Podcast FAQ

does podcast pay

by Max Oberbrunner Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How do you make money doing a podcast?

  • Additional interviews
  • Behind-the-scenes content
  • Ad-free RSS feed
  • Early-access RSS feed
  • Q&A with the hosts

Can you make money with a podcast?

Yet, despite what many claim, it's absolutely possible to make money with a podcast. Plenty of show-runners are making a living doing that, right now. Others are happy to bring in enough to cover their hosting costs, or pay for a takeaway every few weeks.

How to make money off podcasts?

Record an ad for your sponsor.

  • If you are do not want the brand as a sponsor, click Not Interested to pass on this sponsor.
  • Make the ads for your sponsors entertaining. Recording ads don't have to be a chore and don't have to be a chore for your listeners to listen to. ...
  • Record new ads for your sponsors as soon as possible. ...

How much can you make from podcasts?

How Do You Monetize a Podcast?

  • Earning sponsorship deals. You don’t necessarily have to have a broad audience to take on podcast sponsors, making it an excellent option for earning money as a new podcaster.
  • Utilize affiliate marketing. ...
  • Connect with listeners on platforms such as Patreon. ...
  • Create products, services, or experiences suited to your audience. ...


How much money can you make from a podcast?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

Can you make money with a podcast?

Podcasts make money when they have multiple income streams The most profitable independent podcasts use multiple revenue streams to create a steady flow of income as they focus their attention on growing their audience.

How do I start a podcast and get paid?

Advertising and sponsorships are probably the first things you think of when looking for ways to make money from podcasting. There are several different podcast ad networks that can connect you with advertisers. They do all the work of finding advertisers, negotiating rates, getting the script, and more.

Do podcasts on Spotify make money?

Commissions From Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is another primary avenue for earning money on Spotify podcasts. You quote a unique link in your podcast through which your listeners can purchase products. The seller pays you commissions on purchases customers make through your link.

What are the Income Sources for Podcasters?

There are several income sources available for podcasters. These include:

How Much Do Most Successful Podcasters Earn?

Podcasters charge for ads based on the number of people who have listened to the episode.


Exactly how much do podcasters make? You should know by now that it depends on several factors.

What is a podcast interview and how do both parties benefit?

Currently, we’re surrounded by over 850,000 podcast shows, of which 30% are interview-based. Many podcast hosts constantly look for charismatic candidates to speak on their show with expertise and knowledge to feed their audience of listeners.

Being a podcast guest is an investment

Are you investing hours in growing a side business or brand into a full-time enterprise and one day hope to quit your day job? Speaking on the right podcasts is a positive step in a direction to accomplish this because this kind of publicity equals opportunities like talking at a seminar or a summit – which is amazing for exposing your brand!

How to sell podcast ads?

There’s a lot of nuance to this, but you can sell ads on your podcast in three main ways: 1 Direct to brand: If you represent a podcast that meets a brand’s audience and demographic thresholds, you can sell ads on your show via preroll, midroll, or postroll advertisements directly to the brand based on a cost determined by both parties, which is usually represented on a CPM (cost per 1,000 downloads) model. These ads are usually product endorsements, direct response, and host-read. 2 Through an agency: Podcast advertising agencies operate either as an intermediary or broker for the brand, or as a marketplace. For example, agencies like Veritone One , Ad Results, or Havas Edge represent clients like LinkedIn , Noemie, and Embark. These agencies will vet the podcast and associated talent, and will plan a large, cohesive campaign on behalf of their clients. They have a very particular and specific way of purchasing ads, and usually plan quarterly. There are also podcast marketplaces such as Advertisecast that allow podcasters to list their shows and inventory for brands to browse and select. 3 Programmatic: One of the fastest growing segments in the podcast advertising marketplace is programmatic advertising, which you may recognize as non host-read ads that appear in podcasts. Brands will usually purchase programmatic space using audience demographics as opposed to selecting specific shows and genres. Some of the players in this field include Megaphone’s Targeted Marketplace , Art19, and Acast.

What is programmatic advertising?

Programmatic: One of the fastest growing segments in the podcast advertising marketplace is programmatic advertising, which you may recognize as non host-read ads that appear in podcasts. Brands will usually purchase programmatic space using audience demographics as opposed to selecting specific shows and genres.

Who is Jeff Umbro?

