Podcast FAQ

doctor bob martin podcast

by Mrs. Amelie Beier III Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the Dr Bob Martin show?

The Dr. Bob Martin Show is the largest syndicated alternative health show in the US. The interactive programs focus on giving listeners health information that will encourage the motivation, confidence and conviction that they need to heal their own bodies of many ailments.

How do I contact Dr Bob Martin?

Please call affiliates at 703-302-1000 ext. 250 with any questions... … The Dr. Bob Martin Show is the largest weekend syndicated health talk show on radio today. The program includes callers’ questions and comments, breaking health news, and special features such as The Health Alternative and Outrage and Mystery of the Week.

What is Dr Bob Martin’s Weekend Money magnet?

Dr. Bob Martin is the undisputed king of weekend revenue generation and is often referred to as talk radio’s “weekend money magnet”. Not only does the show add to your bottom line, but you don’t have to sacrifice ratings or station image to do it. It’s the antidote to weekend infomercials, reruns, and stale best of’s!

What are some good topics for Dr Martin to talk about?

Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by listeners. Today’s topics include apple cider vinegar, colostrum, Dr. Martin’s diet, low potassium levels, salt & iodine, thyroid meds & low calcium levels, teens on birth control, cluster headaches… and more! 755. What’s Worse?



The Dr. Bob Martin Show is the largest weekend syndicated health talk show on radio today. The program includes callers’ questions and comments, breaking health news, and special features such as The Health Alternative and Outrage and Mystery of the Week.

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