Taylor Tureskis - Week Of February 07, 2022
Taylor Jules Tureskis (IG: @ transcend_with_tay ), HHH basement hun and neighborhood cat ~~thief~~ borrower, has caused so much cringe that she now has her own thread.
Ashlie Molstad - Week Of February 07, 2022
Former corporate climbe r non-day drinker and serial dieter disordered eating vanity-obsessed person turned mostly full-time body positive wellness and life coach instagram train wreck.
Super Trainer Snark! - Week Of February 07, 2022
This is where you come to snark on the super trainers: Autumn Calabrese, Joel Freeman, Jericho McMatthews, Shaun T, Amoila Cesar, Sagi Kalev and Ilana Muhlstein.
The Rust Shooting Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Check out our sponsors!Use code LawNerd to get 20% off and Free Shipping https://www.manscaped.comHead to https://policygenius.com/LAWNERD to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. On October 21, 2021, Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins...
Influencer Brittany Dawn sued by Texas
Former fitness influencer Brittany Dawn is being sued by Texas for alleged deceptive trade practices over an online training and nutrition program she sold starting in 2014. By 2019 the media started reporting on wide reaching consumer complaints and Dawn issued a now...
Prince Andrew Answers Virginia Giuffre Lawsuit
After the court denied Prince Andrews Motion to Dismiss his legal team filed their answer to the complaint and the case is moving forward into discovery. The answer is pretty standard continuing general denials, very very few admissions, and the assertions of...