Podcast FAQ

creating a brand podcast

by Mr. Orval Hackett Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do you create a brand podcast?

Branding Your PodcastIdentify Your Audience. As with anything else regarding your podcast, identifying your audience and focusing on them is of the utmost importance. ... Have a Distinct Mission & Overall Vision. ... Establish a Unique Voice. ... Be Consistent. ... Network, Network, Network. ... Be Creative. ... Build an Online Presence.

Can a podcast be a brand?

Podcasts are doing more for brands than anyone could have expected. Even in 2022, the podcasting medium is still relatively young in the world of brand marketing, and is an untapped creative channel that can be used to build a relationship with your audience.

Should you consider creating a podcast for your brand?

A podcast will boost your social media following Podcast listeners are more likely to follow companies and brands on social media. The best reason to start a podcast for your company is to help tell your brand's story and create more community around the brand.

What makes a good branded podcast?

Whatever metrics you choose, measuring your branded podcast's success means looking at the engagement (and quality of engagement) of your show's listeners. Your show will be successful if it provides real value to your target audience, so always start from that approach.

What's a branded podcast?

A branded podcast is a marketing initiative by a brand that's not strictly promotional, but definitely, ties into the brand's messaging. These kinds of podcasts exhibit the same storytelling qualities of a typical podcast while aligning with the brand's mission.

How do podcast brands grow?

Podcast Best PracticesGo Niche. Just like with your brand and your blog, your podcast should also be niche and targeted to a specific audience. ... Interview Experts. ... Keep it Short. ... Offer Show Notes. ... Advertise on All Social Channels. ... Look for Sponsorships. ... Broadcast Consistently. ... Track Podcast Listenership.More items...

How do you become an entrepreneur podcast?

When you are on the run, turn on one of these podcasts for inspiration and knowledge.The Tim Ferriss Show. ... How I Built This with Guy Raz. ... Startup Stories - Mixergy. ... StartUp. ... Entrepreneurs on Fire. ... Masters of Scale. ... This Week in Startups. ... The GaryVee Audio Experience.More items...•

Should a podcast be a business?

If your podcast is making money, it's a business, and it should operate like one. I believe it's important for every business to incorporate and podcasts are no exception. If you're a podcaster, make your brand official by incorporating your company.

How do I start a successful podcast business?

The following are seven of the best podcasts out there that will teach you about how to establish and successfully manage a business of your own.StartUp. ... Entreleadership. ... EOFire. ... Mixergy. ... Build a Badass Business. ... My Wife Quit Her Job. ... How to Start a Startup.

What brands have a podcast?

Here are ten companies that have successfully integrated podcasting into their brand messaging.“The Message” by GE. ... “The Sauce” by McDonald's. ... #LIPSTORIES by Sephora Collection. ... “Why We Eat What We Eat” by Blue Apron. ... “Rise and Grind” by ZipRecruiter. ... “Open for Business” by eBay. ... “The Distance” by Basecamp.More items...

Does Nike have a podcast?

Greatness isn't born, it's trained. With that in mind, Nike's "Trained" podcast series explores the cutting-edge of holistic fitness to help make you a better trainer and athlete. Tune in to discover the latest innovations, insights, and trends from industry experts in the training world.

Why are fashion brands launching podcasts?

Though the audiences may be small, they could prove an effective way to find and engage with super-fans, much like how brands work with micro-influencers who forge deep connections with their followers. “Podcasts are a great tactic — they just won't be your broadest reach tactic,” said Goldberg.

What is a Podcast Brand, Actually?

I'm no marketing historian, but I do come from a rural family and I've spent a little time (like that one summer when I was 12) at a cattle branding, and I assume that the term “brand” or “branding” as we refer to it in marketing comes from that same concept.

Brand Identity

Your overall podcast brand identity covers both your brand assets (we'll get to these) and what your brand represents. It encompasses how both current listeners and future ones perceive and feel about your brand. And you have way more control over it than you think.

Brand Assets

The biggest misconception about branding comes in when creators and business owners confuse their logo and other visual pieces with their brand identity. While these visual representations are an important part of your brand, they don't make up the whole thing — a logo can't tell you the spirit of the brand, it only tells you what it looks like.

Creating a Brand Identity

There is no simple way to create a podcast brand identity. While you can hire it out (which helps particularly in the visual asset aspect), you are the only one who knows what you plan to deliver. Unless you have your value and target audience refined, even the best branding work won't build you an accurate dynamic brand strategy.

How to build a podcast brand?

