Podcast FAQ

different podcast formats

by Abigale Bogan Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

Your own podcast format

“I love listening to other podcasts like that, with somebody who has a real passion ... Gordon and Hobbes don’t present any topic as black-and-white, which they think the format of audio facilitates more than than written stories.

Interview shows

Seven most popular types of podcast formats

  1. Interview podcasts. When you think of a podcast, the interview podcast format is probably one of the first to mind. ...
  2. Conversational. Conversational podcasts have a couple hosts that spend each episode taking on a topic. ...
  3. Educational podcasts. ...
  4. Solo podcasts. ...
  5. Non-fiction storytelling + news. ...
  6. Podcast theater. ...
  7. Bite-sized content or limited run podcast series. ...

Conversational podcasts

  • Tinder Swindler planning to use his newfound Netflix fame to 'crack Hollywood'
  • Shimon Heyada Hayut operated under several aliases, including Simon Leviev
  • Fooled women he met on Tinder into thinking he was the son of a billionaire diamond merchant before scamming them out of an estimated £7.4 million

Educational shows

These critical podcast structure elements include:

  • The intro telling listeners what your show is about, and presents a hook to get them to continue listening.
  • The content of the episode. ...
  • The outro closing each episode, and including a call to action, a promise of what’s coming next in your show, and also, asking listeners to rate, review and subscribe to ...


What is the best podcast format?

Which podcast format is right for You?

How to write a podcast?

How to format Your Podcast show notes?


What are the different formats of podcasts?

The 8 Most Popular Podcast FormatsThe interview podcast format. ... The solo/monologue podcast format. ... Conversational/co-hosted podcast format. ... The panel podcast format. ... Non-fictional storytelling podcast format. ... Podcast theater podcast format. ... Repurposed content podcast format. ... Your own podcast format.

What are three types of podcast formats?

Read on to learn all about podcast formats and which one is the ideal fit for your next show.Narrative-style podcast. Narrative-style podcasts tell the stories — stories of people, businesses, or brands. ... Solo Podcast. ... Co-hosted podcast. ... 1:1 interview podcast. ... Panel podcast.

What podcast format is most popular?

Interview1. Interview. Probably the most popular podcast format, the interview is pretty much exactly what it sounds like - an interview. Usually there is one host that's interviewing one guest but there can also be multiple hosts or multiple guests on the episode.

What format should podcasts be in?

MP3There are many audio file formats available for distributing podcasts. The “MP3” format is the most commonly used in the industry. The format is supported by nearly every portable media player, Internet-connected TVs, and most software-based media players.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

What is the average age of podcast listeners?

50% of monthly U.S. podcast listeners are aged between 12-34, 43% between 35 and 54 years old, and 22% are aged over 55. In 2019, around half of monthly podcast listeners had a full-time job(51%), 17% of whom hadve a household income between $100K-$150K.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

What makes a good podcast?

To create the most engaging podcast, your topic should be something that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. The creator and host of the podcast, “With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus” came up with the idea for her completely improvised podcast with guests because she is an avid improviser.

Are podcasts WAV or MP3?

WAV is the clear winner when it comes to high-quality audio. WAV files aren't compressed, so every intro and sound effect from your podcast episode will be preserved.

Should podcasts be MP3 or WAV?

High Quality of Sound If you use WAV files for your podcast, listeners will hear layers and outro variations in multitrack recording that you just don't get with compressed MP3 files. WAV files do not lose anything when it comes to frequencies on the sound spectrum, unlike the lossy compression of MP3s.

How big is a 1 hour podcast?

The average hour-long audio podcast is about 25 MB. Specifically it's . 46 MB per minute assuming that, like most audio podcasts I've seen, it's encoded at 64kbps mono. If it's a stereo podcast, or at a higher bit rate, it will be bigger.

How successful is a hybrid podcast?

A hybrid podcast can only be successful if the combination of styles or formats adds to the overall podcast experience and doesn’t simply leave the listener very confused as to what is actually going on.

What is a true crime podcast?

Most true crime podcasts fit this bill (although this category is so popular it’s almost a format on its own!) The non-fiction narrative podcast format can be most likened to an audio documentary that unveils or unravels an event or story that happened in real-life, and usually does so over a number of episodes. If you have a true tale that needs to see the light of day, or you have a knack for solving mysteries, this is the format for you and your show.

