill Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Granted, podcasts typically pay more per viewer than platforms like YouTube or blogs because listeners are so dedicated and high-value. However, when you’re starting out, don’t expect to make money fast with a podcast. That said, podcast monetization is getting slightly easier because podcast hosts are helping hosts with more monetization tools.

Full Answer

What is the difference between YouTube and podcasting?

Podcasting can be consumed when people are on the road traveling and performing other tasks while Youtubers want to grab followers attention which is why much work is put into the editing of Youtube video by the top influencers. What are the advantages of Podcast over Youtube?

How can I Make my podcast videos better on YouTube?

Of course, there are things that you can do to make your videos more interesting, like including sound effects, transitions, storytelling, etc, but as a rule of thumb a YouTube viewer is likely to view shorter videos (but a lot of them). The consumption and attention span for podcasts is a little bit different.

Why should you listen to podcasts?

Due to their format and distribution system, podcasts are incredibly versatile, which make them a great option to reach your audience wherever they are. Having the ability to download a podcast and listen to it whenever and wherever you want is a big win for podcasting in the podcast vs YouTube debate.

Why hasn't the podcasting industry grown?

The lack of focus on the podcasting industry has prevented the industry from growing as fast as it could have. Some features that seem standard for YouTube such as a comment section or very in-depth metrics are missing for podcasts. There are many platforms that listeners can use to listen to your podcast.


Is podcast or YouTube better?

Video Content on YouTube is Much More Engaging Than a Podcast: Although podcasting has been a game-changing method of disseminating information, a video on YouTube is far more engaging. This is why many individuals prefer to watch videos on other platforms on YouTube rather than searching for videos on other platforms.

Is blogging better than YouTube?

If you're more comfortable writing and prefer not to be on a camera, you should start a blog. If you don't mind being on camera and feel confident learning video editing skills, then a YouTube channel is best for you. Let's dive into the details of each and help you decide which one you should pick.

Is a blog or podcast better?

There are benefits to blogging, which podcasting can't achieve. Blogging is easier and quicker to do, it has better SEO benefits, and is more easily shareable. No argument there. In fact, a company shouldn't necessarily disregard blogs, newsletters, videos or any other form of content.

Why are blogs better than podcasts?

Blog posts are made up of words, making it much easier to rank with them than with podcast episodes. Even if you have show notes or a transcript of your podcast, a well-optimized blog post on the same topic is likely to outrank you on Google.

Which makes more money blogging or YouTube?

So, for the whole blogging vs YouTube income debate, I think blogging is faster income because you can start monetizing with ads and affiliate links more quickly. But, I think YouTube has more earning potential, more volatility, and is likely more profitable in the short to medium-term for people.

Who is the highest paid blogger?

Top 10 highest-earning bloggersMoz: $44.9 million per year.PerezHilton: $41.3 million per year.Copyblogger: $33.1 million per year.Mashable: $30 million per year.TechCrunch: $22.5 million per year.Envato Tuts+: $10 million per year.Smashing Magazine: $5.2 million per year.Gizmodo: $4.8 million per year.More items...

Are podcasts blogs?

The content in a blog is often referred to as entries or blog posts, which are normally organized into categories. A podcast, on the other hand, is an on-demand digital audio or video file often broadcasted as a series of episodes which can be listened to on your schedule.

Are podcasts the new blogs?

Then social media came along and introduced us to micro-blogging. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to name a few. Now, podcasting is being hailed as the new blogging.

What is difference between vlog and blog?

A blog is very similar to a website, where one can find content regarding any topic in a written/text format, along with images, gifs, etc. A vlog, on the other hand, consists of video content published on any topic. There are various blogging and vlogging platforms out there that support both paid and free domains.

How do I start a podcast or blog?

How to Start a Podcast on Your Blog: 10 StepsStep 1: Pick a Niche.Step 2: Podcast Essentials.Step 3: Create a Podcast Website.Step 4: Set up a Media Hosting Service.Step 5: Plan Your First Few Podcast Episodes.Step 6: Record Your First Podcast.Step 7: Publish Your Podcast on WordPress.More items...•

Why is Blogger used?

What is a blog used for? To help your company rank on search engines. To share information about a given topic and become an expert in an industry. To attract visitors to your site, and turn those visitors into leads.

What is the difference between a video blog and a podcast?

The key difference between podcast and vlog is that the content of a podcast is based on audio while the content of a vlog is based on videos. A podcast is a digital audio file, whereas a vlog is a social media account or a personal website that has video content.

How much does a podcast make?

On average you can earn about $25 per 1,000 listens for a mid-roll advertisement and $18 per 1,000 for a pre-roll advertisement.

How to be a podcaster?

With podcasting the following skills are required: 1 Interviewing guests and asking good questions 2 Knowing how to get the best sound out of a microphone 3 Editing your audio with software like Garageband 4 Marketing the show and episodes. Getting good guests

How long do podcast listeners stay?

According to my own podcasting statistics, listeners on average are staying around for the majority of a show, which is about 45 – 60 minutes long. That’s a very long attention span compared to YouTube.

Is YouTube a search engine?

