Podcast FAQ

case files podcast host

by Van Robel IV Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Raquel O'Brien

What is casefile premium?

Casefile True Crime Casefile Presents Fact is scarier than fiction. Subscribe to Casefile Premium to receive ad-free episodes released one week early, along with access to bonus Q&A's, our exclusive show 'Behind the Files', and more. more. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Requires subscription and macOS 11.4 or higher.

When did morbid podcast start?

May 1, 2018Morbid: A True Crime Podcast is an American true crime anthology podcast hosted by Alaina Urquhart and Ashleigh "Ash" Kelley. Urquhart is an autopsy technician/author and Kelley is a hairdresser. Urquhart is Kelley's aunt, but the two often refer to each other as "sisters". The podcast premiered on May 1, 2018.

Where can I watch casefile?

Go to casefilepodcast.com to listen to all episodes directly from our website. Look for 'podcast app' in your App Store or Play Store. Once installed, search for Casefile True Crime and click 'subscribe'.

How many episodes of Over my dead body are there?

19Over My Dead Body is an American true crime podcast hosted by Matthew Shaer (season 1) and Robert Moor (season 2), and produced by Wondery....Over My Dead Body (podcast)Over My Dead BodyNo. of episodes19PublicationOriginal releaseJanuary 29, 2019 – presentProviderWondery9 more rows

How much does Ashley Flowers make?

Ashley Flowers's Net worth As per the sources, Ashley Flowers made a net worth of $5-6 million USD (approx.) from her career.

What is ash and Alaina relationship?

Alaina and Ash are an aunt and niece duo, but their website says that the two “were essentially raised as sisters.” When they're not hosting Morbid, Alaina is an autopsy technician and Ash is a hairstylist.

Who is casefile podcast narrator?

A 7-part podcast released in October 2019 hosted by Raquel O'Brien (Co Creator, Host, Producer) and Georgina Savage (Co Creator, Editor, Executive). It tells the true story of O'Brien, as “she attempts to liberate herself from the trauma of childhood sexual abuse and a father with a dark secret.

Who killed Bob podcast?

Who Killed Bob? focuses on murder, intrigue and injustice following the disappearance of Bob Chappell aboard the yacht 'Four Winds' in Tasmania in 2009. Despite there being no body, no murder weapon and no witnesses, Bob's long-time partner Sue Neill-Fraser was convicted of his murder and imprisoned for 23 years.

What happened to up and vanished?

While season 2 of Up and Vanished went on an unannounced hiatus late 2019, host Payne Lindsey has stated that he's continued to investigate the case and has been documenting the whole time. In 2021, Up and Vanished began a third season dedicated to the disappearance of Ashley Loring HeavyRunner.

What song is sampled in over my dead body Drake?

Drake's 'Over My Dead Body' sample of DJ Screw's 'Sailin Da South' | WhoSampled.

Where did the saying over my dead body come from?

One of the earliest uses was by Harriet Beecher Stowe in Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1850: “I'll give my last drop of blood, but they shall not take you from me. Whosoever gets you must walk over my dead body!” This hyperbolic adverbial phrase is used as a defiant phrase showing the strength of one's resistance to something.

What is the expression over my dead body?

In no way, under no circumstances, as in Over my dead body will you drop out of high school. This hyperbolic expression is often used jokingly. [ Early 1800s]


Casefile first aired on 9 January 2016 and was conceived by an anonymous Australian host who started producing the show in 2015 in his spare room. The host had just had surgery and was listening to a lot of podcasts and true-crime shows (e.g.


Along with the recent rise in true crime podcasting, as seen in Serial or S-Town, the series has been reviewed positively by several sources:


Early in the show's history, updates to cases were occasionally aired as breakthroughs or other significant events occurred. However, as the podcast evolved, these began to be placed behind a voluntary subscription paywall.

Who is the host of Cold Case Files 2021?

Hosted by Brooke Gittings ("Convicted" and "Actual Innocence") and featuring the voice of original Cold Case Files host, Bill Kurtis. Listen on Apple Podcasts. JUL 20, 2021. The Punishment.

What is the cold case?

But thanks to dogged investigators and breakthroughs in forensic technology, these cases become part of the rare 1% of cold cases that are ever solved . Hosted by Brooke Gittings ("Convicted" and "Actual Innocence") and featuring the voice of original Cold Case Files host, Bill Kurtis.

