Podcast FAQ

dr james white podcast

by Howard Grimes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is James White on revealed apologetics?

James R. White joins Eli Ayala on Revealed Apologetics to discuss his debate/discussion with Dr. William Lane Craig on the topic of Calvinism, Molinism, and the Problem of Evil.

How many books has James White written?

He has authored or contributed to more than twenty four books, including The King James Only... James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Where can I find more of Dr White’s debates?

Our Youtube channel also provides videos of most of the debates that Dr. White has done over the years. Take some time and browse it to see if there is something there of interest to you.

Did James White debate Shabir Ally?

On November 13, 2019, James White debated Shabir Ally at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, GA on the topic Tawhid or Trinity: Is God One or Three Divine Persons? I hurry to finish my response to the article published by Dr. Shabir Ally shortly after our debate at the University of Pretoria in South Africa in early October.

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Live Video Stream

The Dividing Line is on YouTube video. Our Youtube channel also provides videos of most of the debates that Dr. White has done over the years. Take some time and browse it to see if there is something there of interest to you.

The Podcast

The audio archive has been moved to Sermon Audio. There is no live audio only feed available at this time.


Dr. White welcomes your calls during the “Dividing Line” broadcast at: (602) 973-4602 (Metro Phoenix) 1-877-753-3341 (Toll Free) Please keep in mind that each show has its own context so we take calls when Dr. White announces that he is opening the phone lines.


The entire archive of past shows is now on Sermon Audio. You can access them here.

Who is James White?

James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is a professor, having taught Greek, New Testament Textual Criticism, Church history, and various topics in the field ...

Who is John Shelby Spong?

He is an accomplished debater, having engaged in more than one-hundred fifty moderated, public debates around the world with leading proponents of Roman Catholicism, Islam, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Mormonism, as well as with critics such as Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, and John Shelby Spong.

Tim Staples and the Marian Dogmas

After some brief comments about some of the insanity in the world at the start, focused the rest of the hour upon the comments made by Tim Staples on yesterday’s Catholic Answers Live program where he talked about Mary and her role as co-redemptrix. Important stuff during this 500th anniversary of...

The Glorious Logic of Sola Ecclesia

Few topics illustrate the circularity of Roman logic than the Marian dogmas. The more honest Roman Catholic writers admit that when you boil it all down, the Marian dogmas are to be believed because you accept Rome’s authority, nothing more. “We are the true church, we have apostolic authority,...

Top Ten Reasons NOT to Join the Roman Catholic Church

Last week I received the following e-mail, and I felt it would be best to share my response here on the blog. Dear Mr. White, For someone considering converting to Catholicism, what questions would you put to them in order to dicern whether or not they have examined their...

The Audio for the Marian Dogmas Debate has been Posted

Recorded on May 15, 2017 in London: Do the Catholic Church’s Teachings on Mary Constitute Authentic Christian Doctrine? James White debates Peter D. Williams at the London Oratory in St. Wilfrid’s Hall.

Refuting the Shallow Arguments of Zakir Naik

As most of you know, Zakir Naik is a wildly popular Islamic speaker in the mode of Ahmed Deedat. Unfortunately, Naik knows better than to debate those who can demonstrate his errors. Which is why he remains so popular, it seems! But he cannot hide his many falsehoods. David...

Zakir Naik Illustrates the Dual Face of Islam When in the Public Square

Very interesting contrast from Zakir Naik’s own mouth (again illustrating why Naik refuses to debate those who could expose his arguments).

Response to Dr. Shabir Ally, Part IV (Conclusion)

I hurry to finish my response to the article published by Dr. Shabir Ally shortly after our debate at the University of Pretoria in South Africa in early October. This is the fourth, and thankfully, final portion of my response. Dr. Ally continued: James was clearly in a bind....

Who is the author of Flex Diet Certification?

Feel like you’ve tried every diet in the book and nothing seems to work? Then you don’t want to miss out on this interview with Dr. Mike T. Nelson – research fanatic who specializes in metabolic flexibility and heart rate variability, online trainer, professor, and creator of the “Flex Diet Certification” – as he explains how you can start increasing your metabolism today. Dr. Mike T. Nelson breaks down what metabolic flexibility is and how to simplify your diet needs. He also dives into the benefits of fasting, how to properly work up to a fasting schedule, and who fasting is best for. You don’t want to miss out on this informative interview with knowledgeable Dr. Mike T. Nelson.

Who is Samantha Peszek?

Olympian, Samantha Peszek, shares her journey with confidence and self-talk through her Gymnastics Career. As a high-level and young athlete, specifically, the beam event in gymnastics presented several obstacles that Samantha had to overcome through confidence and the support of others around her. Touching base on how she coaches through burnout in athletes, Samantha shares her insights on how she preaches goal setting and helps athletes deal with perfectionism in sport. Speaking to the illusion of being perfect, she discusses how skills formed through sport are transferrable to other aspects of life and career pathways, sharing her story with reporting. Learn more about Samantha’s coaching and how she addressed the mental obstacles in Gymnastics.

What does Malek emphasize in her book?

Malek emphasizes the significance of rapport and her ultimate goals of creating a brain-safe environment for all “athletes of life.”. She re-iterates how vital it is to explore novelty and optimal sensation in your body. In her eyes, the brain directs the value and success of your physical therapy.

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