Podcast FAQ

bni podcast 2021

by Orin Shanahan Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the official BNI podcast?

The Official BNI Podcast is a weekly discussion with Dr. Ivan Misner, the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, the world's largest business networking organization. Dr. Misner shares tips on referral marketing, networking, and getting the most out of BNI. Asking for a referral before there’s a relationship is not networking.

Is your BNI chapter eligible to become a hybrid chapter?

Now, as of October 2021, all BNI chapters are eligible to become Hybrid Chapters. Sam Spuhler, product manager for BNI online™, joins Dr. Misner to explain how Hybrid Chapters work.

Do members prefer to stay with BNI online™ permanently?

Another 16% of Members prefer to stay with BNI online™ permanently. Hybrid Chapters are an option. If your chapter wants to continue as an online-only chapter, you can do that. If your chapter is in an area where it’s safe to meet in person every week, you can do that.

How long should your BNI meeting be?

Within two years of joining BNI, she had as much business coming to her from BNI as in her most profitable year of Yellow Pages advertising. The 90 minutes you spend at your weekly BNI meeting are both more fun and more effective than spending the same amount of time cold calling or knocking on doors.



Happy 65th birthday to Dr. Ivan Misner! BNI Connect is also celebrating a birthday, and Jeremy Walsh returns to the show for a record 15th time to review some of the highlights of the journey to where BNI Connect is today.


Although we’re often confronted with what seems like a no-win scenario in business, Ivan Misner believes there’s almost always a way to win without breaking the rules.


The lens that we choose to see the world through can greatly influence the things that we see and experience. Words matter: What you put in your head shows up in your world. Difficult situations are real, but even in tough times you can reframe your experience to keep it from overwhelming you.


Adam Caplan from BNI Essex joins Dr. Misner to talk about how he passed a million-dollar referral.


When you’re missing key business categories within your BNI chapter, you’re missing out on opportunities to help your friends, family, and best clients. Robert Skrob returns to the podcast this week to explain why inviting visitors to fill all the empty business categories makes you a more valuable Master Connector.


Is your chapter making excuses for not inviting visitors? Are you marking time waiting to go back to meeting in person? Don’t let your group deflate while you wait for the challenges to be over. In this week’s episode, Dr. Misner addresses all these excuses–most of which are the same excuses he’s been hearing for 36 years.


When Dr. Misner was a child, his teachers all had the same complaint: “Ivan talks too much.” What his teachers saw as a problem ended up being an advantage. Dr. Misner’s job is to talk to people, and he gets paid well to do it.


Zachary Saunders from BNI Integrity Partners in New Hampshire joins Dr. Misner to talk about how BNI can benefit businesses in any of the four business phases and how to use the phases to invite visitors and encourage people to join.


What can cause a healthy 46-year-old to have a stroke? Stress and overwork, that’s what. Dr. Richard Shuster joins the podcast this week to talk about the importance of harmony and alignment in entrepreneurship and share some quick tips for reducing stress.


Most visitors who aren’t ready to join aren’t sure they can invest the time and money required to make BNI work for their businesses. Shirley Towne from BNI South Carolina Midlands returns to the podcast to explain why those are exactly the reasons they should join BNI.


This week Dr. Minser shares a story about a very important lesson about communication from the retired brigadier general who taught him management theory.


Mark Breves, the chapter president of the Founder Chapter of BNI, joins Dr. Misner on the podcast this week. When Mark became the president, the chapter was down to 20 members and struggling. After some coaching from Dr. Misner, Mark and his chapter implemented the following suggestions to grow the chapter back to 35 members (and counting).


Jenni Butz joins Dr. Misner on the podcast today to share some best practices for BNI Visitor Hosts, with a timeline and touch points to help visitors have a better experience:

More Resources

Download Ivan’s two-hour training The BNI Visitor Experience from Misner Audio Programs.


Lately Dr. Misner has seen a lot of people who have been using VCP like it’s a formula: Visibility + Credibility = Profitability.


While this isn’t officially an Ask Ivan episode, this week’s podcast is an answer to the following question.


In his last appearance on The Official BNI Podcast, Tom Etherington talked about maximizing your BNI Connect profile. Tom returns this week to share his tips for maximizing your LinkedIn profile as part of your 360º brand story.


Robert Skrob joins Dr. Misner again this week to explain what a Master Connector is and how becoming one helps your business.

What episode is Matthew Pollard on the BNI podcast?

Matthew’s first appearance on The Official BNI Podcast was in Episode 554, shortly after his first book came out.

What is the topic of Dr. Misner's book?

Synopsis. This week Dr. Misner focuses on the idea that giving is transformational. This topic comes from the book Infinite Giving, which Dr. Misner wrote with Greg Davies and Julian Lewis. Here are some of the way that giving transforms us, according to studies:

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