Podcast FAQ

christian meditation podcast

by Mr. Jaron Jacobson Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What are the best Christian meditation podcasts?

Then there is a meditation on the Word of God. Each podcast varies, but they are all come from God’s word. This is one of the most popular Christian meditation podcasts, and for great reasons. It is very theologically sound, helps you to take control of your feelings, and give them to God.

Why should I avoid this meditation podcast?

You may want to avoid this meditation podcast because it may conflict with your exisiting Christian convictions. We are not taking a stance on whether or not Christian Yoga is acceptable, we are simply saying to take caution. Paul says the following

What is Christian Christian meditation?

Christian meditation is a form of prayer, a way of helping us become aware of and to reflect upon God by focusing on guided thoughts and Scriptures. This podcast is focused on meditation being Christ centered. It allows you time to hit pause on your busy schedule and focus on Him.

Is there a Christian Yoga podcast?

Although this podcast has Christian ideas and themes, it is not distinctly Christian. You may want to avoid this meditation podcast because it may conflict with your exisiting Christian convictions. We are not taking a stance on whether or not Christian Yoga is acceptable, we are simply saying to take caution.


Is meditation allowed in Christianity?

Teresa of Avila, viewed Christian meditation as a necessary step toward union with God, and wrote that even the most spiritually advanced persons always needed to regularly return to meditation. The Catechism of the Catholic Church encourages meditation as a form of prayer: "Meditation is above all a quest.

How is Christian meditation different?

It's different in Christian meditation. While it is calming, peaceful and joyful in many ways to have God playing a bigger role in your life, the Christian life is by no means free from stress and anxiety, suffering or sadness. Jesus had a pretty tough and difficult life.

What meditation did Jesus do?

Later, Jesus traveled to India, where he practiced yoga meditation with the great sages there some time during his “lost years” from age 13 to 30, a time of his life scarcely mentioned in the New Testament.

How do I start meditating as a Christian?

2:358:57How to do Christian Meditation - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOr put the left hand on the right one to prepare you could take a moment to be aware of yourMoreOr put the left hand on the right one to prepare you could take a moment to be aware of your breathing slowly breathing in and breathing out as you breathe in you take in the gift of life breathing

Does the Bible say anything about chakras?

While chakras aren't mentioned specifically in the Bible, we can see that it is possible that just as God created our bodies with pathways for energy to flow (nerves, blood, lymph, meridians). He also created these energy centers throughout the body to receive and transmit energy messages.

Is yoga a sin?

The answer is no, but it can be seen as having religious aspects. Yoga is a great way to stay fit and connect with your mind, body, and spirit.

How do you meditate according to the Bible?

Biblical meditation is not:Sitting with an empty mind.Mindlessly repeating a single word or phrase to gain some sort of altered state.Burning candles, or sitting calmly on a rug, or listening to sonorous music.Practicing yoga.

Did Jesus and Buddha meet?

Leslie Houlden states that although modern parallels between the teachings of Jesus and Buddha have been drawn, these comparisons emerged after missionary contacts in the 19th century and there is no historically reliable evidence of contacts between Buddhism and Jesus.

How do I meditate on God?

What God says to us prompts what we say to him.” To meditate, then, is to think deeply about what God has said to us in the Bible and to prepare our minds and hearts for prayer. Scripture is the foundation of our praying; meditation readies us for it by helping us focus, understand, remember, worship, and apply.

Can Christians get tattoos?

Some Christians take issue with tattooing, upholding the Hebrew prohibition (see below). The Hebrew prohibition is based on interpreting Leviticus 19:28—"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you"—so as to prohibit tattoos, and perhaps even makeup.

What is the difference between prayer and meditation?

Prayer is concerned with talking, conversing, and making requests be known. Meditation is concerned with a stillness, where one serves as a witness of one's own mind in order to listen and observe what is occurring within.

Who is the author of Meditating in God's Word?

This podcast follows the journey through the Old Testament. Based on the best-selling Bible Study Series "Meditating in God's Word" author Dara V. Rose summarizes the accounts of the Bible with real conversation topics and applicable lessons for today. For more information visit: DaraVRose.com

What is the here podcast?

The Here Podcast reimagines contemplative ways of approaching the Divine, incorporating practices such as Lectio Divina, Ignatian Contemplation, and various types of meditations so that listeners might reimagine the Divine in the here and now.

What is forward movement podcast?

Daily inspirational meditations reflecting on a specific Bible passage, chosen from the daily lectionary readings. This podcast is a daily devotional offering from Forward Movement, a ministry of the Episcopal Church. Subscribe to the print edition (English and Spanish) of Forward Day by Day at forwardmovement.org

What is a short meditation?

Short, simple and straightforward non-denominational bible-based meditations to help you grow in your Christian Love and Service. As a Christian monk for 40 years, I learned the power and wisdom of daily meditation. I am happy to share with you what I myself learned from this profound form of prayer.

What is the daily still podcast?

Welcome to The Daily Still Podcast - A Place to Pause. Here we create space to listen for the whispers of God. Each episode features a short devotional-style, guided meditation, offering room to “be still” in the midst of the busyness of life. We position ourselves to hear God’s Voice, allowing Him to bring alignment and peace to our whole being. Host Cindy Helton is a spiritual guide and coach for stillness gatherings and retreats. She has practiced and led guided Christian meditation for o ...

What is the purpose of guided meditation?

The goal of this guided Christian meditation podcast is to bring you closer to the source of true peace Jesus Christ, and to be willing to be changed and improved through God's spirit.

What is a prayercast?

Prayercast is a short daily scripture based devotional intended for Christians of all denominations. It will post seven days a week during the morning watch, that is before sunrise. Saturday will be devoted to prayer requests received throughout the week. Prayercast is sponsored by The Samaritan Plan Ltd, an entrepreneur coaching company, and is provided free to all listeners.

How long is a meditation podcast?

There are 5-minute meditations to nurture your soul. The idea of this podcast is to continuously follow these meditations for 40 days straight, to experience the maximum outcome of meditation with God. The episode will begin with prayer and the instructions to find a quiet comfortable place.

What is Christian meditation?

Christian meditation is a form of prayer, a way of helping us become aware of and to reflect upon God by focusing on guided thoughts and Scriptures. — The Daily Still. This podcast is focused on meditation being Christ centered. It allows you time to hit pause on your busy schedule and focus on Him.

What is the process of podcasting?

The Process. Each podcast episode is always based around a central Scripture. Then there will be a prayer for the meditator, led by the guide of the meditation. These mediations will help the listener to take prayerful seclusion with God and there may even be a word of advice or teaching from the meditation guide.

How long is Chaplin Jared's meditation?

The meditations are roughly 10-20 minutes long. Chaplin Jared encourages the listener to find a quiet place, where you can go to be uninterrupted during the meditation. He will have you notice bodily feelings, encouraging the listener to acknowledge that this moment is temporary yet it is where you are existing.

What does Cindy Heloton believe about the daily still?

The daily still provides Christians a place to be still and listen. Cindy Heloton believes that one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is room to be still.

How to connect with the Lord?

The Process. Settle in, allow yourself to let everything else go, and just let your focus come in the present moment and upon the Lord. Turn your attention towards your breath, and take note of the sensation in which your breath holds. Understand that you are in a space to connect with the Lord.

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