Podcast FAQ

bni power of one podcast

by Prof. Garland Blanda Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I download the official BNI podcast?

Right-click and select “save as” to download. Try changing your stance next time you’re at an in-person event, and share what happens in the comments. The Official BNI Podcast is sponsored by Misner Audio Programs. Please right-click the download link and choose "Save Link As..."

Who sponsors the official BNI podcast?

The Official BNI Podcast is sponsored by Misner Audio Programs. Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner.

What is the power of one equation in Bni?

The final one in the power of one equation is one visitor per member per month because. Visitors are the lifeblood of BNI and the networking effect is an exponential effect. The bigger the network becomes, the more potential there is for referrals. So we maintain and.

Do members prefer to stay with BNI online™ permanently?

Another 16% of Members prefer to stay with BNI online™ permanently. Hybrid Chapters are an option. If your chapter wants to continue as an online-only chapter, you can do that. If your chapter is in an area where it’s safe to meet in person every week, you can do that.


What is the power of one report in BNI?

BNI's Member Traffic Lights (Power of One Report) and Chapter Traffic Lights are tools that are provided to help members analyse what's working and what's not working, and how we can make it better.

Where are BNI podcasts?

The Official BNI Podcast on Apple Podcasts.

What are BNI core values?

Core ValuesGivers Gain® Be willing to give first, before you expect to gain. ... Traditions + Innovation. We honor our traditions and look to a brighter future fueled by innovation, optimism, and excitement.Building Relationships. ... Lifelong Learning. ... Accountability. ... Positive Attitude. ... Recognition.

What is a BNI Power Team?

A power team is a group of professionals in BNI who work in non-competing, related fields and have developed relationships so they can refer customers to each other.

Why is BNI 121?

BNI can accelerate the process of developing trust between BNI members through regular 1-2-1s. To be effective, a 1-2-1 needs to be both structured and social. The more you can find overlapping areas of professional and personal interest, the more successful your 1-2-1 is going to be.

How much are BNI dues?

How Much Does it Cost to Join a BNI Club? It costs about $400-600 per year to join a BNI chapter (plus the cost of meals/coffees). Overall your expenses could run upwards of $800/year with food and transportation costs factored in.

Who runs BNI?

Founder and Chief Visionary Officer Ivan Misner is the Founder & Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, the world's largest business networking organization. Founded in 1985 the organization now has over 9,800 chapters throughout every populated continent of the world.

How do BNI franchisees make money?

Our franchisees, who we call Executive Directors, launch and grow BNI® Chapters within their communities, earning revenue from the Members who join those Chapters that essentially adds a roomful of new sales people to their team.

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BNI 457: Yearly PSA about Networking and the Holidays

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BNI 456: Business Matters 54 - We Answer Your Questions!

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BNI 452: Weekly Presentation Coaching 28 - Vicki Parker

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In Episode 530, Dr. Misner talked to Mike Macedonio about “ networking up .” That episode focused on hanging out where successful people are and how to connect with them. Today, Dr. Misner wants to share some additional suggestions about how to network above your weight class.


It’s International Networking Week, which makes it a great time for a reminder that if all your networking efforts are focused on visibility, you’ll never get to profitability.


Jonathon Chua, Head of Operations at BNI Global, joins Dr. Misner this week to talk about passion and enthusiasm as elements of making a referral. Sometimes we go overboard with our enthusiasm, and then being passionate can come across as being pushy.


Becky Isbell joins Dr. Misner on the podcast this week to talk about the three places you need to build relationships: at home, at work, and in your community. Relationships are one of BNI’s core values, and it’s important not to take them for granted.


Have you ever been solicited for business or for a referral by someone you didn’t even know? Asking for a referral before there’s a relationship is premature.

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