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cabinet of curiosities podcast

by Miss Isabel Ankunding Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How many episodes are in cabinet of curiosities?

One of Apple Podcast’s “Most Downloaded” of 2018, and over 33-million downloads to date, Cabinet of Curiositiesis the most beloved short-form history podcasts out there. New episodes arrive every Tuesday and Thursday. Show Details Twice weekly 10 minutes long 225+ episodes Ongoing Where to Listen About the Host

Who is cabinet of curiosities?

Aaron Mahnke is the creator, host, and producer of Cabinet of Curiosities, as well as founder of Grim & Mild. He has a deep love for anything historical, mysterious, or unusual. Aaron lives with his family in the Boston area, and is a fan of single malt scotch, fine wristwatches, Star Wars, and 90s alt-rock.

Where can I findcuriosity?

Curiosity is often found in the center of unusual stories. Let's see what bounty today's tour brings us, shall we? The beginning rarely looks like the end, but once you dig into these curious lives, you'll start to notice the shape of greatness.


What is cabinet of curiosities podcast?

Cabinet of Curiosities is an audio tour of the unbelievable, the unsettling, and the bizarre. Each episode features two short tales about the most amazing things found in the pages of history.

Where can I listen to Lore podcast?

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What do you put in a cabinet of curiosities?

Traditionally, wunderkammer were treasuries of the natural world, but modern cabinets can contain all kinds of collections. Try mixing in your favorite small works of art, found photos, tin robots, keys, collectable toys, or anything that speaks to you.

Is Lore podcast good?

This Podcast is amazing! This is my first podcast I ever listen to and a very big favorite of mine. I have lots of good memories listening to your stories. My best friend and I would listen to these as we would be on our 12 hour road trip to college and we enjoyed them so much.

Is Lore podcast real?

ABOUT The PODCAST Lore is an award-winning, critically-acclaimed podcast about true life scary stories. Lore exposes the darker side of history, exploring the creatures, people, and places of our wildest nightmares. Because sometimes the truth is more frightening than fiction.

What do you put in a wunderkammer?

A typical Wunderkammer might contain small automata, taxidermied creatures, miniature sculptures, rocks and minerals, horns and claws, paintings, and artifacts from abroad. The most noteworthy collections filled entire rooms with hundreds or even thousands of items, collected painstakingly over years.

When did cabinet of curiosities start?

In 16th and 17th century Europe, a unique mode of collecting and organizing collections was developed. This was the kunst- or wunderkammer literally translating as art- or wonder-room, or as it is mostly known in English, the cabinet of curiosities.

What is in a wunderkammer?

A cabinet of curiosities stored and exhibited a wide variety of objects and artifacts, with a particular leaning toward the rare, eclectic, and esoteric. They commonly featured antiques, objects of natural history (such as stuffed animals, fossils, dried insects, and herbarium) or even works of art.


In the fourth and final episode of The Cabinet of Curiosities podcast, Curator Emma Trevayne reads her mad, tricksy story Generously Donated By . You can subscribe to this podcast at iTunes.

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