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divine intervention podcast step 2

by Selina Considine Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Where can I listen to the divine intervention podcast?

» Divine Intervention Podcasts | Podcast on Spotify.

Is Divine Intervention podcast free?

» Divine Intervention Podcasts podcast - Free on The Podcast App.

How do I study for Step 2 CK?

So in summary, acing Step 2 CK requires:Prioritizing studying throughout clerkship year to build a firm clinical knowledge base, ideally building a comprehensive Anki deck for longitudinal review.Minimum 2 weeks of exclusive exam prep time.Exhaustive attention to the UWorld Step 2 CK Question Bank.More items...

Can you divine intervention yourself?

I don't understand the confusion, it seems pretty obvious to me, but for those still wondering -- NO, a Paladin can NOT Divine Intervention themself since the cost for casting this spell is one Symbol of Divinity, and the Paladin's life.

Is divine intervention on Spotify?

Divine Intervention - Album by Slayer | Spotify.

Is UWorld enough for Step 2 CK?

Undoubtedly, the answer is UWorld STEP 2 CK. As mentioned above, Uworld STEP 2 CK is the most important resource to study for STEP 2 CK. UWorld STEP 2 CK covers most concepts of the exam and gets you familiar with the question styles.

Is 3 weeks enough for Step 2?

The schedule for Step II CK preparation varies significantly depending on how much time has passed since completion of the clerkships, and whether you are studying during vacation or during a 4th year rotation. Overall, study time usually ranges from 1-4 weeks with most students taking 2-3 weeks.

Is Step 2 or Step 1 harder?

The majority of people do much better on Step 2 than on Step 1 even with less studying. This test focuses more on the next step in a patient presentation.

Divine Intervention Episode 360 – The Clutch Secondary Hypertension Podcast (Step 1-3)

Secondary hypertension is tested on essentially every USMLE exam in some way, shape, or form. The NBMEs love to integrate the topic with many other disciplines. If you struggle with this specific topic, this podcast is exactly what you need.

Divine Intervention Episode 150 – Comprehensive USMLE Renal Pharmacology 3

In this podcast, I continue our review of renal pharmacology. I discuss mechanisms and HY integrations with many of the diuretics. There’ll be one more short podcast to complete the series. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 146 – Comprehensive USMLE Renal Pharmacology Part 1

In this episode, I begin a discussion of renal pharmacology as pertinent to the USMLE Step 1 Exam. I integrate my discussion with multiple disciplines. Note that there is also a detailed, comprehensive renal review series for Step 1 (Episodes 52-54). For this podcast, there are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 70 – Oncology Pharm For The USMLEs Part 1

In this episode, I discuss a lot of the HY pharmacology related to the anti-cancer agents. There’s some HY integration with biochemistry, micro, and cell biology. There are no attached slides as all necessary information is in the podcast.

Divine Intervention Episode 68 – Psych Pharm Part 2 (Final Part)

In this episode, I round up my discussion of psych pharm as relevant to the USMLEs. Highly recommend listening to this if you are taking any of the USMLEs and the psych/neuro shelf. There are no accompanying slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 67 – Psych Pharmacology (Part 1 of 2)

In this episode, I begin an integrated discussion of the psych meds as relevant to the USMLE exams. I discuss the drugs used for depression, anxiety, sleep, and some minor disorders. No slides attached as all the relevant information is in the podcast. Watch out for Part 2…And happy new year!

Divine Intervention Episode 372 – The Clutch Headache Podcast (for Step 1-3)

Headaches are very routinely tested on the USMLE exams. This short podcast addresses pretty much everything you need to know about them. For those taking Step 2CK/3 or COMLEX Level 2/3 within the next 3-4 weeks, email me via the website if you’re interested in the course taking place next week.

Divine Intervention Episode 371 – The Spinal Cord (for Step 1-3)

In this short but floridly HY podcast, I introduce the spinal cord and make some integrations along the way. Neurology is not a memorization science. It’s a rule-based science. This podcast addresses many of these rules so understanding a future podcast I will make (on spinal cord lesions) will be a lot easier.

Divine Intervention Episode 365 – The Eye Part 2 (for Step 1-3)

In this episode, I continue our in-depth series on the eye that was started in Ep 361.

Divine Intervention Episode 315 – The Clutch Circle of Willis Podcast (Step 1-3)

In this ultra HY podcast, I discuss (and explain pathophysiology) all you need to know, including clinical integrations, for the circle of Willis. Short podcast, but super HY to score easy points on your USMLEs. For more info on the Step 2CK/3 course coming up next week, shoot me an email via the website.

Divine Intervention Episode 311 – The Clutch CSF Findings and Brain Imaging USMLE Podcast (for Step 1-3)

The new USMLE exams have a strong disposition towards describing findings instead of giving you buzzwords. In this extremely HY podcast, I discuss about 80 pathologies and their classic CSF findings/brain imaging NBME descriptors. There are no attached slides but there’s easily lots of Qs to be gotten right from this podcast.

