Podcast FAQ

disability visibility podcast

by Ardella Roob Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Can podcasts help disabled people with disabilities?

For some disabled people, listening to a podcast on disability matters is more accessible than visiting a disability organization or service provider in their own home town.

When is the 100th episode of the Disability Visibility podcast published?

Celebrate the 100th episode of the Disability Visibility podcast with us! The 100th episode of the Disability Visibility podcast will be published on April 4, 2021, can you believe?!? This episode will feature a conversation with the three co-audio producers of … Continue Reading

What is the disability rights Florida podcast?

This podcast is produced by Disability Rights Florida, a not-for-profit corporation working to protect and advance the rights of Floridians with disabilities through advocacy and education. disabilityrightsflorida.org/..

Why don’t more disabled people share their experiences with the community?

So many disabled people still lack practical access to the information, ideas, and culture shared by more connected members of the disability community. And until fairly recently, disabled people with something to share had few outlets to do so on any kind of meaningful scale.


When did the Disability Visibility podcast end?

The podcast ended with episode 100 in April 2021 with possible audio stories coming in the future so do not unsubscribe! You can download the Disability Visibility Podcast Resource Guide, a list of all episodes with links in a PDF.

Who hosts Disability Visibility?

This is life from a disabled lens. Disability Visibility is a podcast hosted by San Francisco night owl Alice Wong featuring conversations on politics, culture, and media with disabled people. If you’re interested in disability rights, social justice, and intersectionality, this show is for you. It’s time to hear more disabled people in podcasting and radio. Named one of the 15 best podcasts by women that you’re not listening to by Refinery 29 in 2021.

1. Disability Matters

Pittsburgh, PA (US and Canada) Competitive employment and empowerment for people with disabilities is the emphasis of this show.


Sayville, NY INNERSIGHT FREEDOM hosted by Frank Perino and Suzanne Tarazi-Ferraro. INNERSIGHT Means FREEDOM Advocates for the Disabled! INNERSIGHT FREEDOM fights for Independence, Empowerment, Equality, Total Accessibility and Disability Rights. The money that should be used to change the system as it stands, has failed the disabled.

3. An Apple A Day

An Apple A Day is not only a podcast but also a resource and a community. It's a place to share experiences and learn from others as we overcome barriers and learn to live a happy and healthy life with a disability famousapple.libsyn.com 21 ⋅ 3 episodes / month ⋅ Avg Length 44 min ⋅ Nov 2017 View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

4. The Accessible Stall

New York, USA The Accessible Stall is a disability podcast that keeps it real about disability. Hosted by Emily Ladau and Kyle Khachadurian. theaccessiblestall.com 1K ⋅ 1.7K ⋅ 340 ⋅ 1 episode / quarter ⋅ Avg Length 44 min View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

5. You First: The Disability Rights Florida Podcast

Tallahassee, Florida, US The purpose of You First is to discuss the rights of individuals with disabilities, putting your rights first. Host Keith Casebonne tackles important issues with knowledgeable guests, accounting first-hand experiences and discussing available resources for persons with disabilities.

6. Disability News

Disability News is a weekly program featuring news about various disabilities spreaker.com/show/disability.. 1 episode / week ⋅ Avg Length 57 min ⋅ May 2018 View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

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What is visibility in Australia?

Visibility is a space for people with intellectual disability to share their stories, have a voice and be heard. We want to build a more understanding and inclusive society in Australia and the world.

Does CID keep your info private?

CID keeps all of your personal info private. See our privacy policy

Can you edit a podcast?

You may not edit, modify or redistribute this podcast.

Is Council for Intellectual Disability responsible for the podcast?

Council for Intellectual Disability is not responsible for and does not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series available for listening on this site. The primary purpose of the podcast series is to discuss topical issues.

How many episodes of Disability Visibility Podcast?

This guide will point you to all 100 episodes of the Disability Visibility Podcast, a production of the Disability Visibility Project. Each entry contains links to episode audio, two types of text transcripts, brief episode info, and more links related to the guests or topics. Be sure to visit the show page for each episode on the website for more info, pictures with image descriptions, and more. If you have not already subscribed to the podcast, please do! Although this conversation series has ended, there may be more stories in the future that you wont want to miss. Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, Pandora, and Google Play.

Who is the host of Disability Visibility?

