Podcast FAQ

facebook page for podcast

by Cortney Effertz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

On Facebook, hit ‘Create’ to start creating a dedicated page for your podcast. Ideally, use your podcast’s title as the name of the page (or as close as possible) so your audience can easily connect the two. Next, add artwork for your profile image and cover photo.

Full Answer

How to add your podcast to Facebook?

To add your podcast to your Facebook Page from desktop:

  • Select your Page and access podcasts from Page Settings in classic view or from Manage Your Page in the new Pages experience.
  • In either view, click Podcasts.
  • Click the Add podcast button.
  • Enter your Spreaker RSS feed and click Add. ...

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Can you put podcasts on Facebook?

You can’t promote a podcast on Facebook with a personal account so step one is creating a dedicated Facebook page for your show. Visit your News Feed and click the link in the left column. Then follow Facebook’s steps until your page is complete. On Facebook, hit ‘Create’ to start creating a dedicated page for your podcast.

What is the best free podcast?

Rundown of the show:

  • Top 25 players that might work for the Steelers in free agency
  • First 25 players (out of 50 I’m keen to see) to watch at the Combine with 324 players invited.
  • Player profile - Chad Muma out of Wyoming

How to find and subscribe to podcasts?

How to follow podcasts on iPhone or iPad

  • Open the Podcasts app.
  • Browse or search for a show. Need help finding the shows that you like?
  • Tap the show to see its information page.
  • Tap the Follow button .


Get Started With Facebook Page Podcasts

Before you add your podcast to your Facebook Page, it needs to be hosted by a podcast host with at least one published episode, so that you have an RSS link for your podcast which you’ll need in a moment. If you haven’t already set up your podcast elsewhere, start with this guide, then come back once you’re ready.

Facebook Podcast Clips

One other cool feature I need to mention is that you and your audience can easily create and share clips from your podcasts!

Why Facebook?

While Facebook doesn't necessarily have the best reputation, with 2.23 billion monthly active users it remains the largest social media platform out there. As one of the oldest modern social platforms out there, Facebook has some unique features that allow you to better connect with your fans.

How to Add Your Podcast to Facebook

You can't import your podcast to Facebook without a business page — your content needs somewhere to go, and your audience needs to be able to find it.

Promoting Your Podcast on Facebook

Facebook is a great way to promote your podcast if you know what you're doing. Whether you want to use ads or organic engagement, there isn't a “one size fits all” approach. That said, there are a few things that everyone could do:

So, What Are You Waiting For?

There are a lot of podcast listeners, and they're an engaged group of people. A study found that podcast listeners were more likely to engage with the latest episode than TV viewers (#SorryNetflix). Facebook is a great way to help make that happen.

How to promote a podcast?

In order to promote your podcast, you need viewers to stop, read and absorb what you’re trying to communicate, and then take the appropriate response, whether that’s listening to your next episode on their platform of choice, signing up for your newsletter, or entering your giveaway, for example.

How does podcasting work?

The true magic of podcasting happens when that connection between a podcast host and the listeners is cemented and one way to make those relationships happen is to find ways to turn the one-way conversation of podcasting into a dialogue and so really engage with your audience.

What is audiograms in podcasts?

You can also try your hand at video content, or experiment with audiograms. Audiograms are little snippets of audio taken from podcast episodes and can be a fantastic way to share teasers from an upcoming episode and getting viewers chomping at the bit to subscribe to your show.

What is the most important thing to remember when creating your Facebook content?

The most important thing to remember when creating your Facebook content is to ensure that it is eye-catching and appealing, that it’s in line with your show’s personality and your overall brand, an, is of the highest quality.

Why is diversity important on Facebook?

One of the biggest reasons why diverse Facebook content is important is because it keeps people interested in what you have to offer.

Does Facebook do podcasts?

From images and photos, videos of basically any length and audiograms, as well as text-based posts, Facebook does it all , and it means that there are endless possibilities when it comes to creative ways to use the platform to promote your podcast.

Is Facebook a good place to promote your show?

And while knowing that Facebook is a great place for you to promote your amazing show is one thing, what you really need are some workable strategies to help make your presence on the platform one that gets your show noticed and helps to grow your audience effectively. And you’re in luck!

