Podcast FAQ

elizabeth april podcast

by Mrs. Ludie Runolfsson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is Elizabeth April doing each week?

Each week EA dives into topics like The Matrix, Simultaneous Time, Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Spirit Guides, Aliens, Awakening, The Mandela Effect and more! Channelling straight from the Universe, Elizabeth April is here to help increase the planet’s vibration by spreading Truth, Knowledge and Awakening.

What does EA do on her podcast?

Each week on her podcast and YouTube channel, EA dives into topics like the matrix, simultaneous time, consciousness, quantum physics, spirit guides, aliens, awakening, the mandela effect and much more. EA has been featured on Vice, Bustle, and Gaia TV to name a few, and has spoken at world-renown conferences across North America.

What is Elizabeth April’s stance on hate?

Elizabeth April does not condone or promote any acts of violence, hate speech, racist remarks, or any other divisive teachings. EA promotes free will and will never engage in discrimination against any group.


Are We Ever ALONE? with Elizabeth April

Being at a different vibration than the people around you can be isolating, scary and lonely... but are we ever truly alone?

Downloading From Source

We are all psychic, we can all tap into the infinite information the Youniverse has to offer! here are some insights to help you through that process!!

Psychosis, Starseeds, & Psychic Attack Navigation

This is an important one, especially for anyone who has even seriously suffered in the past, this may explain why. As always, thank you for being here, keep up the good work and stay neutral!

Starseeds are FLUID

Screw labels... we are all FLUID! Let's talk about what that means. Remember, you are not just a linear being, you are a multidimensional one!!

Identity Freedom with Elizabeth April

It's now 2022 and it's time to send off the old identities... or in fact, all identities. No longer are we being served by labeling ourselves into just one category. Break free and step into UNITY!

Money, Sex & Religion

How did humanity get so corrupt? Let's take a look at some of the biggest and most damaging systems we have surrounding us.

The Fear of Death with Elizabeth April

The greatest fear humans have is the fear of losing it all, but do we really lose it all? Why do we have the fear of death and how can we overcome it?

Who is Elizabeth April?

Elizabeth April is a committed Galactic Federation channeller and paradigm shifter who is here to making this world a better place by bringing people togethe... Elizabeth April is a committed Galactic Federation channeller and paradigm shifter who is here to making this world a better place by bringing people together in unity.

Does Elizabeth April promote hate speech?

Everything in her videos is channeled straight from the source... the Universal source that is. Elizabeth April does not condone or promote any acts of violence, hate speech, racist remarks, or any other divisive teachings. EA promotes free will and will never engage in discrimination against any group.

What if I told you that with some practice, you could truly be the Creator of your own reality?

You are here for a reason, and what you are seeking is connected to your soul’s purpose. There is something in your life that moves you forward. All you have to do is take that first step… are you ready?

Curated Monthly Content

It doesn’t matter if you are a Seeker , Awakener or Creator Elizabeth April has loaded the Cosmic Society with curated videos, blogs, podcasts, and audio diving into topics like: Spiritual Awakening, Energy Work, Quantum Theories, DNA Activations, Aliens & so much more!!

Monthly Awakener & Creator LIVE Coaching Call

Every month EA hosts an emotional one-hour zoom call. Elizabeth will intuitively choose who needs to come on and be read. Because of Elizabeth April’s diverse talents, many topics can and usually do get covered within that call.

Monthly Awakener & Creator LIVE Q&A Sessions

The Sunday Q&A’s are officially switching over to members only! This means that on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month EA will hop on zoom live to answer your biggest questions! Without censorship, EA can go ever deeper with the information she channels and provides!

Creator Monthly Meditation

A Creators Exclusive ONLY!! Every month EA will record a monthly guided meditation based on the frequencies of that month! These meditations are anywhere from 15-45 minutes in length and will help you integrate the frequencies of your upgrades!

Social Club Access

Join our amazing private Social Club community to connect with like-minded people, find support and feel inspired.

Creators Extras

Each month the Creators of the Cosmic Society get access to exclusive content and entered into a draw to win a 30-Minute session with Elizabeth April!!

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