Podcast FAQ

by the book podcast sponsors

by Emmanuel Beier Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is by the book on Apple Podcasts?

By The Book on Apple Podcasts Half reality show, half self-help podcast, and one wild social experiment. Join comedian Jolenta Greenberg and culture critic Kristen Meinzer as they live by the rules of a different self-help book each episode to figure out which ones might actually be life changing.

What are some of the best podcasts on NPR?

By The Book was named one of the best new podcasts of 2017 by NPR. The New York Times selected By The Book as their Podcast Club Pick in Fall of 2017. And Bust Magazine named By The Book one of their Top Ten Bets for Winter 2017. By The Book has been featured on NPR's The Big Listen and All Things Considered.

How much does it cost to sponsor a podcast?

18 x 10 (for the 10,000 listens) = $180 is the cost to the sponsor for a Preroll. 25 x 10 (for the 10,000 listens) = $250 is the cost to the sponsor for a Midroll. Therefore, your 10,000 per episode podcast would cost a sponsor $430 for a Preroll/Midroll combo.

What is the best book on podcasting for beginners?

Podcast Launch immediately became the #1 ranked book in Amazon on podcasting (and remains so), with over 550 5-star reviews. Podcast Launch established Entrepreneurs On Fire and myself as an authority figure of sorts on podcasting, and because of that, other opportunities began to appear.


viewing the world through the bible

By The Book is an in depth look into the world around us from a biblical perspective. New episodes every Friday.

Our Host

E. Allen Griffith is the Executive Director of Biblical Family Ministries Inc., which he founded in 1993. He previously served as a pastor in West Chester, Pennsylvania for 26 years. Dr. Griffith has produced a variety of books and CDs on a number of topics.

New episodes every friday

By The Book is an in depth look into the world around us from a biblical perspective.

Who is Kristen Meinzer?

KRISTEN MEINZER is a long-time audio producer and host, and head of nonfiction programming at Panoply. In addition to cohosting By The Book, she also cohosts When Meghan Met Harry: A Royal Weddingcast.

Is By the Book on NPR?

By The Book has been featured on NPR's The Big Listen and All Things Considered. It's been written up in IndieWire, AdWeek, Splitsider, Well+Good, Brit+Co, Podblaster, and more. It is part of the Panoply network, alongside Revisionist History, You Must Remember This, Happier with Gretchen Rubin, and other shows you probably love.


a Customer Growth Platform that automates sms and email marketing to help businesses acquire, retain and grow their customers.


USAFacts is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan civic initiative making government data easy for all Americans to access and understand.

Almond Board of California

Almond Board of California proudly represents California Almond growers and processors.


From botanical spirits to body care products, AMASS makes clean botanics for modern life.

American Express

American Express offers world-class Charge and Credit Cards, Gift Cards, Rewards, Travel, Personal Savings, Business Services, Insurance and more.

Ameriprise Financial

Ameriprise advisors provide personalized goal-based financial advice that can help you get on track now and stay on track for tomorrow.

Arizona State University

Arizona State University is a public research university in the Phoenix metropolitan area.

How to find sponsors for podcasts?

A couple of ideas include listeneing to other podcasts in your industry or niche to see who is sponsoring those podcasts, or simply doing your own research to come up with the products and services your audience needs most and then approaching those companies.

How do I find Podcast Sponsorships?

Within Podcasters’ Paradise, I have some great video tutorials on how to find the perfect sponsors, how to email them, how to create a great relationship with them, how to retain them, and how to lock in the best possible rate for your show.

What is a midroll in podcasts?

Midroll: You have lot more flexibility here. Typically your Midroll is inserted somewhere around the 40 – 70% mark of the podcast episode. During these 60 seconds the host will talk about the sponsor’s product or service, often sharing a personal story if possible and revealing some of the features and benefits.

Why do podcast sponsors work?

Podcast sponsorships work so well because it is YOU, the host, that is promoting the product or service, and your listeners trust you. That trust will deteriorate if you make it seem more about the sponsorships than the listener. Finally, it’s bad for the host… you!