This is life from a disabled lens. Disability Visibilityis a podcast hosted by San Francisco night owl Alice Wong featuring conversations on politics, culture, and media with disabled people. If youre interested in disability rights, social justice, and intersectionality, this show is for you. Its time to hear more disabled people in podcasting and radio. Named one of the 15 best podcasts by women that youre not listening to by Refinery 29 in 2021. Disability Visibility is a production of the Disability Visibility Project, an online community dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture. The Disability Visibility Podcast ran from September 2017 to April 2021 with the following production team. Alice Wong , Writer, Audio Producer, Host Geraldine Ah-Sue, Audio Producer Cheryl Green, Audio Producer and Transcriber Sarika D. Mehta, Audio Producer Lateef McLeod, Introduction Mike Mort, Artwork Wheelchair Sports Camp, Theme Song This guide was put together by Cheryl Green, with assistance from Shae Cole Weiser through Dr. Sara M. Acevedos Disability Allies and Activists course at Miami University.

What episode is ADA with Lia Seth?

Ep 18: Accessibility and the ADA with Lia Seth and Dara Baldwin...............................................................21

What are some ways to connect with the disabled community?

Social media, blogging, and the growth of journalism and publishing from the disability community have added more ways to connect. Podcasting offers a unique and particularly enriching way for disabled people get information, emotional enrichment, and a more personal sense of connection, all from their own homes and devices.

What is the Ouch podcast?

It covers a wide range of disability issues, often more than one topic in each episode. It’s scope is global, but with a focus on the United Kingdom.

Can people with disabilities podcast?

There is at least one relatively new way that people with disabilities nearly anywhere to connect with a broader disability community, and that’s disability podcasting. So many disabled people still lack practical access to the information, ideas, and culture shared by more connected members of the disability community.

Is it cheaper to make a podcast?

Creating your own podcast involved a bit more investment, but is still comparatively simple and inexpensive considering the potential impact.

Who is the host of the BBC show "Ouch"?

Hosted by Damon Rose, Kathleen Hawkins and Simon Minty. Hundreds of episodes going back to at least April, 2015 in the current format, and similar content from years before that, are available on the BBC website. The most recent episode is from June 2021. The BBC’s “Ouch!”.

Is podcasting accessible to disabled people?

For some disabled people, listening to a podcast on disability matters is more accessible than visiting a disability organization or service provider in their own home town .

Hybrid Access Now: Statement by UCLA Student Coalitions

We, the Disabled Student Union, the Mother Organizations Coalition, and Undergraduate Students Association Council at UCLA, urge UCLA to immediately and permanently implement remote learning options that … Continue Reading Hybrid Access Now: Statement by UCLA Student Coalitions

Abolish Long-Term Care: Nationalize Home Care in Canada

Abolish Long-Term Care: Nationalize Home Care in Canada Megan Linton and Sarah Jama In Canada, 19,000 disabled people have died in sites of confinement and incarceration. Long-term … Continue Reading Abolish Long-Term Care: Nationalize Home Care in Canada

Year of the Tiger: Upcoming memoir by Alice Wong

Happy Lunar New Year, y’all! Roaring your way September 6, 2022: my debut memoir, Year of the Tiger: An Activist’s Life, is something I worked on for the last year … Continue Reading Year of the Tiger: Upcoming memoir by Alice Wong

Update on Philips CPAP, BiPAP, and Ventilator Recall

In the summer of 2021, Philips Respironics issued a recall notification of a number of their CPAP, BiPap, and ventilators in the United States. A group of disabled people impacted … Continue Reading Update on Philips CPAP, BiPAP, and Ventilator Recall

High-Risk Pandemic Stories: A Syllabus

Since March 2020 I have been collecting strands of disabled wisdom about the pandemic and trying to gather, weave, and share them. Disabled, fat, older, poor, immunocompromised, and chronically ill … Continue Reading High-Risk Pandemic Stories: A Syllabus

DVP: 2021 Year in Review

Happy New Year! Better late than never, am I right? 2021 was SOME year. Too many expletives cannot adequately express my frustration and concern right now. I hope you are … Continue Reading DVP: 2021 Year in Review

Reading Storms, Embracing Life: A Remembrance of Neil Marcus

Reading Storms, Embracing Life: A Remembrance of Neil Marcus Steven E. Brown “I’m a human bridge in a moment of time, spanning as far and as relevant as … Continue Reading Reading Storms, Embracing Life: A Remembrance of Neil Marcus

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