What is the Center for action and contemplation?
Richard Rohr founded the Center for Action and Contemplation because he saw a deep need for the integration of both action and contemplation. Love Period. returns with a brand new season based on the themes found in Rev. Jacqui’s new book Fierce Love: A Bold Path to Ferocious Courage and Rule-Breaking Kindness...
How can I donate to the Center for action and contemplation?
If you would love to support the ongoing work of the Center for Action and Contemplation and the continued work of our podcasts, you can donate at cac.org/podcastsupport Thank you! This is the sixth episode of eight that focuses on the mystic, Thomas Merton.
Where can I listen to the learning how to see podcast?
Center for Action and Contemplation faculty member Brian McLaren hosts the podcast series Learning How to See. Listen and discover how seeing is social, political, and contemplative. You can listen and subscribe to Learning How to See through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you download podcasts.
Where can I find the turning to the Mystics podcast?
Resources: Turning to the Mystics is a podcast by the Center for Action and Contemplation. To learn more about Jim, visit jamesfinley.org The transcript of this podcast can be found here. The book being used for this season can be found here. Connect with us: We also produce other podcasts you might enjoy. To learn more about the…
Does Richard Rohr have a podcast?
Another Name for Every Thing with Richard Rohr is a conversational podcast series on the deep connections between action and contemplation.
Is Father Richard Rohr still alive?
Richard Rohr, OFM (born 1943) is an American Franciscan priest and writer on spirituality based in Albuquerque, New Mexico....Richard Rohr.Richard Rohr OFMBorn1943 (age 78–79) Kansas, United StatesOccupationAuthor spiritual writer Franciscan friarNationalityAmericanPeriod1972–present2 more rows
Is Richard Rohr Orthodox?
But this spirit can also be found through the practices of other religions, like Buddhist meditation, or through communing with nature. Rohr has arrived at this conclusion through what he sees as an orthodox Franciscan reading of scripture.
What is Richard Rohr's best book?
The Universal Christ: Ho...2019Falling Upward: A Spirituality...2011Radical Grace1993Das Enneagra... Die 9 Gesi...1989Breathing Under Water: Spir...1989Everything Belongs1999Richard Rohr/Books
Is Richard Rohr a mystic?
Rohr, along with many other mystics, believes that humans can directly contemplate and know God without the need for Christ's sacrificial death upon the cross.
What is Franciscan alternative Orthodoxy?
If you are not familiar with churchy-church talk, orthodoxy in this context means the “authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice — for the Church.” Orthodoxy is “Church as it has always been done.” So Rohr, a Franciscan friar / Catholic priest, has come up with what he calls an “alternative ...
What is contemplation action?
Contemplation in action is the lens through which we respond to the challenges and opportunities we see in the world around us.
How old is Richard Rohr?
79 years (March 20, 1943)Richard Rohr / Age
We Are One and Many: Weekly Summary
We are each impacted by the circumstances that impact those around us. What hurts you hurts me. What heals you heals me. Continue Reading We Are One and Many: Weekly
Oneing: The Cosmic Egg
Discover the framework of the Cosmic Egg in ONEING, the biannual journal of the Center for Action and Contemplation. This issue, we look closely at the stories that shape our world.
2022 Daily Meditations: Nothing Stands Alone
In 2022, join Fr. Richard Rohr on a journey of God as Relationship—with ourselves, each other, and the earth. This year in the Daily Meditations, Fr. Richard explores how all relationships invite us to experience God’s presence more fully with the theme of Nothing Stands Alone.
Staff Favorites from our Online Bookstore
As fellow travelers on the contemplative path, CAC staff recommendations include a mixture of both classic and recent materials including The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, The Naked Now, and Race and the Cosmos.
The Man in the Maze
Father Richard and a small group of co-founders began the work of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in a former barracks next to Holy Family Parish in Albuquerque, NM, in 1987. They hosted teach-ins for local activists and faith leaders – on topics like contemplation, liberation theology, and social
The Daily Meditations
The Daily Meditations are email reflections featuring Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) faculty, as well as guest teachers and authors, reflecting on the wisdom and practices of the Christian contemplative tradition.
Daily Meditations
Many hearts, heads, and hands go into creating Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations. We invite you to learn more about the team behind this important CAC program.
What is the podcast "Turning to the Mystics" about?
Turning to the Mystics is a podcast for people searching for something more meaningful, intimate and richly present in the divine gift of their lives. James Finley, clinical psychologist and Living School faculty, offers a modern take on the historical contemplative practices of Christian mystics like Teresa of Avila, Thomas Merton, John of the Cross among others. Leaning into their experiences can become a gateway to hope, healing and oneness. Together with Kirsten Oates from the Center for Action and Contemplation, they explore listener questions and examine their own paths as modern contemplatives in this beautiful and broken world.
Who is the focus of the first episode of The Mystic?
Turning to Thomas Merton. In this episode, Kirsten Oates and James Finley are in conversation about Jim’s approach to studying the mystics, how one might integrate their teachings into our daily lives, and most notably a background and sense of the mystic who is the focus of this first series, Thomas Merton.
What is the second session of Lectio Divina?
This is the second session that focuses on the mystic, St. John of the Cross. In the tenor of the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, James Finley begins with a passage from St. John's The Ascent of Mount Carmel, and reflects on the qualitative essence of the spirit of this text, and finishes with a meditative practice.
What is the third session of St John of the Cross?
St. John of the Cross: Session 3. This is the third session that focuses on the mystic, St. John of the Cross. In the tenor of the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, James Finley begins with a passage from St. John's The Ascent of Mount Carmel, and reflects on the qualitative essence of the spirit of this text.
What episode does James Finley talk about Thomas Merton?
This is the fifth episode of eight that focuses on the mystic, Thomas Merton. In the spirit of Lectio Divina, James Finley looks at a contemplative prayer from Thomas Merton’s Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander. In this session, Jim moves from a reflective prayer in the previous episode to contemplative prayer.