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body stuff podcast

by Suzanne Erdman Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


When a dentist tells us something is wrong with our teeth, we tend to follow their advice. But when Mona visits two different dentists, they give her two wildly different diagnoses (with wildly different price tags).

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Should I do a juice cleanse? Do I really need 8 glasses of water a day? Is it actually possible to "boost" my immune system? You’re constantly bombarded with news stories, ads, and social media posts telling you how to optimize your health—but a lot of these sources that pretend to be backed by science have another agenda. Dr.

Do you need to do a detox?

Put down the cayenne-lemon water, and step away from the “diet” teas, says Dr. Jen Gunter. She’s joined by a hepatologist who explains why these cleanses and “natural” detoxes can do more harm to your body (and bank account) than good, and shares what you can do to keep your body’s natural detox system running smoothly. Thanks to Dr.

Does perfect skin really exist?

There are YouTube tutorials, magazine columns, and entire online communities dedicated to finding the “perfect skin care routine.” But what we consider to be “perfect” skin is rooted in racist, sexist and ageist ideas.

Can you boost your immune system?

We’ve been told products like goji berries and pomegranate juice will boost your immune system—but attempts at “boosting” your immune system can do more harm than good.

Is drinking milk essential for building strong bones?

Got milk? When it comes to building strong bones, you shouldn’t just stick to the dairy aisle—but many people are starting to skip it all together, with a demonic narrative evolving around milk in recent years.

Is menopause the beginning of the end?

There are only two mammals who have evolved to survive after their child bearing years: toothed whales and humans.

Why are we so awkward about poop?

When most people think about poop, they think about shame and embarrassment. It’s something they don’t want to talk about and that prevents us from learning things—like the number of times a day we should be going number two—that can keep us healthy! On this episode, Dr.

When is the next Body Stuff podcast?

May 12, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT. Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter, the newest podcast from the TED Audio Collective, launches on May 19. Body Stuff will bust the lies you’re told — and sold — about your personal health.

Who is the host of Body Stuff?

Body Stuff is hosted by celebrated OB/GYN, pain medicine physician and TED speaker Dr. Jen Gunter, who has made it her mission to combat health misinformation online and isn’t afraid to take on the world’s biggest peddlers of it — from lotions and potions to diets and detoxes.

How many episodes are there in season 1 of The Body?

Season one will have eight episodes. Each episode of the podcast will be accompanied by a short video released on TED.com, YouTube and TED’s social channels that further helps us understand the systems of the body in a fun and accessible way.

Is Body Stuff a podcast?

Produced by TED and Transmitter Media, Body Stuff is part of the TED Audio Collective. TED’s collection of podcasts includes shows co-developed by TED and its speakers as well as shows developed and produced independently by inspiring thinkers and creators. The growing list of podcasts ranges from TED originals like TED Talks Daily and Far Flung with Saleem Reshamwala to independent series like Design Matters with Debbie Millman and Conversations with People Who Hate M‪e from Dylan Marron.

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