Podcast FAQ

emily nestor podcast

by Mazie Berge Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is Emily Nestor doing now?

Emily Nestor has continued to release podcasts, publicly disparaged Jaleayah's family members, and support local commentators defending her right to do so. You could argue free speach - and we will argue ethics in journalism and criminal justice.

Will Emily Nestor continue reporting on jaleayah's death?

Since the disintegration of Kim Davis' and Emily Nestor's working and personal relationship on Emily's podcast Mile Marker 181, the mother of Jaleayah Davis has made it clear she does NOT want Emily Nestor to continue "reporting" on Jaleayah's death or the circumstances that surrounded it.

Who is Emily Gyngell?

Emily grew up in Parkersburg, W.Va. to the soundtracks of Forensic Files and medical stories as her parents worked on the psych unit and as a security guard at the local hospital. While most kids shied away from the missing, the injured and the murdered, Emily leaned in closer.


Where is Emily Nestor from?

This is your host Emily Nestor. Emily grew up in Parkersburg, W.Va. to the soundtracks of Forensic Files and medical stories as her parents worked on the psych unit and as a security guard at the local hospital. While most kids shied away from the missing, the injured and the murdered, Emily leaned in closer.

Where is Emily Nestor Mile Marker 181?

Emily Nestor, Mile Marker 181. Sitting in a local coffee house in Parkersburg, she comes prepared for her job. She sets out her microphone, laptop, cell phone and then, finally, a binder full of case information that is nearly as large as she is. She pushes her glasses up as she pores over the binder, noting case information ...

What did Emily do at 13?

At 13, Emily followed in Olivia’s footsteps as she helped solve a case at the local library where a man was exposing himself to young girls. “I was in the public library where a man exposed himself to me.

When was Emily Davis killed?

Emily was in Germany on November 19, 2011. Listeners of the podcast know the importance of that date. That is the night Jaleayah Davis was killed as her car struck a guardrail and she was ejected from her vehicle. The controversy surrounding the case has left it open for discussion by many locals.

Does Emily have a wall in her home?

To accomplish this, Emily has a wall in her home dedicated to the podcast where she organizes and posts new ideas for episodes. Unfortunately, the content of the case can weigh on Emily as she still manages a full-time job, a husband and two dogs along with creating and promoting the podcast.

The Next Call with David Ridgen: anyone listening to it ?

This is a new podcast by David Ridgen of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Ridgen is also behind the epic Someone knows Something podcast. The first two episodes cover the case of the disappearance of Melanie Ethier in 1996. I just started listening to this podcast and there are only 2 episodes. In true Ridgen fashion, this podcast is great.

New Hidden Gem podcast - The Life and Death of Dammion Heard

I've binged this podcast over the last two days and I would highly recommend it! It's a really fantastic podcast and a fascinating case, exploring the suspicious death of college freshman Dammion Heard. I find Claire St. Amant to be very enduring as a host and she comes across really professional as an investigative journalist.

Podcasts for responsible consumers of true crime

I’m autistic. I often don’t pick up on social norms or ques. I’m inviting you guys to please share the podcasts you know of that cover cases in a responsible and respectful manner, the ones that don’t, and ELI5 why they’re good or bad.

Final days on earth - really enjoying this

For anyone who enjoys an investigative podcast focusing on one case per season I recommend final days on earth, I am half way through listening to it and thought I would check to see comments and it doesn’t appear to have many ratings so I think it could do with someone to shed abit of light on the case as I feel it is lacking acknowledgment and appreciation it deserves along with the well known podcasts we all enjoy….

Ethics in true crime, how can we do it right?

Hi all! Apologies in advance if there are other posts like this. I've been wanting to start a podcast for years and recently started getting serious about it. I've followed Morbid and Crime Junkie from the beginning and have been witness to the problematic and exploitative side of this genre that has emerged.

Clear and easy-to-understand shows

For me, as someone who’s hard of hearing, it can be a struggle to listen to many podcasts due to poor audio quality, too many background sound effects that make it hard to pick up a host’s voice (hearing aids don’t actually provide normal hearing), and accents that are hard to decipher — not a host’s fault there, but still an issue for me.

Camp Hell: Anneewakee - all 12 episodes are out if you want to binge an amazing and important podcast

I know some people mentioned they were waiting until all episodes were out to listen & wanted to recommend this pod again to urge everyone who can listen to do so.

Dateline podcast rocks, their ads are the worst lol

Love the Dateline podcasts they get me through a lot of late shifts. Keith Morrison is a rockstar!

Jensen & Holes - Opinions? Search for Responsible Crime Journalism

Hey folks. Glad to have found this sub. You all seem like a really thoughtful and conscientious bunch! I was wondering what your thoughts on Jensen & Holes are.

Which do you prefer? Podcast episodes that cover cases you know well, new cases or both?

I have always been curious about this. Now that I produce a True Crime podcast myself, I thought I would figure out the answer by seeing how many tuned in to the more well-known cases as opposed to the newer, lesser-known ones, but I'm still not convinced.

The Night Driver

Only just got round to listening to The Night Driver, I thought it was brilliant, Hedley does a great job as he did with Teacher’s Pet. I’d love to know any of your conclusions after listening to the pod?

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