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dark horse podcast criticism

by Antonette Pollich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What is the Darkhorse podcast?

The term refers to a group of academics and media personalities who publish and debate outside the mainstream media. In June 2019, Weinstein began the DarkHorse Podcast on his YouTube channel, which is usually co-hosted with his wife Heather.

Is Bret Weinstein's Darkhorse podcast available on iTunes?

^ @bretweinstein (July 11, 2019). "After many days of heel-dragging by Apple, Bret Weinstein's DarkHorse Podcast is now finally available on iTunes! Ngo and Boyce episodes are up, with lots more coming. Link below. If searching elsewhere, 'DarkHorse' is one word and 'Bret' has one 't ' " (Tweet) – via Twitter.

What is the difference between Darkhorse and Bret?

If searching elsewhere, 'DarkHorse' is one word and 'Bret' has one 't ' " (Tweet) – via Twitter. ^ a b c d e Anthony Effinger (15 September 2021). "A Progressive Biologist From Portland Is One of the Nation's Leading Advocates for Ivermectin".

Are there any public critiques of Bret and Heather?

There have been public critiques of Bret and Heather already. In early July, a Quillette article by lab leak researcher Yuri Deigin and Claire Berlinski was released to some criticism and applause.


What is DarkHorse podcast?

On The DarkHorse Podcast, we will explore questions that matter, with tools that work. Weekly episodes of "The Evolutionary Lens" are co-hosted with Heather Heying, in which we use an evolutionary toolkit to reveal patterns in nature--including human nature.

Are Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying married?

Personal life and views Weinstein is married to Heather Heying, an evolutionary biologist who also worked at Evergreen. Heying resigned from the college along with Weinstein and took a similar position during the Day of Absence controversy.

Who is Bret Weinstein married to?

Heather HeyingBret Weinstein / SpouseHeather E. Heying is an American evolutionary biologist, former professor, and author, who came to national attention following the Evergreen State College protests in 2017. Wikipedia

Are Bret and Eric Weinstein related to Harvey?

Yes, I should add that the Miramax Weinsteins are no relation. Different pronunciation, even. Weinstein is a smoke screen to cover up rampant pedophilia in Hollywood. youtube.com/watch?v=roW238…

Does Evergreen College still exist?

The Evergreen State College is a public liberal arts college in Olympia, Washington. Founded in 1967, it offers a non-traditional undergraduate curriculum in which students have the option to design their own study towards a degree or follow a pre-determined path of study.

What degree does Bret Weinstein have?

University of Michigan2009University of Pennsylva...University of California Santa CruzBret Weinstein/Education

Who is Heather Heying married to?

Bret WeinsteinHeather Heying / Spouse

Where is Eric Weinstein?

Eric Weinstein is the managing director of the investment firm Thiel Capital, and serves as a research fellow at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University.

Is Evergreen a good college?

Evergreen has earned a national reputation for innovative teaching, academic excellence, environmental leadership, exceptional value, a welcoming campus culture, and more. This is a sample of recent acclaim that distinguishes Evergreen as one of the best colleges in the United States.

Is Eric Weinstein a physicist?

Weinstein qualified in his paper that he "is not a physicist," but an "entertainer" and podcast host.

Is Eric Weinstein married?

Pia N. MalaneyEric Weinstein / Spouse

Does Bret Weinstein have a podcast?

Bret Weinstein's New Podcast. Bret has a weekly livestream with his wife, Dr. Heather Heying. He also produces many standalone episodes, some of which can be viewed below.

Post social justice warriors

The social justice warrior has gone from a noble figure to something of a Facebook comment section joke. The idea of people taking on social justice and being a warrior for it was at one time trendy and cool. Now SJWs are shorthand not only for the phrase but also for the new crop of crazy leftists.

American meritocracy

I want to riff on meritocracy for a moment. The IDW is not in favor of much of the social changes that have happened. The desire to return to society’s common-sense view is compelling for those that don’t need radical changes.

Millennial economics and too easy lives

Economically, younger workers are not putting up with the same things their parents did. They expect “too much” from their employers and endless accommodation from their places of work for things like anxiety. These precocious kids aren’t afraid to say no, I won’t do that.

My thoughts on the Dark Horse Podcast and the IDW

Bret and Heather mean well. I often find myself nodding along with much of what they say; however, when it comes to their quiet crusade against “woke” culture and social justice warriors, I find myself returning to the same question I had before.


Is it a good one you subscribe and listen to often? Can you give a short review?

What topics has he covered lately?

Is it a good one you subscribe and listen to often? Can you give a short review?


Weinstein, a native of Southern California, began his undergraduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania. As a freshman, he wrote a letter to the school newspaper that condemned sexual harassment of strippers at a Zeta Beta Tau fraternity party.


Until 2017, Weinstein was a professor of biology at Evergreen State College in Washington State.

Personal life and views

Weinstein is married to Heather Heying, an evolutionary biologist who also worked at Evergreen. Heying resigned from the college along with Weinstein and took a similar position during the Day of Absence controversy.

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