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cyber insurance podcast

by Dr. Tyrel Dooley Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Looking in the Rearview Mirror: Cyber Lessons Learned from 2021

The year is coming to an end and cyber insurers as well as their clients may be reflecting on lessons learned from this year’s biggest threats. However, Kurt Suhs, founder and CEO of cyber risk company Cyber Special Ops, says …

Biggest Myths Around Cyber Insurance

Cyber attacks are continuously evolving, and companies that don’t stay educated about the space could be caught off guard, experts say. “A lot of times, I think cyber has this type of mentality that it’s not going to happen to …

Two Experts Debunk Some of the Biggest Myths Around Cyber Insurance

Cyber attacks are continuously evolving, and companies that don’t stay educated about the space could be caught off guard, experts say. “A lot of times, I think cyber has this type of mentality that it’s not going to happen to …

Employees May Not Be Working Inside Office Buildings, But Cyber Criminals Are

The normal bustle inside of many office buildings has come to a halt during the pandemic switch to remote work, but these empty buildings could be inviting a different kind of activity: cyber crime. “With any type of confusion, and …

State, Federal Regulatory Enforcement a Focus as Cyber Crime Grows

As ransomware attacks are on the rise and cyber risks continue to mount, experts say there has been “a paradigm shift in cybersecurity enforcement.” That’s according to Matt Levine, a partner in Phillips Nizer’s litigation department in its New York …

Insuring Cyber Podcast: How Insurtechs Are Helping Insurers Bridge the Digital Divide

As the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed many insurers to embrace more technology, there has been some talk of how insurtechs can step in and help insurers navigate the ever changing digital space. “I think [the pandemic] has brought a lot …

The Really, Really Big One: The Likelihood of a 1-in-100 Year Cyber Catastrophe

More than a year into what some have called a 1-in-100 year pandemic with COVID-19, many may be wondering what other unprecedented events could be on the horizon. For the cyber community, this raises questions about the likelihood of a …

About The Malicious Life Podcast

Malicious Life by Cybereason exposes the human and financial powers operating under the surface that make cybercrime what it is today. Malicious Life explores the people and the stories behind the cybersecurity industry and its evolution.

Malicious Life Podcast: What's the problem with Cyber Insurance? Transcript

They’ve got insurance for everything. You can get an insurance policy on your house, your car, everything else you own, your business and its employees, your health, your death. Just about anything of value that can be lost or damaged can be insured.

When did Beazley enter the cyber insurance industry?

Beazley initially entered the cyber insurance industry in 2005 with its InfoSec policy, Dauphinais says. It quickly learned, however, that a solution was needed for breach response so clients, particularly in the middle market and small to medium-sized enterprise sectors, felt more secure.

What industries are not considered big targets for cyber breaches?

He goes on to explain that in the early stages of cyber coverage, industries such as manufacturing and construction, for example, weren’t considered big targets for breaches. At the time, he says breaches were primarily focused on theft of personally identifiable information like credit card and social security numbers.

Is cyber insurance evolving?

With the sophistication of cyber attacks, claims growth, and now, a global pandemic driving a number of businesses toward remote work, it’s no question the cyber insurance industry has had to evolve rapidly since its onset.

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