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bob rivers podcast

by Ms. Ruth Nitzsche Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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State of Play

Greetings from Vermont. Writing you a short blog tonight instead of our Bob and Zip Show podcast. We will miss our Wednesday episode, returning on Friday. Lisa and I just watched a movie on Netflix. Which is a bit unusual these days, as we typically binge watch...

Reality TV is Fake

People ask me if I’m watching the Impeachment. I say “No, why would I watch any program where I already know the ending?” Why would anyone? Have you ever heard of Kabuki Theater? The definition: “Kabuki is a form of classical theater in Japan known for its elaborate…

I Learn More From Fiction

Lisa and I just binge watched a new Netflix show called “Dead to Me”. I won’t reveal any spoilers, but I can say that it’s unlike any other dark drama or comedy ever made. The creator calls it a “Traumedy”.

All At Your Fingertips

When’s the last time you visited a public library? You know, the brick and mortar kind, in your local community? Maybe it’s been awhile, and maybe you’ve already guessed that I’m going to compare it to the internet. Do you have any idea why and for how long free...

Greetings Earthlings

The thing that strikes me about this moment in time is the opportunity that we all share. Yeah, a Pandemic sucks, and I would be lying to you if I pretended to know anything at all for sure about how it will turn out. Safe to say, not good. My brother likely has it....

Better Than Me

I’m not naturally talented. If you ask me why I had a somewhat successful career, I would have to say it’s because I went out of my way to surround myself with people who were better than me. I got lucky, in that a higher power or dumb luck kept sending them my way….

Facebook In The Crosshairs – Part 2

About 5 years ago, while teaching at Green River College, I polled journalism students about where they get their news. Facebook was number one, handily beating all other media. And, since algorithms rule, any newspaper or TV show that wants subscribers or viewers...

Who replaced Bob Rivers on the Bob Rivers Show?

He found a great guy named Spike O’Neill in Baltimore, and a wonderful addition to the team named Joe Bryant in Seattle. The Bob Rivers Show had a very persistent run for 25 years in the Pacific Northwest. Zip easily replaced Bob with another cohost named Drew Lane.

How long did Bob and Zip host?

Once upon a time in a galaxy not that far away, Bob and Zip hosted a wildly popular morning show for about 6 years. Worcester and Boston commuters were treated to irreverent humor, twisted tunes, interviews and the edgy but friendly chemistry between Bob Rivers and Zip Zipfel.

Did Bob and Zip get together?

Bob was officially “retired” from radio after 25 years, and Zip, he still makes an occasional bad decision, so when Bob asked if he’d like to get together for a weekend radio show, Zip said “Yes!

Did Bob and Zip talk?

For awhile Bob and Zip were not friends and didn’t talk. Bob will tell you it was all Bob’s fault, as he was a jerk to Zip back in the day. Zip’s the kind of guy who’s nice to everyone all the time. He has a heart of gold. Then one day in 2015 they reconnected, and each one thought the other had matured quite a bit.

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