Podcast FAQ

francais facile podcast

by Prof. Estevan Hagenes V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Leçon 7b

https://www.podcastfrancaisfacile.com/debutantmp3/lecon7b.mp3 Bonjour et bienvenue sur podcastfrancaisfacile.com pour débutant. Leçon7b. Écoutez et répétez. Cet exercice permet d'apprendre comment situer des objets. - Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la table ? Il [Voir la suite...]

Lecon 6b : adjectifs de couleur

https://www.podcastfrancaisfacile.com/wp-content/uploads/files/lecon6b.mp3 Modèle 1 : Il y a un sac vert. Le sac est vert. Il y a des sacs verts. Les sacs sont verts. Il y a une chaussure verte. [Voir la suite...]

Leçon 6a

https://www.podcastfrancaisfacile.com/wp-content/uploads/files/lecon6a.mp3 Exercice 1 Où sont les cahiers? Ils sont sur la table. Où sont les lampes? Elles sont sur la table. Où sont les chats? Ils sont sur le lit. [Voir la suite...]

What is the French Voices podcast?

In the French Voices Podcast, Jessica helps you improve your listening comprehension through interviews with French speakers. You’ll hear from authors, planetary scientists, bird watchers, and more in natural French conversation.

Who are the voices on the French podcast?

Learn French by Podcast. Hugh and Amélie, two of the main voices in the podcast, are experienced French teachers. Though Hugh is not a native French speaker, his experience with the language shows in the structure of the episodes and clear explanations.

What is the podcast "Emotions" about?

Émotions by Louie Média is a popular podcast that explores both the scientific explanations and human experience of emotions. Through interviews with medical experts and powerful first-hand accounts, you’ll learn about what motivates human behaviour while improving your French at the same time. Whether it be shame, frustration, or gratitude, Émotions will take you on a powerful journey through the inner workings of the human experience.

What is RCI podcast?

RCI produces a variety of podcasts in French. Most of them focus on the history of Canada, but others highlight Canadian-led projects, interview Canadians about current events, or introduce different topics that are at the forefront of Canadian media.

What is little talk in slow French?

Little Talk in Slow French may be helpful for upper-level beginners who want a little extra support to transition into immersive French podcasts. The narrator speaks mostly in French, but she will provide several translations into English for tricky words (though sometimes these translations seem a bit random). She speaks slowly and articulates clearly, covering a range of topics: cultural notes, language, history, film, and more.

What do you learn in Mihalis?

You’ll learn major grammar points and develop vocabulary and pronunciation. You’ll also hear the instructor, Mihalis, interact with a beginner student and correct their mistakes. The goal is to respond to prompts as if you yourself were the student.

Is Language Transfer a podcast?

Language Transfer. Language Transfer is not so much a podcast as an audio course, but it is an excellent resource for absolute beginners. It provides a series of introductory audio courses for several different languages — including French.

Learning podcasts

On this site you can find French podcasts about different topics that will help you learn the French language. The podcasts feature slowly-spoken French and language explanations, which is especially good for beginners. You can find numerous older podcasts in the archive.


This news magazine contains a huge selection of podcasts with reports and commentary on current topics. The individual podcasts can also be downloaded to listen offline.

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