When building a podcast brand, the number one place to start is with your audience. As the podcaster, you have to know exactly who the listeners are that you are targeting with your message. Who are you speaking to? Identifying your focus audience is the foundation for building your podcast brand and the most important thing to remember is that you simply can’t be everything to everyone – so niche down and really identify your ideal listener. The key is to get really get specific. Figure out detailed behaviors and lifestyles of your listeners to create that avatar in the forefront of your mind. Solidify this picture of your listeners, then learn how to create a brand identity that they can understand and relate to. By understanding precisely who you are trying to reach, you will be able to tailor your message to meet their exact needs. Once you have identified your target audience, one of the most powerful things you can do next is to give your audience a “brand” or an identifier name. For example, the listeners of Entrepreneur On Fire are called “Fire Nation”. This gives your audience a clear community to belong to, further establishing that bond between them and the show. So focus on your target listener, adapt your message, and give them a place to belong.

How to make podcast look the same everywhere?

To ensure that your podcast brand looks the same everywhere, create your own unique brand style guide that identifies your brand-specific visuals such as your color scheme, your logo, the fonts you use, and even the types of editing used in your photos.

What is a podcaster's dream?

Every podcaster’s dream is to build an audience that is so committed to the show that they go out of their way to evangelize and share it with everyone they know! Essentially, they become die-hard listeners who adopt the show and the podcast community as their own.

How to reap the benefits of building a strong brand?

In order to reap the benefits of building a strong brand, you have to apply the principles of branding. The process of branding can be described as the forming of memories, emotions, and relationships around your brand in the minds of the listeners.

Who is the host of Buzzfeed?

Host Manoush Zomorodi questions the way humanity functions in an increasingly digital age in this quirky podcast.

Who is the host of the podcast "N#Marketing Over Coffee"?

Hosts John Wall, VP of Marketing at EventHero, and Christopher Penn , VP of Marketing Technology at SHIFT Communications, discuss what’s new in marketing.

How to get started with podcasting?

1. Get started. Do not just sit by and watch the competition build their audience with great podcast content, while you twiddle your thumbs thinking ‘what if’. When you do get started, be sure you produce high quality, clean sounding audio.

When was podcasting added to the dictionary?

Since it was added to the Oxford dictionary in 2005 – ‘Podcasting’ has grown to become a much bigger success than most believed it would be. I saw this with my own eyes in January this year, when I attended the Podcast Awards that were held at New Media Expo in Vegas.

Is podcasting beneficial?

This is what makes building your brand with podcasting so beneficial, as it engages with people in all walks of life – no matter where they are. They may want to listen in the car, on a train, in the gym, or while working. It’s time to jump on the podcasting bandwagon people.

How to ensure your brand is consistent throughout everything you do?

The best way to ensure that your branding is consistent throughout everything that you do is to create a brand style guide.

What is a brand style guide?

To begin, a brand style guide lays out what your brand looks and even sounds like. As discussed, these guides are extremely helpful with ensuring your branding is consistent. Now, making a brand style guide does take a good bit of time and effort, but it will save you tons of time, effort, and even frustration in the future.

Do you have to double check your branding?

You don't have to double check your branding because you have your style guide right in front of you that lays out what your branding looks like. So, you can focus on creating great content with your consistent branding, instead of worrying that your branding is off. Now, let's talk about what you should include in a brand style guide. 1.

Is your voice consistent on podcasts?

However, it is best to avoid assuming that your voice is always consistent. There are a number of ways your voice could become inconsistent, even if you believe otherwise. Therefore, spending ample time laying out the voice and tone of your podcast branding will help ensure that there is consistency.


What Is A Podcast Brand, Actually?

  • I’m no marketing historian, but I do come from a rural family and I’ve spent a little time (like that one summer when I was 12) at a cattle branding, and I assume that the term “brand” or “branding” as we refer to it in marketing comes from that same concept. Way back in the day, cattle theft was a big problem. So, ranchers started, quite literally, to brand their cattle with their name so in …
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Brand Identity

  • Your overall podcast brand identity covers both your brand assets (we’ll get to these) and what your brand represents. It encompasses how both current listeners and future ones perceive and feel about your brand. And you have way more control over it than you think. Shaping your brand identity takes time, and the most important factor is consistency. To deliver a strong brand ident…
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Brand Assets

  • The biggest misconception about branding comes in when creators and business owners confuse their logo and other visual pieces with their brand identity. While these visual representations are an important part of your brand, they don’t make up the whole thing — a logo can’t tell you the spirit of the brand, it only tells you what it looks like. Brand assets are the visual components of …
See more on thepodcasthost.com

Creating A Brand Identity

  • There is no simple way to create a podcast brand identity. While you can hire it out (which helps particularly in the visual asset aspect), you are the only one who knows what you plan to deliver. Unless you have your value and target audience refined, even the best branding work won’t build you an accurate dynamic brand strategy. If you’re just st...
See more on thepodcasthost.com

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