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decoding the gurus podcast

by Cornell Lindgren III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Robert Wright: A Cosmic Journey Across the Bob-o-verse

Matt and Chris finally leave the Rogan-verse behind, activate their Infinite Improbability Drive, and blast off for the Bob-o-verse.

Dubunking (Antivax) Funk with Dr Dan Wilson

This week we speak to fellow traveller, kindred spirit, and vaccine misinformation debunker, Dr Dan Wilson. Yes, we know we've talked SO much about anti-vax rhetoric recently, and we hope the day will soon come when we can leave it all behind us, but friends, today is not that day.

Special Episode: Joe Rogan 'Sorry, not Sorry'

To cap off our impromptu mini-series focusing on the Rogan-verse we take a critical look at Joe's short (non) apology video responding to the Spotify controversy surrounding his recent episodes with Robert Malone & Peter McCullough.

Robert Malone & Peter McCullough: A litany of untruths

Matt and Chris return to the Joe Rogan-verse much quicker than they would have liked to take a critical eye to two recent episodes (6 more hours!!!) offering controversial takes on Covid 19 and the dangers of vaccines.

Conspiracy hypothesiser

You can hold multiple hypotheses in your head simultaneously, in a form of quantum superposition. You think some stuff is bad, but not for the reasons everyone else thinks. Because of other, smarter, reasons. You know that we cannot trust the experts: doctors, professors, journalists, they're all compromised.

Revolutionary Genius

Your takes are so hot, your fingers burn as you hit post. You're anti-anti-anti-anti SJWs & the IDW, as well as other acronyms that haven't even been discovered yet. You know what really happened with Jeffrey Epstein, how to end political partisanship and who created the coronavirus.

Galaxy Brain Guru

You're the kind of person that has figured out their own scientific theories. They're very much like the standard theories, but subtly much much better, in a way that's difficult to articulate. You're ready to revolutionize entire fields... if you can just get past the institutional gatekeepers.

Let the conspiracies begin

The Russian military just released an official video denying the shelling of villages. It is demonstrably untrue and a blatant attempt to spread disinformation. This will be a new group defining moment just like the ‘split’ after Trump Election fraud/covid misinformation.

Coleman Hughes - Potential Guru?

Apologies if this has been suggested before but I'd be interested to know if there any plans to cover Coleman. He is someone who always seems so reasonable I find it hard to disagree with much of what he says. However, I think maybe I've just been hypnotised by his mellifluous voice.

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