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down the rabbit hole podcast

by Brock Heidenreich MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

DtSR Episode 486 - SBOM in the Real World

SBoM ("Software Bill of Materials") is the new rage. Everyone's talking about it. What it means is you're expecting a list of software components and includes, libraries, etc that make up the software you're buying or using.

DtSR Episode 484 - Defrauding Mobile Payments

Have you ever made a payment from your mobile device, wirelessly using NFC? Of course you have, most of us have by now. Did you know there are some (or at least were) fairly significant design flaws, otherwise known as "features", in the various platforms? On this show, we're interested in learning more about...

Next Live Show, Click for Details

February 12, 2022 5-6PM EST Negative thoughtforms can be incredibly destructive and debilitating, but they can also be transformed into powerful allies through the process of alchemy. It’s not always easy to know how to deal with our inner demons, especially when they seem so powerful. In this sponsor workshop, Andrieh Vitimus and Zachary Lui...

This Season's Podcasts So far

February 12, 2022 5-6PM EST Negative thoughtforms can be incredibly destructive and debilitating, but they can also be transformed into powerful allies through the process of alchemy. It’s not...

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