Podcast FAQ

drunks and dragons podcast

by Tyrique Wiza I Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who are the actors in the drunks and Dragons podcast?

The cast of Drunks and Dragons includes Nika Howard (Nika_Howard), Jennifer Cheek (jennifercheek), Tim Lanning (timlanning), Mike Bachmann (themikebachmann), and your Dungeon Master: Michael DiMauro (thriftynerd). There are very real costs associated with keeping our podcast going.

Is there a 5th edition D&D Podcast?

About Greetings, Adventurers! Greetings adventurers! Thank you so much for taking time to visit the Greetings, Adventurers! (previously Drunks and Dragons) Patreon page. We have had the pleasure of creating our 5th Edition D&D actual play podcast for years now, and while we absolutely love creating it, we could use your help.

Is there a D&D Podcast on Patreon?

Greetings adventurers! Thank you so much for taking time to visit the Greetings, Adventurers! (previously Drunks and Dragons) Patreon page. We have had the pleasure of creating our 5th Edition D&D actual play podcast for years now, and while we absolutely love creating it, we could use your help.

Is there a second campaign for drunks&Dragons?

Welcome to our prologue episode for our brand new Second Campaign! Wow, 9 years ago none of us would have ever dreamed that that Drunks & Dragons would last this long. We have met so many awesome people along our journey and hope to meet many more down the road (geeklycon soon please!).


Who is the Tum's player?

And in the fact that Tum's player's name is Tim and the first episodes are fun. Steven Strom lampshades this at one point by pointing out that there are two Michaels on the podcast, though one goes by Mike and the other is often referred to by his twitter handle 'Thrifty' or ' Thrifty Nerd .'.

Does Blooddrinker spill his own blood?

As detailed under Combat Sadomasochist, he even enjoys spilling his own blood and mechanically benefits from being bloodied. Jaela, and to a lesser extent Titus Harper and Rowan often enjoy their own carnage too.

Where is Aludra Wyrmsbane from?

Aludra’s full name is Aludra Wyrmsbane and she hails from a family of dwarven miners somewhere in the Razortooth Mountains. Aludra always wanted to be an adventurer but her parents forced her into the mining business. On an expedition with her brother Alandar Wyrmsbane they accidentaly broke into The Crypt of Sinu the Red. The entire expedition was slaughtered except for Aludra and she took this chance to run off and be the adventurer she always wanted to be. An undetermined amount of time after this she was picked up in Caer by Thokas and brought to Shadowspar Keep.

Who broke into Sinu the Red?

On an expedition with her brother Alandar Wyrmsbane they accidentaly broke into The Crypt of Sinu the Red. The entire expedition was slaughtered except for Aludra and she took this chance to run off and be the adventurer she always wanted to be.

Who plays Thom in Drunks and Dragons?

Drunks and Dragons Cast. Thom’s full name is Thom Vidalis. Played by Mike Bachmann Thom the Dragonborn is a half-assed demon-spawn warlord with a tenacious lust for battle, always ready to throw around his intimidate score at a moment’s notice.

Who is Harper's father?

Harper’s backstory is often hinted at in angsty brooding but very little is known. We know that his father is Lord Anthony Harper and that he is from Pelor’s Hope. Harper has mentioned he has a mother so it’s totally canon forever now. Harper is also quick to remind everybody that he is known as “The Blazing Hand” but then refuses to explain what that means. Harper tried to escape his oft mentioned dark past by becoming a simple boatman.

Who is the master of Dungeons and Dragons?

Michael DiMauro – The Dungeon Master. Michael was also drawn to Dungeons and Dragons, even as a small boy growing up in rural New Jersey. Michael and his best friend would pour over manuals filled with monsters and handbooks filled with players.

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