Why do sponsors win?

Sponsorships provide a win/win/win scenario: your audience wins because you’re sharing a product or service that can help them on their journey; your sponsor wins because they’re growing their reach and exposure; and you win because you’re creating another stream of revenue.

When you bring on a sponsor, does it matter how relevant?

When you bring on a sponsor, no matter how relevant, and no matter how awesome, you are on some level diluting the message of your podcast.

Do podcasts share revenue?

Most podcasts don’t share revenue numbers, and if they do, it’s oftentimes not an actual profit number but a gross revenue number. This makes it difficult to say what podcast is most profitable.

Outline your goals and offer with a sponsorship strategy

Regardless of whether you’re seeking sponsorship for a product, event, book, or podcast, the overarching aim of attracting corporate sponsors remains the same: you need sponsors that engage your audience.

Getting sponsors onboard

With a strategy in place, you have an offer and target prospects. Now, it’s time to sell your sponsorship potential.

Deliver a fulfillment report to secure long-term sponsorship

The post-sponsorship fulfillment report is a critical part of the sponsorship agreement. As Kathy Emery, Principal of The Sponsor Placement Company, points out:


Successful sponsorship is based on research and value. Take the time to fine tune your sponsorship strategy so that it clearly defines your audience, target market, and benefits you bring to the table.

How to pitch a podcast to a sponsor?

Take an hour or so to make a few slides about your show, your team, and your sponsorship rates. Save a “Master Template” version of your deck, then make a copy each time you reach out to a new sponsor. Like a résumé, you want to optimize your pitch for the person you’re sending it to. So if you have a movie review show, you might make one version of your deck where you hype all the movie-related aspects of your podcast for movie-related sponsors, and another where you describe it as more general-interest for non-film sponsors.

How to get excited about a sponsor?

First and foremost: your audience likes hearing you get excited about stuff. The better the sponsor fits with your audience or subject matter, the easier it will be to get genuinely stoked about their product. If your sponsor is a business or product you love to use, let your enthusiasm shine through! Disaffection is for old-school newscasters.

What is CPA in podcasting?

Another metric, and the one I prefer, is CPA: cost per acquisition. This is the number of sales or signups businesses get as a result of an ad. Sponsors will sometimes pay podcasters a referral bonus for each signup they get (“Your ad drove 20 signups this month, we pay $30 per signup, so here is $600.”), or use CPA as a metric to assess the ad a few weeks after it runs (“We paid $500 for this ad and got 100 signups. Wow, that’s a $5 CPA! Let’s do another one!”).

Why are podcasts so popular?

And, great news — podcasts are really effective at selling stuff, spreading awareness, and building good reputations for companies. It’s an intimate medium where listeners develop real relationships with hosts, so when hosts recommend products in their own voices, audiences are more likely to try their product. Podcasts also have attractive demographics for advertisers, with listeners that are more wealthy than average (at least in the U.S.), according to Edison Research.

How to convince sponsors to come back?

If your ad ends up doing incredibly well, you can raise your prices! It is much harder to convince a sponsor to come back if an ad underperforms than to convince them to raise your rates when the ad does super well. In my experience, most sponsors expect to renegotiate prices every time they buy a new ad. You can set this expectation up front by saying something like, “Let’s start with a conservative price and reassess a couple of weeks after the first ad runs. If performance is as strong as I think it will be, we can agree on an appropriate rate for the next one!” Using language like this, I usually start low and work up to a higher CPA over time.

What to ask a sponsor in an email?

You want to answer the questions the sponsor will likely be asking when they open your email: “Who is this? What do they want? Why should I care ?”

What is the goal of a sponsor?

Sponsors usually have two goals in mind: (1) selling their product, and/ or (2) increasing awareness of their brand (aka a “hearts and minds” campaign). Both goals are frequently priced out and measured using CPM: cost per mille (‘thousand’ in Latin).

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