Podcast FAQ

buzzsprout podcast statistics

by Isobel Rolfson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Here are the top 10, according to Buzzsprout’s podcast statistics:

Listening Provider May 2021 (%) October 2021 (%) April 2022 (%)
Spotify 29.4 31.2 26.8
Apple Podcasts 29.8 31.1 37.4
Web Browser 2.6 2.6 2.9
Google Podcasts 2.7 2.4 2.4
Jun 16 2022

Full Answer

How popular are Buzzsprout podcasts?

If your episodes are downloaded 308 times in the first 7 days after release, you're in the top 10% of Buzzsprout podcasts. 31% of the episodes on Buzzsprout are between 20 and 40 minutes long. 36% of Buzzsprout podcasts publish episodes every 3 - 7 days. All Buzzsprout statistics comply with the IAB Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines 2.0.

What is the average length of an episode on Buzzsprout?

31% of the episodes on Buzzsprout are between 20 and 40 minutes long. 36% of Buzzsprout podcasts publish episodes every 3 - 7 days. All Buzzsprout statistics comply with the IAB Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines 2.0.

Who is the head of Marketing at Buzzsprout?

Alban Brooke is the Head of Marketing at Buzzsprout and the co-host of Buzzcast. Have any questions about this guide? Reach out on Twitter. Is the podcast industry growing?

How do you track podcast growth?

Every year, media groups like Statistica, Triton Digital, and Edison Research run digital media surveys to measure trends, understand listener behavior, and track podcast growth worldwide. We update this post monthly with the latest podcast statistics so you can stay updated on the industry and make informed decisions about your own podcast!


Can you see how many listeners a podcast has?

Checking a podcast's social media accounts can tell you something about their listenership figures and how engaged their listeners are. Usually you can go to the podcast's official website (listed in most podcast listening apps) to find links to their social media accounts.

Is Buzzsprout good for podcast?

Wrap Up. I can say with confidence that Buzzsprout is one of the best podcast hosting platforms out there. It makes the process of getting started easy for beginners, and also has a host of advanced tools for pro users. Apart from that, the platform gives you the privilege of monetizing your show.

How do you check podcast stats?

4 Methods to Estimate a Podcast's Popularity1) Reviews and Ratings.2) Rankings.3) Google Trends.1) Ask The Podcast Directly.2) Check their Website.3) Podchaser Pro.

What are good podcast statistics?

How many downloads makes a successful podcast? The most successful podcast episode had around 50,000 downloads in only 30 days. An episode with 9,000 downloads earns a place in the top 5% of podcasts, and 3,400 downloads puts you in the top 10%. The average podcast racks up 141 downloads in the first 30 days.

What is the success rate of podcast?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail.

Is Buzzsprout the best podcast host?

Buzzsprout is one of the best podcast hosting services around. They have been around since 2009 and over 100,000 people have used them to start a podcast! Buzzsprout offers a number of features to help create and market your podcast. They offer a free plan which makes it easy to get started.

Which is better Podbean or Buzzsprout?

Even though Podbean does have an app available for both Android and iPhones as well as a website that can be used for recordings, Buzzsprout still seems to offer much more than Podbean does in the line of features. However, Buzzsprout limits their hosting to 90 days with the 2 hour limit on their free plan.

How do you know if a podcast is successful?

Download numbers are one of the most obvious metrics for measuring the success of your podcast. Download stats are immediately accessible to you, from the minute you launch your first episode. Watching the numbers climb can be rewarding. Some might even say addictive.

How many listeners do you need to make money on a podcast?

You usually need a larger audience of at least 5K or 10K listeners per month to work with them. One of the largest ad networks is Midroll, another popular network is Authentic, and many of the podcast hosting companies have their own networks as well.

Can you tell who listens to your podcast?

But to quickly answer our topic question, “Can Podcast Owners See Who Listens?”, the answer is no! You cannot see exactly who is listening to your podcast.

How much can a small podcast make?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

How much money does the average podcaster make?

Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more. You can price your ads differently depending on where you place them within your episode. Pre-roll ads run at the beginning of the show, usually for about 15-30 seconds.

How many listeners is good for a new podcast?

5,000 listeners per episode almost guarantees a successful monetization. This is where a lot of interesting things start happening. Having more than 5,000 listeners per episode makes a podcast over 29 times more likely to be monetized successfully.

How long does it take for a podcast to get popular?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

What makes a bad podcast?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

Why are podcast stats important?

Objective measurement of show growth provides valuable insight into what is working and what isn't so you can fine-tune your podcast and expand your reach.

Buzzsprout's approach to podcast statistics

Buzzsprout places a high value on providing podcasters with useful feedback within an easy-to-navigate platform.

How many people listen to podcasts in the UK?

25% of adults in the UK are regular podcast listeners. Weekly listening was only at 14% in 2019, and 18% in 2020, according to Rajar's Spring 2020 data, so this shows really good growth in UK listening numbers.

How many podcasts are there in 2021?

There are 3,990,000 total podcasts registered, around the world. podcastindex.com – June 2021. Interestingly, there's a trend towards podcasts not being listed on Apple Podcasts, even though they were long the primary podcast directory.

How much has Spotify dropped in 2021?

Overcast 1.2%. Interesting that Apple Podcasts dropped nearly 3% over only 6 months (from 32.3% in Dec 2020 to 30.5% in March 2021 to 29.8% in June 2021), while Spotify climbed nearly 4% in the same time, from 25.5% in Dec to 28.1% in March to 29.4% in June 2021.

Is podcast listenership growing?

The biggest takeaway for advertisers is certainly that podcast listenership is growing steadily, and is not showing signs of plateauing; in fact, within some demographics, it is clearly accelerating. And those that aren't, might be readily explained through effects of the Pandemic in 2020.

Is Spotify a podcast?

Spotify is Creating New Podcast Listeners. The next biggest takeaway is that Spotify is still a serious boon for listenership. Spotify's market share continues to grow, and current stats via Buzzsprout suggest that it will probably overtake Apple during 2021.

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