What is the British history podcast?
The British History Podcast on Apple Podcasts The BHP is a chronological retelling of the history of Britain with a particular focus upon the lives of the people.
What is history?
History is drama. History is our story, and it belongs to all of us. The BHP is a chronological retelling of the history of Britain with a particular focus upon the lives of the people.
What is the Renaissance English history podcast?
I started the Renaissance English History Podcast in 2009 as a way to bring stories to life through the technology of podcasting, making it the longest continuously running indie history podcast.
Is there a podcast about bhp?
Suzanne Lathamsays: June 3, 2017 at 4:04 pm Jamie, Just a quick note of thanks for the terrific podcast. I found BHP last summer, and expected it to be about the usual suspects.

What is the Pax Britannica podcast?
Scotland, United Kingdom About Podcast Pax Britannica is a narrative history podcast covering the empire upon which the sun never set. Beginning with the accession of James VI of Scotland to the throne of England, Pax Britannica will follow the people and events that created an empire that dominated the globe. Hosted by a PhD candidate in British Imperial history, and based on extensive scholarship and primary sources, along with interviews with experts in their field, Pax Britannica aims to explain the rise and eventual fall of the largest empire in history. After all, how peaceful was the 'British Peace'? Frequency 2 episodes / month , Average Episode Length 42 min Since Feb 2019 Podcast paxbritannica.info#N#Facebook fans 513 ⋅ Twitter followers 3.6K ⋅ Domain Authority 18 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact
Where is the Talesofthebri podcast?
South Yorkshire, England , United Kingdom About Podcast A podcast telling some of the famous and not-so-famous myths, legends, stories, and folklore of the British Isles in a haphazard order. Coming directly from South Yorkshire it is currently regular and will feature all of the above and whatever other miscellaneous snippets take my fancy Frequency 1 episode / week , Average Episode Length 61 min Since Jun 2018 Also in Folklore Podcasts Podcast soundcloud.com/talesofthebri..#N#Facebook fans 507 ⋅ Social Engagement 37 ⋅ Domain Authority 93 ⋅ Alexa Rank 141 View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact
What is the Isadora podcast?
About Podcast Join Isadora (a Brit with a degree in History) as she helps to educate two American guys on a little about the history of the house they have all just moved into, and therefore England as a whole. Together they investigate some of the skills passed down for generations, explores some of the weirdest bits of British life, and talk science, crime, death, and murder. Semi-educational and semi-frustrating as Isadora tries to keep them on track, the segways sometimes prove how ignorant they all are, and how you can always learn something you never knew before. Frequency 1 episode / year , Average Episode Length 43 min Since Feb 2020 Podcast historythroughahouse.com/pod..#N#Facebook fans 35 ⋅ Domain Authority 1 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact
What is the Rex Factor podcast?
United Kingdom About Podcast Rex Factor is a light-hearted look at all the kings and queens of England and Scotland. One by one we review every monarch by a number of factors - success in battle, notoriety, justice - before giving them our final judgement and deciding whether they have the Rex Factor. The podcasts are well researched but also light-hearted and unscripted to provide a more accessible approach to history. Frequency 10 episodes / year , Average Episode Length 72 min Since Aug 2010 Also in Monarchy Podcasts Podcast rexfactor.podbean.com#N#Facebook fans 4.2K ⋅ Twitter followers 4.8K ⋅ Social Engagement 36 ⋅ Domain Authority 89 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact
Where is the Tudor Minute?
The Tudor Minute. Ronda, Andalucia, Spain With the Tudor Minute, you get daily bites of live from 16th century England. Created by the Renaissance English History Podcast, one of the longest-running indie history podcasts, these bite-size snippets provide a quick dose of Tudor any time of the day.
Where is the Tudor Travel Guide?
Oxfordshire , England, UK A podcast that brings Tudor's history to life by exploring Tudor's places and artifacts in the flesh. The Tudor Travel Guide brings you lively onsite walk-and-talk interviews at historic Tudor locations across the UK and fuses them with inspiring ideas for your next Tudor-themed vacation.