SEO vs. Novelty. YouTube is a search engine. Every minute of every day, people are typing keywords into the YouTube search engine in order to discover content. Those searches could look like: “Funny cat videos” or “flirting with a hot chick.: However, they could also be more serious terms like:

Why is my YouTube video getting less views?

Even if you create the best videos in your industry on YouTube there is a chance that your video will get less views because someone else created a similar video that is favored by YouTube’s algorithms. There are many different types of content that makers can use to bring people’s attention to their projects.

How long does it take to get a podcast on iTunes?

More difficult to set up. To create a basic podcast you need a microphone, recording software, and a podcast host to get started. You have to wait at least 3-4 days to be accepted by iTunes. On YouTube, anyone with a Gmail account can upload a video in minutes.

What are the best podcast directories?

Below are some of the most popular podcast directories that you can distribute to through BuzzSprout: 1 Apple Podcasts 2 Spotify 3 Google Podcasts 4 Stitcher 5 IHeart Radio 6 TuneIN 7 Alexa 8 OverCast 9 PocketCasts 10 Castro 11 Castbox 12 Podchaser

How to start a podcast fast?

One of the fastest ways to start a podcast is through Buzzsprout. They offer a $20 Amazon giftcard for anyone who signs up for a paid plan and also offer a free plan to start. Some of the other benefits: Buzzsprout gets your show listed in every major podcast platform.

How does YouTube use algorithms?

YouTube uses algorithms to show their viewers content they might like. There is a good chance that YouTube will show viewers your videos. This will increase your potential audience and increase the amount of potential customers for your product. There are no algorithms being used in podcast apps, limiting the organic discovery aspect. The only way to get organic traffic in a podcast app is from listeners using search in their app and for your podcast to show in the results.

Why is it so hard to grow your audience on YouTube?

To grow your audience on a different video sharing platform would be difficult because YouTube has the most viewers compared to any other video sharing platform. But the company can make a decision that will negatively impact your small channel. They won’t care if you stop making videos.

What are some situations where people listen to podcasts?

People listen to podcasts in many different situations, such as cooking, commuting, or walking their dog. On YouTube, people have to sit down and be in a situation where they have access to their screen.

Blogging & Podcasting for Businesses

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of blogging and podcasting, you need to understand what they mean for B2B businesses. It’s different from just writing about your favorite cafe or journaling your European backpacking story.

Blogging: Benefits & Challenges

Blogging is the go-to strategy for any B2B business these days. Every business, from the local ice cream vendor to publicly listed SaaS giants like Gusto, runs a blog. But is that the right strategy for you? Let’s find out.

Podcasting: Benefits & Challenges

Podcasting is what the cool kids are checking out these days. It’s becoming more and more common for folks to start a podcast, listen to a podcast, or sponsor one (in the case of a business). If a $137b company like Shopify is running a podcast, you know it works.

Playing to your strengths

To tell you the truth, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether you should start a blog or podcast for your business. However, both these mediums do complement each other. You can promote an awesome article on a podcast episode and vice versa.

When starting a YouTube channel, do you have to be careful?

When it comes to starting a Youtube channel, you still have to be careful about the types of videos that you are doing and what titles you are giving them.

Can podcasts coexist?

But at the end of the day, both platforms can co-exist with one another because they both serve a pretty similar purpose and that is to drive traffic to what you offer.

Blogging vs YouTube

I assume you already know these two platforms, but here’s a quick little recap if you’re unfamiliar with blogging or YouTube.

Is blogging better than YouTube?

You may be wondering if it’s better to blog or vlog, but there’s never going to be a set-in-stone answer to that question.

7 Questions to Ask Yourself About a Blog vs YouTube

Here are seven essential questions to ask yourself over choosing a blog vs. a Youtube channel.

Should I start a blog or YouTube channel?

I can’t tell you whether to start a blog or YouTube channel. Hopefully, you’ve figured that out by yourself with those seven questions.

Wrapping Up

So that wraps up the debate over starting a blog vs. a YouTube channel.


Two Exciting Announcements Before We Get Started…

So – Should I Start A Blog, A Podcast, Or A YouTube Channel?

Why Should I Do Any of them?

Why Should I Just Pick One and Not All of them?

What Are The Pros and Cons of Each One?

Let’s Recap in Order of Ease of Use

  • Easiest: Blogging
    Blogging definitely doesn’t take a lot of labor. You do have to plan, write, and add some photos, but it’s simple. You can do this as a one-woman show for sure. It is the slowest way to get people to know, like, and trust you, but it is very SEO-friendly.
  • Medium: Podcasting
    Podcasting comes in at medium difficulty level. It requires some equipment up-front, like a microphone, and knowledge of editing software. But if you like to talk, this can be a great medium for you! Other than that, it’s not super crazy.
See more on heyjessica.com

YouTube CPM vs. Podcast CPM

Without a doubt, Podcasting has a higher CPM than YouTube. On average you can earn about $25 per 1,000 listens for a mid-roll advertisement and $18 per 1,000for a pre-roll advertisement. This mean you’d be making about $43 per episode if you were getting 1,000 downloads per episode. This is for just one sponsor. You can …
See more on podcastinghacks.com

SEO vs. Novelty

Attention Span and Consumption Habits

Equipment and Skills Required

Who Do You Want to Be in 10 years?

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