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dont die podcast

by Ewell Oberbrunner Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Episode One Hundred Ninety One

Chuk has a hernia operation and oh boy, using Narcan needs to be explained, grateful to be here, suicide and depression and being able to talk through it, coping skills, relationships, dad stuff and more shout outs

Episode One Hundred Ninety

Oh man is this a special treat! Chris Handsone from Thelonious Monster gives us the real poop on what happened back our using days, his album with Nate Pottker, Fragments d’histoire actuelle, he finally watched "Bob and the Monster" and lots of stories we don't remember.

Episode One Hundred Eighty Nine

Bob, Chuk and Mike talk health care, Chuk goes in for his third hernia operation, the wind storms in Claremont, Bobs trip to Home depot, RV adventures, the story about when Dr. Drew brings Bob into counseling

200 Favorites

Want proof of life after death? Your loved ones may be physically gone but they still exist and you will see them again...your pets don't die either. Each episode of We Don't Die you'll hear the experiences of men and women, and why they believe life after death is REAL and why your life on earth is important.

370 Stephen Simon - Producer of film "What Dreams May Come" & Author of "What Dreams Have Come"

https://www.wedontdie.com/ Film Producer of many films including What Dreams May Come, Somewhere in Time and Conversations with God, Stephen Simon has a love for sharing thought-provoking and live-impacting messages.

369 Michael Tymn - A Journalist's Many Books on the Afterlife

https://www.wedontdie.com/ Journalist Michael Tymn has contributed more than 2000 articles to 50 newspapers, magazines, journals and books for over 70 years…mostly in the sports arena…but listen to the titles of some of the books he’s written: “The Articulate Dead," "The Afterlife Revealed," "Transcending the Titanic,” "Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife,” “Dead Men Talking - Afterlife Communication from World War I” and his latest book “No One Really Dies: 25....

368 Elizabeth, Irene & Craig from HelpingParentsHeal.org on "Life to Afterlife" Book

Three guests today one episode! We have Elizabeth, Irene and Craig who have created a collaborative book called "Life to Afterlife - Helping Parents Heal," The Book https://amzn.to/3pAj5fP In November 2019, Craig McMahon released the first documentary in his Life to Afterlife Spirituality Series, "Mom, Can You Hear Me?" The documentary reached a circle far wider than any anticipated.

367 Dorry Rice - A Very Wise Medium with a Giant Heart

https://www.wedontdie.com/ I've known Dorry Rice since we started doing online Medium classes 18 months ago. She's always been a kind and caring soul. However, today I got to find out who she is. She has a passion as a medium to represent loved ones in the afterlife and clearly wants to make a difference to those still living our human lives.

366 - Tania Berg, host of Life Continuing Podcast

What a treat to interview the interviewer! Meet Tania Berg, host of the podcast LIFE CONTINUING: Conversations that explore consciousness, healing and infinite existence.

365 Into the Woods with Sandra - The Afterlife & the Power of Your Soul - Celebration Episode!

Turkey #5 is fine and well. This is a special celebration episode full of good things.

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