Answer by Jeff Umbro, Founder and CEO of the Podglomerate, on Quora: Whenever someone asks me how a podcast can be monetized, I go back to a 2014 tweet storm from Andreessen Horowitz cofounder Marc Andreessen. You can find a pretty version of that rant here, but Marc was very optimistic about where media was headed, ...

Is there a subscription for podcasts?

Subscriptions: Podcast subscriptions have sprung up in a few different forms in recent years, but are by no means new. It’s a simple enough concept – if you put your podcast behind a paywall, you’re typically transitioning from a free, ad-supported podcast to a subscription based service.

Why do people tune in to podcasts?

Remember, your audience tune in because your podcast aligns with their interests. And that is exactly the way any podcasts pay their guests – by matching them with an audience that is already interested in what they have to say! If your podcast is about running, there is little place for someone talking about new cars.

Why is exposure important for podcasts?

Exposure is a great social currency and a great way podcasts pay their guests. Having a guest on your blog tells your audience two things: You trust this person enough to allow them on the podcast. Whatever this person is selling or promoting is relevant to them. The second point is more critical than people think.

Why is it important to be a podcaster?

More viewers = more opportunities for you to grow in the future. Every podcaster has the end goal of turning their hobby/dream into a profitable job , maybe even full time. Doing so requires forward-thinking and a lot of planning.

What happens if you choose your guest right?

If you choose your guest right, they are doing you a favor. You do not know everything . Your guest, on the other hand, may know something you don’t and can teach you and your audience . Everyone wins, but more importantly, you provided value you wouldn’t have with just yourself.

What to do if you don't receive a response?

Not everyone is eager to continue working collaboratively. If you do not receive a response, it might be best to move on to another opportunity. It is much better to show interest and leave the option to them than to flood their inbox and have them block you.

What is the second point of podcasting?

The second point is more critical than people think. As a podcaster, you spend your time building an audience on a certain topic, hobby, or skill. No matter how you look at it, your audience follows you for one of those reasons. This means that your guest is going to receive exposure to a targeted group of people.

Do podcasts run on interviews?

In a sense, they are correct. A lot of podcasts run on the format of interviews. Bringing different people from each field on to talk about a given topic. On the flip side, there is the other spectrum of podcasters that podcast as a hobby (before going full time with a show ).

Are You Hobby or Business?

Before I dive in, though, let’s look at the target, because I know two different groups will be reading this.

What You Need to Start a Podcast

Let’s start out with what you need. What are the components of podcasting? This covers the parts you’ll need, and the types of people that would jump in at each level. Once we’ve covered this, we’ll reach the actual costs in the next section.

What is Podcasting Going to Cost?

We’ve now covered the different situations, and I hope you identified yourself in there somewhere. Many people start with the bare minimum and move their way down the list, even ending up with a fully produced show. Others jump in at the high-quality level and stay there forever. Whatever you choose, let’s see how much it’s going to cost.

Summing Up: Choose Your Own Context

I hope that’s given you a good idea of the costs involved in podcasting. I hope it’s also given you a good idea of where you are on the scale, and therefore what you need to consider getting started.

12 Proven Ways for Monetizing a Podcast

There are more ways that podcasts can make money than you might think. Dive into the options below to learn how you can make money as a new or experienced podcaster.

How Much Money Do Podcasts Make?

The amount of money that you can potentially make through podcasting depends on several factors.

When Should I Monetize My Podcast?

One of the biggest questions people have about monetizing their podcast is whether or not it's too early to monetize. Some podcasters wait until they get 50,000 downloads per month before they put ads in their show, while some start selling merchandise at 5,000 downloads per month.

Most Popular Podcast Advertising and Sponsor Networks

Implementing advertisements into your podcast can be one of the easiest ways for you to earn some money. Once you finalize a deal with a sponsor, you can start raking in the dough!

How To Increase Your Podcast Audience and Listenership

There are many ways to help increase the number of listeners your podcast receives. And of course, the more consistently your listeners tune in, the better the chance to monetize them.

How Do Podcasts Make Money FAQ

Here are the most frequently asked questions about making money with podcasts.

Understanding How Much Podcasters Make

Now you know how podcasts can make money. There are many ways that podcasters can generate revenue, and the choice is yours on which method (s) to pursue. The more popular your podcast becomes, the more likely people will donate or sponsor your content. So keep up the excellent work!

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