How do I subscribe to the bubble hour podcast?
Hit the Subscribe button to track updates in Player FM, or paste the feed URL into other podcast apps. The Bubble Hour is a weekly podcast hosted by recovery author and blogger, Jean McCarthy. Real People. Real Stories. Real Hope.
What is the bubble hour?
The Bubble Hour seeks to inform, educate and help people identify with the stories they hear, the conversations and interviews with people who are just like they are, and let people know they aren't alone.
What happened in the bubble hour season 9 Episode 24?
The Bubble Hour Season 9 Episode 24 with Jean McCarthy Host Jean McCarthy returns from an extended break and reflects on ways that sobriety has served her well during her various adventures. UnPickled Logo Hoodie by UnPickled

How do you get sober podcast?
If you don't know where to begin your listening experience, here are eight of the best addiction recovery podcasts we've found.The Bubble Hour. ... Busy Living Sober. ... The Addicted Mind Podcast. ... ODAAT Chat Podcast. ... The Sober Guy Podcast. ... Breaking Free: Your Recovery. ... A Sober Girls Guide. ... Recovery Happy Hour.
Who is Jean McCarthy?
Jean McCarthy is an award-winning author, blogger and podcaster who is best-known as a voice of recovery advocacy. Her blog UnPickled began in 2011 and has continued to chronicle Jean's alcohol-free lifestyle since her first day of sobriety.
Is Gina McCarthy married?
Kenneth McCareyGina McCarthy / Spouse
Where was Gina McCarthy born?
Dorchester, Boston, MAGina McCarthy / Place of birth
What is bubble in sobriety?
The "Bubble" is what we use to stay safe and happy in sobriety (especially early sobriety). We surround ourselves with things and people who bring us joy, laughter and comfort.
How long is Jean McCarthy's break?
Host Jean McCarthy returns from an unplanned 3-week break and shares stories and insights from her time away. Plus information from Recovery Research Institute on the effectiveness of various recovery programs, celebrating and... more
How long did Jenny's recovery take?
Jenny's path to recovery included several "fasts" from alcohol - planned, supported breaks for 30 or more days as she worked to envision her life without drinking. When her father died, she longed to honor her grief by feeling it fully.... more
The Bubble Hour S9 E23 Victoria Vanstone
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/07/14/victoria-vanstone Victoria Vanstone examines the lighter side of life after alcohol on her blog Drunk Mummy Sober Mummy and podcast Sober Awkward. "Me and booze don’t go well together, its like bunk beds and ceiling fans – the two just don’t work," says Victoria.
The Bubble Hour S9E22 Kim Bellas
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/06/28/kim-bellas "I know now that alcohol was not my friend," says Kim Bellas. Kim quit drinking to model alcohol-free living for her teenaged son, who has a medical condition that will require him to do the same.
The Bubble Hour S9E21 Betsy Byler
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/06/22/betsy-byler Betsy Byler is a woman in successful long-term recovery who is also a therapist. Betsy hosts a podcast aimed at educating therapists about addiction and recovery, "All Things Substance with Betsy Byler".
The Bubble Hour S9E20 Sherry Hoppen
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/06/14/sherry-hoppen-author-of-sober-cycle Sherry Hoppen is the founder of She Surrenders, a ministry encouraging women into faith-based recovery. As a Christian woman who has lived through the nightmare of addiction to alcohol, she helps others battling addiction through writing, speaking, coaching.
The Bubble Hour S9E19 Summer Update from Jean
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/06/07/summer-update-from-jean Host Jean McCarthy returns from an unplanned 3-week break and shares stories and insights from her time away.
Jean McCarthy on Broken Open Podcast
https://maureentowns.com/podcast/ Jean McCarthy, host of The Bubble Hour, shares her recovery story and insights with Maureen Towns of the podcast Broken Open. Use the link above to listen on your favourite podcast app or watch the video on YouTube. (Note: Jean is on vacation and will return soon with new episodes of The Bubble Hour!)
The Bubble Hour S9E18 Jenny Dalton
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/05/11/jenny-dalton Jenny's path to recovery included several "fasts" from alcohol - planned, supported breaks for 30 or more days as she worked to envision her life without drinking. When her father died, she longed to honor her grief by feeling it fully.
The Bubble Hour S9 E27 Looking Back and Forward for a New Year
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/12/31/looking-back-and-forward-for-a-new-year Jean shares a new poem to encourage anyone starting fresh for the new year, and reflects on important milestones and decisions for The Bubble Hour.
The Bubble Hour S9 E26 10 Tips for Hosting a Sober Guest
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/12/20/10-tips-for-hosting-a-sober-guest This is a special episode intended for listeners in recovery to share with normie friends and family who want to understand how to make us more comfortable at their events.
The Bubble Hour S9E25 Holiday Tips from UnPickled Blog
The Bubble Hour Season 9 Episode 25 - Holiday Tips from UnPickled Whether it's your first year of sobriety or you have decades of experience, the holidays can be a trying time. Here are a few things to consider as you make your way through the weeks ahead.
The Bubble Hour S9E24 Jean Reflects on Time Off
The Bubble Hour Season 9 Episode 24 with Jean McCarthy Host Jean McCarthy returns from an extended break and reflects on ways that sobriety has served her well during her various adventures. UnPickled Logo Hoodie by UnPickled
The Bubble Hour S9 E23 Victoria Vanstone
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/07/14/victoria-vanstone Victoria Vanstone examines the lighter side of life after alcohol on her blog Drunk Mummy Sober Mummy and podcast Sober Awkward. "Me and booze don’t go well together, its like bunk beds and ceiling fans – the two just don’t work," says Victoria.
The Bubble Hour S9E22 Kim Bellas
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/06/28/kim-bellas "I know now that alcohol was not my friend," says Kim Bellas. Kim quit drinking to model alcohol-free living for her teenaged son, who has a medical condition that will require him to do the same.
The Bubble Hour S9E21 Betsy Byler
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/bubblehour/2021/06/22/betsy-byler Betsy Byler is a woman in successful long-term recovery who is also a therapist. Betsy hosts a podcast aimed at educating therapists about addiction and recovery, "All Things Substance with Betsy Byler".
Friday, November 11, 2016
Cory first wrote to Jean (via unpickledblog.com) when she was just 14 days sober. The two stayed in touch over the months that followed, encouraging one another and checking in with updates. When Cory wrote to say she was celebrating one year of sobriety, Jean invited her to share her story with listeners of The Bubble Hour.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Still waters run deep. Kirsten was a quiet, thoughtful child who kept a lot in. She learned to be an outgoing, independent woman who moved through the world with competence and yet, the feelings and thoughts she kept to herself were eating away at her from the inside.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Courtney is someone you wouldn't expect to struggle, but she has. Born with a malformation of her right hand, she always felt flawed and tried to compensate with exacting standards and high levels of acheivement. Her inner pain crept out in other ways, though. This episode is a solid reminder about comparing our insides to others' outsides.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
The mother and daughter relationship can be complicated under the best of circumstances. Many times more so when addiction comes into play. Mom Leslie recently celebrated one year of sobriety. She and her daughter Amy share their individual perspectives on life before and after Leslie quit drinking.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Many of us spend our time in active addiction keeping secrets and staying silent. We feel like the WORST thing that could happen would be to tell someone, only to find in recovery that it feels GREAT to talk to others about the things we kept locked away.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
It can feel awful when someone we care about returns to drinking. How to respond? How to be supportive? What about feeling rejected and diminished? How do we protect our own sobriety while helping others? Jean discusses these questions with a special guest whose voice you may have been missing!
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