What is the Intensive Care Society podcast?
The Intensive Care Society is dedicated to furthering education and research into intensive care in the UK. The podcast includes educational events, interviews with the very best in critical care and presentations from the UK's biggest multidisciplinary critical care meeting.
Is there a podcast of the Internet Book of critical care?
Welcome to the Internet Book of Critical Care's podcast. Josh Farkas and Adam Thomas provide a summary of each chapter for your listening. Check out the main page here and please direct your comments on that page. Tweet at us @iBookCC
What's on the Neurocritical Care Society podcast?
The goal of the Neurocritical Care Society Podcast is to improve outcomes for patients with critical neurological illnesses. 5. ACEP Frontline ACEP Frontline, hosted by Dr. Ryan Stanton, features in-depth conversations on the hottest topics in emergency medicine and critical care. 6. Trauma ICU Rounds
What is iCritical Care all audio?
iCritical Care: All Audio offers access to all of the Society of Critical Care Medicine's podcasts offering in-depth interviews on adult and pediatric clinical topics as well as updates in the field on various issues.

What is iCritical Care: LearnICU?
iCritical Care: LearnICU is a customized podcast feed that offers a portion of iCritical Care podcasts, delivering only those related to the 24 Knowledge Lines of the Society of Critical Care Medicine's LearnICU.org. iCritical Care LearnICU podcasts feature interviews with speakers, book authors, prominent SCCM members and thought leaders. To receive the full selection of the Society's podcasts, subscribe to the All Audio feed.
What is the IBCC podcast?
However, our goal is to eventually have a podcast for each chapter. Subsequently, the podcast will discuss updates to the IBCC based on new evidence.
What is the Pharmacy to Dose podcast?
Pharmacy to Dose: The Critical Care Podcast discusses critical care and its pharmacotherapy in a fun and entertaining manner. Each episode features a special guest, a subject matter expert, talking with host Nick Peters.
What is Flightbridged podcast?
The FlightBridgeED Podcast provides convenient, easy to understand critical care medicine education, and current topics related to the air medical industry. Each topic builds on another and weaves together a solid foundation of emergency, critical care, and prehospital medicine.
How does intensive care improve lives?
is instantly improving the lives for Families of critically ill Patients in Intensive Care, so that they can make informed decisions, have PEACE OF MIND, control, power and influence and therefore stay in control of their Family's and their critically ill loved one's destiny
Who is the GM of Critical Bits?
Critical Bits is a new comedy RPG actual play podcast featuring Joel Ruiz as the GM and Paul Byron, Shannon Struuci, and Shelby Lee as the players. It has a bi-weekly Tuesday release schedule and uses the Masks system with the Powered by the Apocalypse rules.
What is the highest standard in evidence-based health care?
Cochrane produces systematic reviews which are recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based health care resources. Listen to Cochrane review authors explain in plain language the evidence and findings of their high-impact reviews. In 5 minutes or less, healthcare professionals to patients and families can understand the latest trusted evidence to help make better informed decisions.