What is panel show format?

The panel show format can be a winning choice as it can be used for nearly every topic under the sun! If you and your friends are super passionate about a particular topic, chances are you will find an eager audience as passionate as you. And if you get the mix of characters and points of view right, the dynamics and banter that you can deliver episode after episode will help your show achieve great success.

What is a solo podcast?

A solo podcast requires specific talents from the host. They need to be able to single-handedly deliver exciting content with energy and enthusiasm – something that is not easy to do when it’s just you and a mic! You also need to make what you say sound natural, and not like you’re reading a script.

What is the most common podcast format?

1. The Solo Podcast. First up, the solo podcast. This is arguably the most common style of podcast, and it’s not very hard to see why. This format, as the name suggests, just involves one person delivering the content. This means that the process of achieving a great sounding episode is significantly simplified when compared to some ...

Is a podcast better than a book?

And in some ways, a podcast can be even better than a book, as it can allow you to really bring your work to life with sound affects, background music, and different voices.

Is there an audiobook for podcasts?

There are audiobooks for that! The format is also popular because within the solo podcast category, there is a whole variety of options. From solo commentary or monologues, fiction or nonfiction storytelling, or even niche-related Q&As, there is a whole scope of options when it comes to hosting a podcast solo.

How many stories can you tell?

There are hundreds of stories you can choose to tell, so you won’t ever need to worry about running out of content. You also stand an excellent chance of gaining a dedicated audience, depending on the stories you choose and how you deliver them.

What is solo format?

Solo is the preferred format for experts in a particular area. They would like to impart some of their knowledge to an audience keen to learn more about the subject.

What is theatre podcast?

Similar to radio shows, from a time before television, a theatre podcast is a recorded broadcast of a play or a reading of a fictional story. It usually involves several actors voicing the different characters that appear throughout the piece.

What is a co-host podcast?

It involves two people having a conversation about a particular topic, but unlike the interview podcast format, both of the people on the show are co-hosts.

What is the best format for podcasts?

The panel show is the best format for a podcast that has multiple co-hosts or several guests at any one time. It’s an excellent format for shows that have a group of people discussing one subject and brings an organic, conversational feeling to your podcast.

What does hosting a podcast mean?

Hosting a solo podcast means that you won’t have to worry about booking any guests or organizing your schedule to match up with anybody else’s. It also makes editing a lot easier as you won’t need to adjust multiple sound levels or cut out sections.

What is the hardest thing about podcasting?

One of the hardest things about an interview podcast format is that you can have difficulty booking guests and finding a window that works for you both. Booking guest difficulty is especially true if you’re new to podcasting, and your show hasn’t yet got the power to pull in the more prominent names you want on your show.

How many podcasts will be made in 2020?

Podcasts are a big deal. An estimated 48 million episodes are floating around on the internet, and in 2020 more than a third of Americans listened to podcasts regularly. It’s understandable if you want to get in on the action and add your perspective to the podcast conversation.

Why is it important to choose a podcast format?

For podcasts, it’s also important to maintain consistency in your show format. Choosing a podcast structure upfront gives you a roadmap for your work and helps you deliver engaging content time and time again . Here are three good reasons to choose your podcast style upfront:

What is conversational podcast?

Conversational podcasts have a couple hosts that spend each episode taking on a topic. It feels like a casual discussion between friends and is the preferred format for an ever-growing list of celebrities.

What is the most common podcast format?

1 – Interview podcasts. When you think of a podcast, the interview podcast format is probably one of the first to mind. Interviews are arguably the most common podcast format, with a consistent host (or hosts) talking to a new guest each week. While guests and topics can vary, there’s always a theme that ties them together.

Why do you need to choose a podcast structure early?

Why you need to choose a podcast structure early. Building an audience is all about consistency: Consistency in the topics you talk about. Consistency in the style of photographs on your blog. Consistency in the frequency of when you'll post new content . For podcasts, it’s also important to maintain consistency in your show format.

How to keep your audience engaged?