How to promote a podcast on Facebook?

Step 1: Set Up A Facebook Page From Your Personal Account. You can’t promote a podcast on Facebook with a personal account so step one is creating a dedicated Facebook page for your show. Visit your News Feed and click the link in the left column. Then follow Facebook’s steps until your page is complete.

How to organize Facebook posts?

To organize your Facebook posts, you’ll need a content calendar. Like your podcast content editorial calendar, your Facebook calendar maps out what you’ll publish over time so you always have something to post. If you publish to multiple social media sites, it’s smart to fold them all into the same calendar.

What is Facebook 2020?

Facebook is a diverse platform, perfect for sharing different kinds of content like images, video, gifs, and text-based posts. More recently, the popularity of Facebook groups has added to the list of reasons why the channel is a key pillar to any social media promotional strategy.

How to increase engagement on Facebook?

The best way to garner and increase engagement on Facebook is to consistently post content. Establishing a content calendar is the best way to get organize and give yourself the best shot at regularly updating the page with fresh posts. Your goal is to publish content that compels your audience to interact.

How many times a day do people check Facebook?

On average, Facebook users spend 35 minutes per day on the platform. That’s usually not in one sitting, however. Most people check Facebook an average of eight times per day, a few minutes each time. Given the impressive size of the community, Facebook is a key channel to grow your fan base.

Does Dave Ramsey have a podcast?

The Dave Ramsey Show takes a video recording of all their episodes to promote a podcast on Facebook. In some cases, they publish the entire episode on Facebook. The Dave Ramsey Show posts full length videos of their podcast recordings.

Why do podcasts go live on Facebook?

Going live with a podcast guest on Facebook is a great way for your listeners to get to know you and your personality better. A different kind of bond is created when you can hear and see the person speaking and how they interact with their guests.

How long should a video be on Facebook?

It is said that you have 3-5 seconds to visually capture your audience’s attention and videos between 15-30 seconds perform the best on Facebook so think about your video watch time from previously posted videos and decide on how you can incorporate a portion of it into an ad.

What is Facebook group?

Facebook groups are not only a great space to create and nurture a community but they can be used in a variety of different ways: To promote recent podcast episodes, Brainstorm new ideas for future podcast episodes. Kristi often asks the community what is it that people want to hear on upcoming episodes and;

Can you share Spreaker podcasts on Facebook?

You can find the Facebook share buttons on your podcast and episodes’ pages, in the Spreaker apps and CMS.

Does Facebook have automatic podcast promotion?

Automatic podcast promotion on FB. It is important to note here that Facebook is soft launching this feature. This means that it will be available at the moment only in the US with some selected podcasts. However, they promise they will roll it out to other podcasts in the future.

Add your podcast to Facebook in settings

Even if you don’t get the Facebook notification you can now also add your podcast through an RSS feed in Facebook settings. Simply go to settings, click on podcast and then add the feed and verify it.

Podcasts on Facebook: Adding the page tab

Simply go to the top of your page and click on the tabs settings and “more” and then add the podcast tab. You can also move it around to have it in a more prominent position if you like.

How podcasts on Facebook look

Here’s how podcasts display on Facebook and play natively once it’s all setup. The podcast tab now shows up on the mobile app but not yet on desktop and the iPhone app for me. That’s pretty common as many networks roll things out in phases.

Podcast notifications to your Facebook followe rs

Once set up, Facebook notifies your followers that a new episode is available. Here’s how that looks in my notification tab.

Can every Facebook page add a podcast?

That’s a good question and I checked in some other pages that I have access to and they all can add it through settings as explained above.

Step 2

Search for your Podcast Page and click on it. Look for the menu on the left-hand side. You should be able to see the menu ‘Podcasts’ under ‘News Feed’.

Step 4

Once you add your RSS code, you’ll receive a message stating that the email associated with your podcast account has received an email with the confirmation code. You’ll need that code to finalize publishing your Podcast on Facebook, so make sure that you have access to that email once you start this process.

Step 5

YAY, confirmation that your podcast is now available and that every time you publish a new episode, your community will see it!

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