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finding your passion podcast

by Garrick Strosin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The 7 Best Podcasts for Finding Your Passion

  1. Happier with Gretchen Rubin. In this crazy, convoluted journey to figuring out what you’re meant to do in your...
  2. Invisibilia. On the road to self-discovery, it’s easy to succumb to negative thoughts. NPR’s Invisibilia examines all...
  3. TED Radio Hour. Informational interviews seemed to be the key to self-discovery. ...

Oprah says, “Find your passion!” Sheryl says, “Lean in!”
With thousands of podcasts to choose from, we've narrowed it down to seven that cover great advice on self-discovery.
  1. Happier with Gretchen Rubin. ...
  2. Invisibilia. ...
  3. TED Radio Hour. ...
  4. Working. ...
  5. The School of Greatness. ...
  6. The Good Life Project. ...
  7. A Leg Up.
Jan 4, 2016

Full Answer

How do I find myself on a podcast?

Finding Yourself is a podcast show that helps you reconnect with your inner self and stand tall with your crown straightened even in trying times. We take you through the journey of finding your spark again in every aspect of your life while maintaining a good mental health and positive vibes.

How do I discover my true passion?

How to Find Your Passion1 Brainstorm the activities you find fulfilling and meaningful.2 Write down values that are important to you.3 Consider your talents.4 Look for common themes in your interests.5 Narrow down your interests.6 Rekindle a childhood passion.7 Explore the things you've always wanted to try.More items...

How do I find my passion for purpose?

How to find purpose in life: 12 tipsDevelop a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset is linked to having a sense of purpose. ... Create a personal vision statement. ... Give back. ... Practice gratitude. ... Turn your pain into purpose. ... Explore your passions. ... Be part of a community. ... Spend time with people who inspire you.More items...•

How do you find your passion and interest in life?

How to Find Your PassionLook for high points in your day.Pay attention to what you spend your time and money on.Consider topics you love to teach or talk about with others.Think about your strengths.Take the elements apart.Explore career paths.

What to do when you're struggling to find your passion?

If you can't find a way to be passionate about your current job, try some subtle shifts, either in what you do or where you do it, that could move you into a happier direction. Also, remember that your career doesn't have to fulfill all of your needs. You can develop passions outside the office. Start a family.

How do I find a career I love?

How to Find a Career You LoveTake inventory of your skillsets and abilities. Identify the skills you possess and consider how you might apply your soft and hard skills in different fields. ... Consult others about potential career fields. ... Gain valuable experience. ... Be flexible in your search. ... Build a network.

How do I find out my interests?

5 Ways to Find Your PassionSlow Down. This may sound counterintuitive, but you need to slow down and get off the treadmill in order to find your passion. ... Be Your Own Life Detective. ... Give Yourself Permission to Explore. ... Reach Out to People. ... Stay Open and Flexible.

How do I find my life path?

Finding Your Life's Purpose: 6 Steps To Your Personal Path To...Step 1: Get into the right frame of mind for contemplation. ... Step 2: Answer these 6 “get-to-know-me” questions. ... Step 3: Reflect on your responses. ... Step 4: Identify, and accept, the fundamentals of what you've uncovered.More items...

What is my life's purpose?

Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work.

What is your passion in life examples?

Here are specific examples an individual might practice to achieve personal growth:Identifying long-term and short-term goals.Reading and repeating positive affirmations.Prioritizing healthy eating and exercise habits.Reading self-help books.Learning a new skill.Practicing forgiveness of self and others.More items...

What is your passion in life answer?

You can say you're passionate about helping others. You've always been someone who's looked after others and wanted to help people, rather than just helping yourself. Then you'd go on to explain how Nursing seemed like the perfect career, given this passion of yours.

1. Happier with Gretchen Rubin

In this crazy, convoluted journey to figuring out what you’re meant to do in your career, sometimes you have to bring it back to the basics: What makes you happy? Are you happy crunching numbers? Writing poetry? Watching TV? Reading The Skimm? In this thought-provoking podcast, New York Times bestselling author Gretchen Rubin and her sister Elizabeth Craft offer advice about happiness and good habits..

2. Invisibilia

On the road to self-discovery, it’s easy to succumb to negative thoughts. NPR’s Invisibilia examines all those invisible forces, thoughts included, that shape who you are and the way you behave.

3. TED Radio Hour

On my path to job- and soul-searching, one of the first pieces of advice I received was “go talk to people.” Informational interviews seemed to be the key to self-discovery.

4. Working

Speaking of listening and informational interviews, there’s a podcast for that! Slate’s Working interviews Americans with interesting jobs about their day in the life.

5. The School of Greatness

What makes great, successful people so great and successful? What’s the formula here, and why hasn’t anyone filled me in? Never fear, former pro athlete Lewis Howes has all the answers. In The School of Greatness, Howes shares inspiring stories from “the most brilliant business minds, world class athletes and influential celebrities on the planet.”

6. The Good Life Project

For the inspirational junkie, meet The Good Life Project, a podcast filled with stories about finding meaning and purpose in life.

7. A Leg Up

You know that guy from freshman year English who (according to Facebook) is now in Cali trying to make it in Hollywood? Ever wondered what that life is like? Thanks to eighteen-year-old Adam Faze, now you won’t have to settle for Facebook stalking. A Leg Up is the podcast about making it in Hollywood hosted by a kid trying to make it in Hollywood.

Exercises we recommend in this podcast

1. What subject do you love so much that if you were in a restaurant and people at the next table over were talking about this subject you would interrupt their conversation in order to talk about it with them?

Things we reference in this podcast

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Episode 51–Find Your Passion

We often hear people talk about wanting to ‘find their passion’, but how do you really make that happen?

More About Gale Horton Gay

Gale Horton Gay is currently the lifestyle editor of The Champion Newspaper and is a contributing editor for the U.S. Black Engineer & Information Technology Magazine and Women of Color Magazine.

Daddy Makes Walking Fun

This story emphasizes the bond between a little girl and dad despite the fact that they don’t have a car like many other families. Although other children sometimes tease her, the little girl in the story realizes there are benefits to walking everywhere with her dad and that they have a special and close relationship.

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