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bob bain podcast

by Rosa Blick Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Paranormal Podcasts

Deep in the back of your mind, you’ve always had the strange feeling that reality isn’t what it seems to be. You are right. There are invisible forces at play every day in our lives. These invisible forces control human behavior, manipulating what we see, feel, think and achieve.

Intrusion: Alien Encounters with Bob Mitchell

Harrowing stories of alien abduction and visitation, including encounters with the Greys, Mantids, Hooded Aliens, and other entities.

Dream Science and Dream Phenomena with Bob Hoss

Dream expert Bob Hoss sat down for an enlightening and fun conversation focused on dreams. Some topics touched on include: Do dreams influence serial killers? Why do some people relive traumatic moments in their lives through their dreams?

Dr. Michael Masters: Are Aliens the Descendants of Humans?

Professor of anthropology and author Dr. Michael Masters joined the program to discuss his theories of what extraterrestrials are, and where they come from.

Duncan Lunan: Green Children of Woolpit, The Black Knight Satellite, and The Big Grey Man of Scotland

Duncan Lunan Joined Mysterious Matters to discuss the Green Children of Woolpit and many other topics, In the late 12th century, two very strange children came out of an ancient earthwork at the village of Woolpit in East Anglia. The incident is recorded, from different viewpoints, by two chroniclers both regarded as reliable.

Psychedelic Gospels with Jerry Brown

Are there secret messages encoded in ancient Christian artwork? Jerry Brown believes the paintings, stained glass, and other works of art from early Christianity show a strong pattern of psychedelic usage among early Christians—including Jesus and his disciples.

Moving in the Light with Von Braschler

Von Braschler returns to Mysterious Matters to talk about various topics including Moving in the Light.

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