Who was the couple in the Morris Minor case?

Case 172: Michael Gregsten & Valerie Storie. In August 1961, a couple by the name of Michael Gregsten and Valerie Storie were sitting in their Morris Minor car in Dorney Reach, UK, when an intruder forced his way into the back seat brandishing a gun and took them for a drive all over the English countryside...

Who is the producer of Silent Waves?

When the acclaimed Silent Waves podcast was released on our Casefile Presents network in 2019, I knew that the show’s co-creator and producer Georgina Savage must have another story she needed to tell. That’s when Georgina told me about The Invisible Hand, an ambitious and somewhat dangerous pitch for a podcast.

True Crime Consumers' Opinions on Ethics: Survey

It would be very helpful for my school project if some true crime consumers would fill out this anonymous survey!

Casefile Reading List?

I recently finished listening to all the episodes just in time for the next release, and I’d love to read what the team read for even deeper dives into some of the cases! Has anyone made a master list of the books used for the cases? I think it would be a nice addition to the sidebar so that it would be in one place since they normally put it in the show notes.

Zodiac Killer

Did anyone else see an episode titled the zodiac killer part 1. Pop up on their feed over the weekend? I swear this showed up and I held off on listening to save it for my commute and now it’s nowhere to be found?

Help finding 2 non-murder related episodes

Howdy, in eagerly awaiting new episodes I was recalling that a few of my favorites were ones that didn't involve murder. I remember the North Hollywood Shootout one, I'm struggling to remember the other 2. One was about a counterfeiter that faked his own death or something along those lines.

Casefile is back!

Just wanted to announce for anyone who maybe hadn’t seen yet. What do we think of doing Zodiac?

Subscription trial issues

I tried the apple podcasts subscription last week and a couple of days ago it ended. now it won’t let me listen to any of the casefile episodes? I unfollowed and followed them again and now can’t see the subscriber episodes but it still won’t let me listen to any episodes. I get a pop up saying to resubscribe to access the content.

Just finished listening to The Root of all Evil and man that story is messed up

For those of you who aren't familiar, Root of Evil is a podcast about the Hodel family.

Anyone need mental breaks from True Crime?

It's been some time now and I've just about listened to hundreds if not maybe a thousand true crime podcasts episodes over the past year or so and a few weeks ago, I realized I needed a break, mentally. Which never happens to me. I had just subscribed to the uncensored invisible choir, maybe three episodes in and I just couldn't stomach it anymore.

Bad, Bad Thing - Yep, Jennair had Borderline Personality Disorder

As someone who has BPD, there is zero doubt in my mind that Jennair had it. I began to see that pretty early on. But it wasn’t mentioned in the podcast until episode 6. Again, they did not confirm it because it would be inappropriate to do so, but I think Dr Ramani’s phenomenal understanding of BPD is on display here once again.

The Prosecutors should get more love

I recently been binge listening to The Prosecutors and it’s been really engrossing stuff.




Casefile first aired on 9 January 2016 and was conceived by an anonymous Australian host who started producing the show in 2015 in his spare room. The host had just had surgery and was listening to a lot of podcasts and true-crime shows (e.g. The Joe Rogan Experience, Hardcore History, Serial, and Making A Murderer) at the time, and felt encouraged by Joe Rogan to make his own based on in-depth research and a storytelling style. According to one source, the host remai…


Along with the recent rise in true crime podcasting, as seen in Serial or S-Town, the series has been reviewed positively by several sources:
Rolling Stone (22 July 2016):
As Casefile points out in their tagline, fact is scarier than fiction. But what the podcast might really prove is that fact is even scarier when told in a thick Australian accent – especially when accom…


• Apple Podcasts (Best of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
• CastAway 2017 Australian Podcast Awards
• Discover Pods award (Most Innovative Podcast 2017)
• Off the Charts 2017

Related podcasts

Early in the show's history, updates to cases were occasionally aired as breakthroughs or other significant events occurred. However, as the podcast evolved, these began to be placed behind a voluntary subscription paywall. In July 2019, it was announced that these updates would now be spun out into an "informal companion" series, From the Files, to be aired monthly in the show's off week. To replace it, a new patron only show called Behind the Files debuted the same month. It …

See also

• Criminal (podcast)

External links

• Official website
• YouTube channel
• The Creator of Casefile Interview
• From the Files website

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