To keep your audience engaged and coming back for more, you'll need to get creative and specific with the topics you discuss. Depending on where your co-host is located, you may have to deal with recording separately and editing the tracks together. And just like with interview shows, you'll be at the mercy of.

Who is Rachel Corbett?

Rachel Corbett is a radio veteran who has worked on more than ten podcasts . One of her projects is the PodSchool podcast, which works alongside her podcasting course. Each episode is around ten minutes and helps listeners develop a podcast. Rachel shared what she likes about bite-sized episodes:

1. Interview Podcast

This type of podcast involves a host or pair of co-hosts who interview one or more guests, usually a person of interest. This format is similar to a TV talk show.

2. Monologue Podcast

As the name suggests, a monologue or solo podcast involves only one host doing all the talking throughout the episode.

3. Conversational Podcast

Conversational or co-hosted podcasts is another popular format that is similar to a traditional radio show.

4. The Panel Podcast

Panel podcasts or roundtable shows is somewhat like an interview-style podcast. But with this format, the conversation involves a group of hosts instead of interviewing guests.

5. Storytelling Podcast

Storytelling podcasts share real-life stories in each episode. So this format should suit you if writing non-fictional events is your thing.

6. Podcast Theater Podcast Format

The podcast theater podcast also goes by the name fictional storytelling. Similar to dramatic television, this format essentially uses the medium to entertain audiences with fictional stories across several episodes.

7. Repurposed Content Podcast Format

This podcast format involves taking already existing content and transforming it to provide more value for your audience.

What is this American life?

This American Life is an hour-long weekly radio-program turned into a podcast. The podcast covers mostly real and sometimes fictional stories that come together under a new theme each week. The show is heard by millions of listeners weekly. Why is the podcast so popular?

What is Deborah Treisman's voice?

Deborah Treisman’s voice can be described as calming and soothing. Since the goal of the podcast is to tell a story, her voice sets the scene for a relaxing listening experience. She speaks with an authoritative tone.

What is the hook of a podcast?

The hook for the listener is that the format makes it feel as though you are listening in on a group of friends and their thoughts on various political matters.

When will podcasting be available in 2021?

June 16, 2021. When podcasting first came on the scene, there was a flurry of speculation concerning the future of radio and if podcasting would remain as a viable method of consuming audio content. Critics were torn. Some said that podcasting would mean the death of radio, while others thought that podcasting would drop off the face of the earth.

Is podcasting a death?

Some said that podcasting would mean the death of radio, while others thought that podcasting would drop off the face of the earth. The truth is that podcasting has only grown, to the point where it is now on par with more traditional media formats.

Who is Stephanie Ciccarelli?

Stephanie Ciccarelli is a Co-Founder of Voices. Classically trained in voice as well as a respected mentor and industry speaker, Stephanie graduated with a Bachelor of Musical Arts from the Don Wright Faculty of Music at the University of Western Ontario. For over 25 years, Stephanie has used her voice to communicate what is most important to her through the spoken and written word. Possessing a great love for imparting knowledge and empowering others, Stephanie has been a contributor to The Huffington Post, Backstage magazine, Stage 32 and the Voices.com blog. Stephanie is found on the PROFIT Magazine W100 list three times (2013, 2015 and 2016), a ranking of Canada's top female entrepreneurs, and is the author of Voice Acting for Dummies®.

Who is the host of Political Gabfest?

There are three hosts of Political Gabfest. The first host is John Dickerson, who usually reads the starting intro and monologue. His vocal style is similar to a radio announcer, thanks to his commanding tone. In fact, his voice makes him the perfect moderator of the panel discussion, and throughout each show he’s able to bring the conversation back to the original idea, if it starts to drift. The other two hosts, David Plotz and Emily Bazelon, both have unique and quirky voices that make them easily relatable and easy to listen to.

The solo podcast

Solo podcasts have one host who explores one or many topics in each episode. They use a monologue style of narration to guide listeners through each talking point. “ Carefree and Black Diaries ” is a solo podcast hosted and produced by Shaakira White.

The interview podcast

Interview podcasts are shows in which hosts talk to a guest in each episode. They’re one of the most common types of podcasts because they don’t require too much logistically—as long as you can land a guest for each episode. “ PODCAST NOOR ” is an interview podcast hosted by award-winning journalist and podcaster Noor Tagouri.

