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effectively wild podcast

by Reta Stark Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is effectively wild?

We're Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley, the hosts of Effectively Wild, a year-round podcast about baseball that blends analysis and silliness and publishes new episodes three times a week.

When did effectively wild become a podcast?

The podcast debuted on July 28, 2012, and ran five days a week all year long before transitioning to its current three-times-a-week format in summer 2016. For more details, see History of Effectively Wild.

What are some of the best baseball podcasts?

Effectively Wild: A FanGraphs Baseball Podcast on Apple Podcasts Ben Lindbergh (The Ringer), Meg Rowley (FanGraphs), and an array of guests talk about baseball with an analytical bent, covering a mix of timely topics from the serious to the absurd a few times per week.

What is effectively Wild episode 1785?

Effectively Wild Episode 1785: What is This, a Cooperstown Episode? Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley banter about how baseball writers are coping with the lockout, revisit the burst of spending that preceded its start, and marvel at the wide variety of Hall of Fame ballots that have surfaced so far.


Effectively Wild Episode 1813: The Stanky Draft

Inspired by the loophole-exposing chicanery of former player and manager Eddie “The Brat” Stanky, Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley draft 19 MLB rule changes that were solely or largely precipitated by one player, manager, coach, or owner.

Effectively Wild Episode 1812: The Metaverse of Madness

Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley banter about Ben’s embarrassing use of a definite article, the latest non-developments in the MLB-MLBPA CBA discussions, the career and retirement of Ryan Zimmerman, a rejected extension offer to the new Nationals franchise player, Juan Soto, a digital recreation of Truist Park and what “the metaverse” means, the outcome of […].

Effectively Wild Episode 1811: How Will the Lockout End?

Ben Lindbergh, Meg Rowley, and Baseball Prospectus editor-in-chief Craig Goldstein discuss the owners’ latest CBA counterproposal, why analyzing Competitive Balance Tax surcharges isn’t exactly riveting, where the owners and players are still furthest apart, why the deadlock is about money—and not even that much money—more so than structural change, MLB’s argument for not paying minor […].

Effectively Wild Episode 1810: The Biggest Bargaining Misconceptions

Ben Lindbergh, Meg Rowley, and Joe Sheehan of the Joe Sheehan Baseball Newsletter discuss MLB’s approach to promoting sports betting and concerns about the integrity of games, then go over some of the most common misconceptions and flawed arguments about MLB labor relations, economics, and competitive balance (plus a postscript about listener nominations for potential […].

Effectively Wild Episode 1809: How Harmful Would a Longer Lockout Be?

Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley banter about baseball equivalents of a stat about the New York Nets’ former big three, review Rob Manfred’s comments to the press about the labor situation (with an emphasis on his assertion about MLB teams being bad investments), Stat Blast (29:05) about players who batted at the bottom of the […]

Effectively Wild Episode 1808: The Multisport Player Draft

Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley follow up on or banter about minor league free agent draftee reportedly Matt Shoemaker departing for the NPB, raising kids to root for one franchise, precedents for out-of-nowhere sports video game cover models, players nominated by listeners for the nickname “Three-and-Two,” the possible effects of MLB suspending drug testing during […].

Effectively Wild Episode 1807: The Principle of the Thing

Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley banter about the latest lockout stalemate and how to decide where to lay blame, a changing of the umpirial guard in which Joe West (finally) leaves and John Libka enters, and whether there could be an MLB equivalent of the NFL’s current tanking scandal, then answer listener emails about watching […]

Effectively Wild Episode 1813: The Stanky Draft

Inspired by the loophole-exposing chicanery of former player and manager Eddie “The Brat” Stanky, Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley draft 19 MLB rule changes that were solely or largely precipitated by one player, manager, coach, or owner.

Effectively Wild Episode 1812: The Metaverse of Madness

Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley banter about Ben’s embarrassing use of a definite article, the latest non-developments in the MLB-MLBPA CBA discussions, the career and retirement of Ryan Zimmerman, a rejected extension offer to the new Nationals franchise player, Juan Soto, a digital recreation of Truist Park and what “the metaverse” means, the outcome of the Erik Kay trial, MLB aiming to downsize the minor leagues more, a baseball rule proposal known as “The Scramble,” and a listener email about what an eccentric billionaire would have to pay a player to retire..

Effectively Wild Episode 1811: How Will the Lockout End?

Ben Lindbergh, Meg Rowley, and Baseball Prospectus editor-in-chief Craig Goldstein discuss the owners’ latest CBA counterproposal, why analyzing Competitive Balance Tax surcharges isn’t exactly riveting, where the owners and players are still furthest apart, why the deadlock is about money—and not even that much money—more so than structural change, MLB’s argument for not paying minor leaguers during spring training, ethical consumption under capitalism, daydreaming about a better-run MLB, how and why some media members misrepresent the negotiations, how and when the lockout will end, and more..

Effectively Wild Episode 1810: The Biggest Bargaining Misconceptions

Ben Lindbergh, Meg Rowley, and Joe Sheehan of the Joe Sheehan Baseball Newsletter discuss MLB’s approach to promoting sports betting and concerns about the integrity of games, then go over some of the most common misconceptions and flawed arguments about MLB labor relations, economics, and competitive balance (plus a postscript about listener nominations for potential MLB multisport players)..

Effectively Wild Episode 1809: How Harmful Would a Longer Lockout Be?

Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley banter about baseball equivalents of a stat about the New York Nets’ former big three, review Rob Manfred’s comments to the press about the labor situation (with an emphasis on his assertion about MLB teams being bad investments), Stat Blast (29:05) about players who batted at the bottom of the order after hitting 300-plus homers, and (45:15) talk to Kenyon College economics professor Jaret Treber about what his and other economists’ research has revealed about the impact that work stoppages have had on attendance and revenue in sports..

Effectively Wild Episode 1808: The Multisport Player Draft

Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley follow up on or banter about minor league free agent draftee reportedly Matt Shoemaker departing for the NPB, raising kids to root for one franchise, precedents for out-of-nowhere sports video game cover models, players nominated by listeners for the nickname “Three-and-Two,” the possible effects of MLB suspending drug testing during the lockout, and Mike Trout ’s endearing recent social media activity, then (39:00) draft the MLB players they would most want to see play specific other sports..

Effectively Wild Episode 1807: The Principle of the Thing

Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley banter about the latest lockout stalemate and how to decide where to lay blame, a changing of the umpirial guard in which Joe West (finally) leaves and John Libka enters, and whether there could be an MLB equivalent of the NFL’s current tanking scandal, then answer listener emails about watching baseball during the playoffs, whether to raise a child to root for the Yankees or Red Sox, the root of Hall of Fame culture, the criteria for becoming a baseball cover model, a foul-tip rule, and identifying MLB players without their identifying features, plus (1:11:54) Stat Blasts about home run trees, the modern equivalent of “Three-and-Two Jack” Graney, and whether MLB adheres to the Pareto Principle..

Ryan Webb Club

We will give you access to Discordantly Wild, the private Discord for Effectively Wild patreon supporters, plus a code for 50% off Sports Mogul games (including Baseball Mogul and Football Mogul).

Willians Astudillo Club

In addition to all of the lower-tier rewards, we will thank you by name on an episode and give you access to monthly, Patreon-exclusive AMA podcast episodes.

Ned Garver Club

In addition to all of the lower-tier rewards, we'll give you early access to any episodes we upload in advance of their public posting times, plus access to two Patreon-exclusive livestreams in which we'll provide real-time commentary for two MLB postseason games.

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