Divine Intervention Episode 215 – Acetylcholine and The NBME

In this super HY podcast, I discuss the physiology of acetylcholine and then discuss a large number of HY integrations pertinent to the USMLE Step 1, 2CK, and Step 3 exams. You’ll get a few questions right on each of these exams from this singular podcast. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 131 – USMLE Step 2CK Rapid Review Series 11 (OB, Psych, IM, Neuro)

In this episode, I continue our rapid review series for the USMLE Step 2CK exam with a focus on a bunch of super HY content that people often fail to pay attention to and hence get wrong on tests. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 360 – The Clutch Secondary Hypertension Podcast (Step 1-3)

Secondary hypertension is tested on essentially every USMLE exam in some way, shape, or form. The NBMEs love to integrate the topic with many other disciplines. If you struggle with this specific topic, this podcast is exactly what you need.

Divine Intervention Episode 317 – Breastfeeding, Newborn Jaundice, and The NBMEs

In this ultra HY podcast, I discuss tons of different vignettes as they relate to newborn jaundice and breastfeeding. These things are routinely tested on the USMLE exams and are easy points if you know and understand the relevant pathophysiology. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 224 – Genetic Diseases 2: Chromosomes (For Step 1 and 2CK)

In this podcast, I spend some time reviewing the HY chromosomes (from 1-22) and the classically tested factoids relating to their genetic diseases. I discuss the clinical/NBME presentations of these diseases.

Divine Intervention Episode 130 – USMLE Step 2CK Rapid Review Series 10 (Peds)

In this episode, I continue our rapid review series for the USMLE Step 2CK exam with a focus on Peds. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 95 – USMLE Step 2CK Rapid Review Series 2 (Peds)

In this episode, I go over a large number of HY case scenarios for the USMLE Step 2CK exam in a rapid review format. As discussed earlier, these “rapid review” podcasts focus almost entirely on the specific ways concepts are presented on NBME exams. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 94 – USMLE Step 2CK Rapid Review Series 1 (Peds)

In this episode, I begin a rapid review series (like I have for Step 1) that is targeted towards the USMLE Step 2CK exam. The goal of these rapid review series is to highlight the classic ways the NBME presents certain concepts in test questions. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 367 – The Clutch Amyloidosis Podcast (for Step 1-3)

In this short but extremely HY podcast, I discuss the vast majority of what you need to know in relation to amyloidosis for all the USMLE exams. Please listen to this podcast before you take any USMLE exam!

Divine Intervention Episode 360 – The Clutch Secondary Hypertension Podcast (Step 1-3)

Secondary hypertension is tested on essentially every USMLE exam in some way, shape, or form. The NBMEs love to integrate the topic with many other disciplines. If you struggle with this specific topic, this podcast is exactly what you need.

Divine Intervention Episode 326 – Pediatric Cardiology and Hemodynamic Changes for the USMLE exams

The NBME is quite good at writing questions where they test your knowledge of pressures/volumes/hemodynamic changes associated with pediatric heart defects. Many MS3s/4s routinely get these questions wrong on exams. If you fall into this bucket, this podcast will effectively fix this problem.

Divine Intervention Episode 253 – Starling Forces and The NBMEs (for Step 1-3)

In this episode, I review a topic that is floridly HY to know for all the USMLE exams (Step 1, 2CK, and 3). This topic has a unique way of presenting itself in physiological/pathological scenarios on these exams. I discuss the vast majority of these scenarios in this podcast. Pay close attention here. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 233 – Shock

Shock is an ultra HY topic for all the USMLE exams. This podcast gives you everything you need to know to answer those questions. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 373 – Progestin and Estrogen Challenge Tests

In this short “localize the lesion” podcast, I discuss an OBGYN topic that presents lots of challenges for individuals on the USMLE exams.

Divine Intervention Episode 177 – USMLE Step 2CK Rapid Review Series 24 (OGBYN)

In this episode, I continue our rapid review series for the USMLE Step 2CK exam with a discussion of extremely HY OBGYN concepts with almost 10 mins spent discussing all you need to know about cervical cancer (screening, treatment, managing test results). There ate no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 156 – USMLE Step 2CK Rapid Review Series 16 (OBGYN)

In this episode, I continue our rapid review series for the USMLE Step 2CK exam with a focus on OBGYN concepts/vignettes especially in the context of breast cancer. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 131 – USMLE Step 2CK Rapid Review Series 11 (OB, Psych, IM, Neuro)

In this episode, I continue our rapid review series for the USMLE Step 2CK exam with a focus on a bunch of super HY content that people often fail to pay attention to and hence get wrong on tests. There are no attached slides.

Divine Intervention Episode 127 – USMLE Step 2CK Rapid Review Series 8 (OBGYN)

In this episode, I discuss a host of HY pathologies that tend to be quite confusing on NBMEs for people (stuff like AIS, mullerian agenesis, etc). There’s lot of integration with IM, psych, and pharm here. There are no attached slides.

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