The roundtable podcast

Roundtable, or conversational, podcasts have multiple co-hosts or speakers moderated by a single host, and they discuss topics or interview guests together. They can be more loosely structured and casual than solo and interview podcasts. “ Black Wealth Renaissance ” (BWR) is a roundtable show produced by David F.

The narrative nonfiction podcast

In narrative nonfiction podcasts, hosts conduct interviews, narrate past or current events, or produce live field recordings around specific incidents or historical topics.

The fiction podcast

Fiction podcasts feature stories that hosts narrate or produce as audio narratives for their listeners. Some fiction podcasts cast actors to play the characters that appear in these shows. “ MOONFACE ” and “ Vermont Ave. ” are fiction podcasts produced by James Kim. Each show is an audio narrative that takes listeners through a story in real time.

The reformatted podcast

Reformatted podcasts are audio versions of existing video or written content. YouTubers or bloggers who create audio versions of their videos and blogs make reformatted podcasts. “ rSlash ” is a reformatted show hosted by YouTuber Dabney Bailey. Each episode features Dabney performing Reddit threads for his audience.

The experimental podcast

Experimental podcasts don’t follow any of the traditional podcast styles or structures. Hosts might branch out and create their own format based on their interests. “ Sleep and Relax ASMR ” is an experimental podcast that features ASMR soundscapes designed to help people relax and fall asleep. ‍


This is a popular podcast show format as it’s always fresh. The podcast host is consistently bringing on new guests for interviews and those guests are providing new information for audiences.


Co-Hosting a podcast can be a great idea if you have great chemistry with someone else. If you’re a person who works and thinks best with others, this could be a way to go. Be sure you don’t find a co-host exactly like you. Co-hosts are complementary. Be sure that you complement each other with knowledge, skills, and work ethic.

Storytelling – Scripted Fiction

Storytelling in an audio format has been around for decades. The Golden Age of Radio was around the 1930’s-1950’s and families huddled around their radios to listen to the news and produced stories.

Storytelling – Scripted Non-Fiction

This type of format can be less produced without as many sound effects and guest voices. Podcasters who are good storytellers can do well here.


On the other end of the quickly-outdated news episodes are the evergreen podcasts that can come with Educational Podcasts. These podcasts are all about teaching listeners and education has a longer shelf-life.

Explicit Podcasts

This is more of a personal decision and depends on your target audience. Will your listeners mind if you’re using explicit language?

Podcast Episode Length

Length is another personal decision. Average podcasts are 20-60 minutes long. Depending on the format you choose, that’ll probably be a determining factor for most people.

2. Interview Podcast

An interview-style show has a host (or two) who interviews a different guest in each episode who adds to the episode with their own experience and skills.

5. Non-fictional Storytelling Podcast

This podcast type has its episodes based on true events. You may investigate a series of murders or recreate a historical event; you can choose from anything to everything to educate your audience.

7. Repurposed Content Podcast

Repurposing literally means “to find a new use for an idea,” so when you repurpose content, you take something that already exists & modify it according to your need so that you can get more value out of it. Some bloggers simply repurpose previously written content into a podcast.


The Solo Podcast

The Co-Hosted Podcast


Panel Shows

Non-Fiction Narrative Story-Telling

Fiction Narrative Story-Telling

Repurposed Content



Table Top

  • Last but not least, there is the tabletop format. This type of format is also known as “actual play podcasts” which is a little more self-explanatory. This podcast format features a group of people recording themselves playing their tabletop role-playing game of choice (commonly termed TTRPG, just FYI) and releasing these sessions of their campaign...
See more on weeditpodcasts.com

What Is A Podcast format?

The Interview Podcast

The Solo Podcast

The Panel Show

Conversational/Co-Hosted Podcasts

  • Co-Hosted podcasts are one of the most common formats. It involves two people having a conversation about a particular topic, but unlike the interview podcast format, both of the people on the show are co-hosts. Great chemistry between the two hosts is crucial as you’ll mostly be inviting your listeners into your conversation, and nobody wants to l...
See more on podcasthowto.com

Non-Fictional Storytelling Podcasts

Theatre Podcasts

Repurposed Content Podcasts

Final Word

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