Who is Kirsty Woods?
You can learn how your diet and lifestyle affect your health if you order the right tests! Kirsty Woods is an expert in metabolic testing. She explains how to use metabolic testing to improve your health.
Can not eating for 14 hours a day improve your health?
Could simply not eating for 14 hours each day improve your health? According to leading researcher, Dr. Satchin Panda, the answer is a resounding “yes”! Listen in as we explore the science behind the claim.
What does Shawn Baker eat?
This week, Orthopedic surgeon, World Record Holder and Master athlete Dr. Shawn Baker shares his solution for thriving as a human being. He eats meat. Lots of meat , and only meat. He is the leader of the carnivore movement and has created a community of carnivores through his social media efforts. This may have been considered "fringe" or "crazy" a few years ago, but now, thanks to...
Who is the Paleo guy?
Robb Wolf was one of the pioneers of the popular paleo nutrition movement and one of the first Crossfit franchise owners. Thus, Robb is sometimes labeled as "The Paleo Guy". In reality, Robb has a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience helping people transform their health with ketogenic lifestyles. Yet Robb defies being put in any one box. He has knowledge on par with many functional medicine...
What is the Pure study?
The PURE study is one of the largest epidemiological studies in recent memory, and its findings seriously question the dietary guidelines around fat, carbohydrates and salt. In fact, the PURE study suggests that higher fat intake reduced mortality, that lower salt intake increases mortality, and it even shows us how LDL is a poor predictor of health outcomes. As an epidemiology study, how much faith can we...
How did Tucker Goodrich heal himself?
This week, History Buff, Citizen Scientist and Wall Street Tech Guru Tucker Goodrich shares how he healed himself of diverticulitis, irritable bowel Syndrome, and stroke-like symptoms all by changing his diet. Getting little help from contemporary medicine, Tucker decided to focus his professional problem-solving skills towards his personal health issues. This ultimately lead to eliminating wheat and omega 6 seed oils from his diet and resulted in...
Who is Ryan Lowery?
Dr. Ryan Lowery has firmly established himself as one of the leading researchers and thought leaders in the field of ketogenic lifestyles. He has clinical experience and research spanning from athletic performance to longevity to neurocognitive disorders. His goal is to bridge the gap between academia, research, and practical individual implementation, and he does an amazing job of that. In this interview we continuously cycle between research...
Who is Dr. Robert Cywes?
Dr Robert Cywes is an expert at weight loss surgeries. But if it were up to him, he might not do any of them. His first step is always to help his patients break their addiction to carbohydrates. He still uses surgery in the right situation, but he is the first to admit that surgery without addressing the underling carbohydrate problem is destined to fail. His focus...
Is Dan Scholnick on a low carb diet?
Dan Scholnick once said, "It seems like every VC I know in Silicon Valley is on some kind of a low carb diet." Dan is no exception. Despite having the diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia, he decided to try his hand at a low carb diet after hearing a talk by Gary Taubes. Since then, Dan has experimented with numerous diets to see which work best for him,...